Military Brass To Fall On Their Swords To Cover Obama's Inept Afghan War Making?

Started by Warph, October 10, 2009, 02:44:11 AM

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your quote from the general about the bomb is from 2002.  That means Bush had 6 years to use it and didn't.  I like how you ignore that fact and immediately try to jump on Obama.  Look who's politicizing the war now.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Diane Amberg

I suspect that if anyone can verify where he ( Bin Laden), is our military will do whatever is necessary to take him out. They sure don't have to tell me about it, just do it. It becomes complicated if he is in Pakistan.


I don't believe the war is about Bin Laden or Al Queda.  Bush was planning an invasion before 9/11 and refused 2 offers from the Taliban to work out a deal for Bin Laden.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


I hadn't heard this theory before.  I find it intriguing.  Could you provide some sort of documentation for this thought?  I would like to know if what you say is "word."

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


There were two instances in which the Taliban tried to Give Bin laden up.  The first time, The taliban wanted to allow the American government to try Osama Bin Laden in an Arghani court.  This was understandibly rejected by Bush and i don't fault him for that.

Here's a link to the article.

A few days after that offer was rejected, the Taliban offered Bin Laden up on a silver platter if the military would stop the bombing.  This offer was also rejected, although I'm not really sure why.  Here's the link

If you go back to Operation Desert Storm, it was the same deal.  Bush 41 demanded Sadam Hussein leave kuwait, and eventually, his army did try to leave, but instead of keeping our end, we blew the crap out of their retreating military anyway. 

In my humble opinion, the goal is not Bin laden, we could have had him several times.  As i mentioned, there was a 60 minutes report that was based on a series of articles from the Christian Science Moniter.  The story outlines how Bin Laden was allowed to escape by the military.  Here is the link...
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


I forgot to give links for the US planning to attack Afghanistan before 9/11 happened, here goes...

Furthermore, the 9/11 commission report said that on 9/10/2001, Bush had already made the decision to remove the Taliban from government.

Paul O'neal and Dick Clark, two former Bush cabinet members have also said the same thing, and it's been reported on CBS.  Yes, i'm a big fan of 60 minutes.

Here is an article from March 2001 from one of my favorite news sources.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Information is a good thing.

I know there is probably somebody who will say this makes me some kind of ignorant brain-washed blah blah blah but I watch the BBC world news alot because they report on things I never hear on US news.

Diane Amberg

Same here Pam. I find it very interesting to hear other countries' reporters opinions on things that we rarely hear about here. We used to listen to news from around the world on radio but have changed to TV in recent years.


 Back when we had satellite before they got the phone line run in here so we could get cable thru it I even watched the arab news shows on it just to see what their side of the story was. I truly believe in gettin as much of ALL sides of a story before I go off half-cocked like chicken little :P


Let me also add that Clinton had several chances at Bin Laden as well, pre 9/11 of course.  He didn't take him out either, although he later claimed that he had the desire to do so.

I can only make guesses as to why.

"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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