Nurses and Scientists Refuse Swine Flu Vaccine

Started by Teresa, September 30, 2009, 11:51:06 AM

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Glenn Beck posed this question to his listeners the other day, "If gov't agents showed up at your house and said either take the shot or be quarantined either in your home or at a federal institution, either take the shot or get on the bus.  What would you do?"
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Varmit; What did they say?  What was the majority opinion?

I heard on the news the other night that they said the H1N1 shot is made the same way the flu shot is.  I don't think that means there are any high amounts of dangerous products in them.  My OB doctor highly recommended me getting the regular flu shot (2 weeks away from delivery), and since Mercury is VERY dangerous to unborn children, I don't think she'd recommend something that would harm me or my baby.  I did ask her about getting the H1N1 shot, and she said it wouldn't be available until after the baby is born, so she wasn't too concerned with it.

I know someone said it on here earlier (I think), that they're not even testing for H1N1 anymore, so what does it matter?  Plus, even with the regular flu shot, you might still get the flu anyway.  I think it's good preventative action (regular flu shot), especially for high-risk people.  I guess the next question you could ask is... what is the lesser of 2 evils... getting the flu shot or taking OTC meds in excess to get rid of the flu?

I think my biggest gripe about people and the flu... any type... is that if you're SICK... STAY HOME!  There'd be a lot less flu problems and a lot less new strains if people followed that simple advice.  (Then the gov't wouldn't have to round you up and quarantine you!)


Don't stay home.    Hey, Hey, Hey....I don't go around telling people not to id their cattle....A good flu is a good thing.   A nice sneeze among friends is a bonding experience.  It takes a sneeze to make a pandemic, but a pandemic makes a entire fleet of truck payments.


Get out of here, Pep.  Just because you introduce your wife as the "drug dealer", doesn't make you the expert on flu.   :P
I'm sure there are many other ills that your wife deals drugs for that will keep the truck fleet financed.  Next you know, you'll be promoting UNsafe sex so that she gets a hit on selling pre-natal vitamins...    :-X   ;D

Diane Amberg

Ok, after all the discussion, I've read everything I could get my hands on about the swine flu vaccine and talked to a lot of people. Apparently the main concern is about the nasal mist form of the vaccine that will be coming out early. Apparently it will be a live virus form, rather than the dead virus that the injection will be. I'd be very concerned about the live virus form unless a doctor said someone needed it for some reason. I will not take the live virus but will take the injection, mainly because I've had pneumonia several times and tend to get secondary infections. Please decide with your Doctor, not Glen Beck or anyone else who has a time slot to fill.


Since Ted was immuno suppressed, his doctors did not want him to be around anyone who had taken the nasal mist immunization. However I understand that certain people who have egg allergies do well with the nasal mist. Now this is the regular flu shot, and may not apply with the H1N1 immunization. It makes me wonder how safe it is to be around the folks who receive the nasal mist for H1N1? How long do they shed live virus?

Diane Amberg

That is a good question. I don't know, but I will try to find out.


Quote from: Tobina+1 on October 02, 2009, 02:32:22 PM
Varmit; What did they say?  What was the majority opinion?

Most said that they wouldn't take it.  For lots of different reasons, the most common were that the vaccine was too new and untested, that it contained unsafe products (mercury and such), and some said that it was a matter of principle.  They believed that the gov't has no right to force a person to take an immunization.

Personally, I wouldn't go with either option.  I will not take the swine flu or any other flu shot.  And I will not be quarantined in my home or any other place.  If the gov't does do something this stupid then they had better make themselves a vaccine for lead and steel.  Because that is exactly what they will be getting if they try to drag me and my family from our home, or keep us locked up in it.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

I've been told there will be Thimerosol free vaccines available. Ask your Doctor.


In 2005-2006 flu season I got my son who was then 6 months old the flu shot. Because of his age he could only get 1/2 of it at a time and when it came time to get the 2nd half they were out but said that the part he got would still offer the same protection. That was the year that they had a few babies die from the flu. I woke up at 3am to my crying baby who was running 104 temperature and rushed him to the hospital. He tested positive for influenza A. I stayed up with him for a week strait fighting the fever and just trying to make my baby feel better. My husband who had also gotten a flu shot and had the flu a week later. I did not get anything and did not get the flu. I think its kind of like flipping a coin to see if you are going to get the flu or not. I have never had my children get a flu shot again because I feel if they are going to get it anyhow then I am not going to subject them to a needle unnessesarily. I know that everbody is different and reacts differently but this was my experience and we will not be getting the H1N1 vaccine either.

On a side not there is a teacher in Emporia who had one of her students who wasn't feeling well. She asked what was wrong and the student replied " I think I have the H2O flu!" LOL

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