Opening, again, a can of worms . . .

Started by Mom70x7, October 04, 2009, 12:04:17 PM

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The reason I ask is because I have a buddy from Sweetwater, Tx that says about all business's down that way have a sign saying no CC and seem to have busy body piss ants that have nothing better to do than try to "spot" a concealed weapon and turn the violator in. You got a bulge in your pants pocket and the law gets a call. You open your purse and beady little eyeballs try to look to see if there might be a pistol showing.


Quote from: jarhead on October 07, 2009, 09:00:13 AM
The reason I ask is because I have a buddy from Sweetwater, Tx that says about all business's down that way have a sign saying no CC and seem to have busy body piss ants that have nothing better to do than try to "spot" a concealed weapon and turn the violator in. You got a bulge in your pants pocket and the law gets a call. You open your purse and beady little eyeballs try to look to see if there might be a pistol showing.

you know that would depend on what the law says.  First of all, carrying a concealed weapon with a permit, makes the businesses complaint a civil matter and not a criminal matter, secondly, If i carried into a business with a FFL permit, i would shut em down fast when the law would come and say they couldn't do a thing about it.   Jarhead you have a ffl don't you?  I know my sons do and they can carry through airports and into any government building so that would give them permission to carry into any business just like a cop has.  It also allows my sons to buy any gun they wish in any state without being a resident and it has to be honored in all 50 states.

I keep telling my kids, all i want for christmas is a kool handgun.  .50 cal would be nice >:)
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Heres my next dream purchase!!

Only 14,995.00

need to add this
Leupold Mark 4, 8.5-25x50mm LR/T, M1, Illuminated Reticle

And this is the handgun i want!!

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I don't know what ffl stands for so I must not have one. Whisper to me what it is cause I don't want people to know I'm a moron .:)


Quote from: jarhead on October 07, 2009, 08:04:59 AM
What is the fine / jail time for getting caught with a concealed wepon and no permit vs having a CC permit but getting caught in a business that has a sign saying no CC ?

This is a good question; anyone have an actual answer?

Also, what's the point in getting a CC license if you're only going to carry into any store you want to, whether they have a sign up or not?  Why follow the law in the first place and get a CC if you're not going to follow the law and are going to carry into all stores, anyway? 


Quote from: Tobina+1 on October 07, 2009, 12:41:23 PM
Quote from: jarhead on October 07, 2009, 08:04:59 AM
What is the fine / jail time for getting caught with a concealed wepon and no permit vs having a CC permit but getting caught in a business that has a sign saying no CC ?

This is a good question; anyone have an actual answer?

Also, what's the point in getting a CC license if you're only going to carry into any store you want to, whether they have a sign up or not?  Why follow the law in the first place and get a CC if you're not going to follow the law and are going to carry into all stores, anyway? 
Well personally I consider my safety more important.  Secondly, i don't need a permit to do that, according to the constitution.  Third why would i permit myself alerting the government that i have a gun so they can come take it away if they decide to disarm us.  doesn't make a whole lot of sense now does it. 
And last of all, No one is going to know if i am carrying unless some dumb criminal decides to try and hurt me or someone else and i drop him DRT.  IF it comes to that, i would rather be alive and tried by 12 than to be carried by 6
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I kinda  understand and somewhat agree with Steve.. but it is just easier all the way around if have your CCW....
as far as the no gun sign? Unless it is government property... I usually carry in.. ( this is where I agree with Steve.. ) no one knows it is on me and no one will know.. unless some idiot tries to hurt me or my family... Then I will deal with the sign thing after the fact.. But no way will I be in an area that gives free advertisement to the bad guys that everyone in there is unarmed so therefore easy targets.. Not gonna happen.. I may be blond..but I'm not totally stupid..
(((not one comment from the peanut gallery either   ;D ;D)))

Now.... this might be an overkill on information:

The answer depends on mostly 3 things:
1 Where (state/city)
2 If the gun is legal and you are entitled to own it
3 The circumstances (a school, a bar, drunk, or in your front yard investigating a noise)
Generally, CCW with a legal weapon is a misdemeanor (THIS VARIES FROM STATE TO STATE) aggravating circumstances may apply. Generally, I figure your odds of getting caught with the gun by a cop are about equal to or a little higher than having to use it.

