Political payback”: Michelle on Obama’s Chicago Olympics cronyism

Started by Warph, September 30, 2009, 03:27:17 PM

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 A fine illustration of the answer she's given to critics of her book: No, it's not that Obama and his inner circle are any more corrupt than other political chieftains, merely that they're not any less corrupt, contrary to what the Hopenchange mythos would have you believe. That said, I politely disagree with my beloved boss's assessment of The One's "warped priorities" in making the trip tomorrow. As I said before, if the IOC cornered him on this, he has no choice politically. And it's not as if he's neglecting any duties on Afghanistan; he held a three-hour national-security meeting on the war just this afternoon. Plus, the left used to forever complain about Bush heading off to Crawford, as if to imply that he wouldn't have a phone or a video teleconference hook-up just in case something somewhere went to hell; The One will be similarly appropriately outfitted on Air Force One, I'm sure. He's getting on a plane, making a speech, then coming home — unless, per Bill Kristol's prediction, he heads off for an impromptu Afghanistan visit first. What's the big deal, really?

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I almost wish Obama lost just so i wouldn't have to see/hear all the crying whining nitpicking and bitching.  Screw the issues right?  Lets complain more about Mrs Obama's outfits, thats really productive.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Diane Amberg

Why shouldn't Chicago have a chance at the Olympics? If not the President and wife, who should go to represent us? The rest of the world is impressed when a President supports his country like that. After all the Olympics is a world event. Other Presidents, Kings and Queens are going, why not ours?


Who would you rather have to go to represent the United States?  Who do you think would be more effective?  Why shouldn't our country be just as well represented as other countries are?


Warph, I love reading your posts and absorb a lot of information from them.  However, you stated that the LA Olympics was a money losing proposition,----------------alas not true.  Peter Uberoth was in charge of the Olympics in LA and did an outstanding job.  LA has a crime problem similar to any big city, but I don't remember there being a problem during the Olympics.  In fact, the spirit of the games brought the city together for a brief period of time.

From Wikipedia:  Despite the stigma that the Olympics required going into significant debt, Los Angeles successfully hosted the Olympics without any debt. In fact, its Olympic committee ended up with a profit that was in part used to establish and endow the Amateur Athletic Foundation to promote youth sports in Southern California and maintain a Sports Library. The 1984 Summer Olympics are often considered the most financially successful modern Olympics.

Keep on keeping on, tho, because I love to read your posts.


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

Thanks Larry. I remember the '84 La. Olympics very well. A lot was made of the fact they had sponsors for everything and did not lose money. They were very proud of that.


In my memory of that time, the olympic torch passed through West Covina, a few miles to the south of us, around 8 or 9 PM one night on its way to the Colliseum.   My kids were 10 and 7 at the time and even they realized the significance of the event. 

The whole thing was handled beautifully.  As there were many venues, traffic was rerouted around them and moved smoothly.  In fact, traffic moved better than normal.  There were some inconveniences, but it was only for a week or so. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Why Chicago?  Were there other US cities in the running?  Has a city in Canada ever hosted the Olympics?

I think it does say a lot that our President is supporting the US bid for the Olympics.  What would it say if he didn't?  Yes, hard financial times should weigh on the trip plans (maybe not the most expensive hotel, or cut out additional wining and dining while he's there), but I think there would be more distress if we saw him NOT supporting the US (again).

The Olympics are a time-honored tradition of pulling countries together in peace.  It doesn't matter who hosts it; just as long as the tradition is continued.

P.S.  If I was younger, I'd book my $99-each-way ticket to Chicago now and stand in line for tickets to the Olympics!  What a neat experience that would be!

Diane Amberg

Yes, Canada has hosted the Olympics. I remember when it was in Montreal. We have had the torch come right through here and I got to cheer it past us. Had some friends who ran a distance with it.


I believe Calgary hosted the 1988 winter olympics, also.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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