Some of your nasty states on gun laws ( like California) are different.: ( I have friends who live there and its a nightmare on many levels..  )
Conceal Carrying with no CCW  depends on whether or not the hand gun is registered to you.
If it is...then its a misdemeanor... normally just a fine ...but with it comes the penalty that you can't buy a gun for 5 years.
You can get 30 days in jail, but that's pretty rare.

If its not registered to you........ its a felony ~~ 6 months minimum..

Getting caught in a business with a posted sign will generally get you nothing.... unless you refuse to leave.
Then... the police are called..and  you're not really going to have a good day.  Even if you have a CCW or are an LEO.  You could lose your CCW ( in a lot of counties, you would get it yanked) as well as being charged with disturbing the peace.( maybe more,)

But like I said... Carry laws vary from state to state and also within the state itself.....Big city vs small town USA and intent.

The actual laws on the books:

• Drawing or exhibiting a firearm or other deadly weapon with the intentional
infliction of serious bodily injury. (Penal Code  417.6.)
• Bringing into or possessing firearms upon or within public or private schools,
playgrounds and youth centers. (Penal Code  626.9.)
• Willful infliction of corporal injury of a spouse or cohabitant. (Penal Code  273.5.)
• Willful violation of a court order to prevent domestic violence. (Penal Code

• Stalking. (Penal Code  646.9.)
• Carrying a loaded firearm with the intent to commit a felony. (Penal Code 12023.)
• Driver or owner of any vehicle who knowingly permits another person to discharge a firearm
from the vehicle or any person who willfully and maliciously discharges a firearm from a motor
vehicle. (Penal Code  12034
• Criminal possession of a firearm. (Penal Code  12040.)
• Selling a concealable firearm to a minor. (Penal Code  12072.)
• Possessing handgun ammunition designed to penetrate metal or armor. (Penal Code 12320.)
• Carrying a concealed or loaded firearm or other deadly weapon or wearing a peace
officer uniform while picketing, carrying a concealed loaded weapon, or wearing a peace officer
uniform. (Penal Code  12590.)
• Possession of a firearm by a person ineligible to possess firearms because of his or
her mental history. (Welfare and Institutions Code  8100).
• Providing a firearm or deadly weapon to a person who is prohibited from possessing firearms
because of his or her mental history. (Welfare and Institutions Code  8101).
• Possession of a firearm by a person ineligible to possess firearms because of specific mental prohibitions. (Welfare and Institutions Code  8103)
• Bringing or sending firearms or other contraband into a juvenile detention facility.
(Welfare and Institutions Code  871.5)
• Bringing or sending firearms or other contraband into youth authority institutions.
(Welfare and Institutions Code  1001.5.)
• Violating Penal Code section 12072 involving sales and transfers of firearms,including:
• Threatening to cause death or great bodily injury to another person. (Penal Code 422)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Cheyenne on October 08, 2009, 05:25:28 PM
While were on the topic.... how does everybody feel about children and gun (bb guns and toy guns). My 4 year old shoots a bb gun with lots of supervision and plays with toy guns. He shoots cans and monsters and invisible dinosaurs and wolfs. I personally believe that children should be educated about guns. He knows that if he does not use it properly that it can hurt somebody very bad. I think that when you tell children that they cant touch guns that it builds curriousity and no education. Thats where you get the idiot bad asses that end up shooting their friends while theyre showing off daddys gun. What is everybody elses oppion?
Give em a bb gun as soon as they can pick it up and aim it, and teach em how to shoot
let them learn as often as they can.  Teach them the rules you have for using high powered rifles.
IF he breaks a rule, stop him and go over the rules.  After a while you can let him run off in the woods and let him learn. 
when their like around 8 or so, teach em to shoot a .22 and get proficient with it, and watch him til he's around 12 or 13.  Then if he shows responsibility let him go off in the pasture an woods with it and hunt.
Shotgun comes next when he can physically shoot it.
handguns can be used with appropriate caliber from 8 years old and up with supervision.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I actually kinda agree with Steve.

When i have kids, I do plan on teaching them everything I can to help them survive in the world we are going to leave them with.  Knowing the proper use of a firearm is one of those skills.  It should also be noted that importance should be placed on the responsibility of using firearms.

That doesn't mean i'm in favor of everyone being able to just run down to the store and buy a handgun.  Some of you have never been to Oakland, I live about 8 miles south and we have much of the same problems they do.  There would be total anarchy in the streets if it were that easy to purchase and carry a gun.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Actually just give everyone a gun.  it will make society politer!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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