Convince Me

Started by sixdogsmom, September 29, 2009, 02:07:57 PM

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Quote from: pepelect on October 13, 2009, 02:20:56 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 13, 2009, 02:12:11 PM
If the Elk County residents plan to run the census workers off with a shot gun, you still won't know your population or the age of the residents.

That is only one guy. ................. The census workers are more of a season hunt.  County assessors are shoot on site.

Is there a bag limit?  Do you have to tag their ankle?  Can we put a radio collar on them so we could track 'em?

pepelect no because that wouldn't be sporting! 

They are easy enough to spot anyway just look at the vehicle behind the big cement truck.


Patryn, if you are really interested in voting in Elk County, call the county clerk and ask her about registration requirements.  Her number is 374-2490.  And anyone else, especially Elk County residents, if you are not registered, please consider doing so and voting.  Pep says you have to Oct. 19 to get registered.


Quick question, part of the Elk county schools is in Severy which is Greenwood county, so I am curious, those that live in Piedmont, does their tax money go to Eureka schools or Howard schools since Piedmont kids go to Howard schools?  And if they do, can they vote on the school deal even if they live in Greenwood county? 


If you live in the 282 school district, no matter which of the three counties (EK, CQ, GW)you live in, you can vote on the bond issue.    If you look on your tax statement it will say which district you are taxed in.  If you look on a district map you can tell where the district boundaries are.  The have nothing to do with city or county lines. The town of Piedmont is in Eureka's district as is Grenola in Central.



One more question...:D

Are the people that own land in Elk County allowed to vote on this if they do not have a residence in this county, but live else where? 

Sorry for all the questions.  I have people asking me and I don't know the answers.  LOL


Landowner/non-landowner, it doesn't matter.  You have to have legal residency within the boundaries of USD 282 and be registered to vote.  I own property within USD 282, but reside in NW Arkansas, so I will not be able to vote.  

If I could vote, I would vote for the bond issue as I believe it is the only logical and sensible thing that can be done to maintain USD 282 as a viable school district.  Trying to keep the status quo is no longer an option.  Neither is closing one grade school, and keeping the other open, as that would be like putting a band-aid on a deep stab wound and would result in infection and blood loss that will absolutely kill the district as a whole.


The reason I ask is some of my relatives own land out here, adjoining ours actually, but they actually live in Sedgwick county, but it still affects them and so that's why we were wondering if they could vote or not though they do not reside out here, but own land here and will be affected by it on their taxes.  I wasn't sure what to tell them. 

I am undecided in my vote.  ;)


Although the taxes affect us, we are residents of Oklahoma and cannot vote in Elk County.  I just hope the Elk County citizens who are eligible to vote will make sure they are registered and go to the voting polls!!!!!  Support your schools!!!!!!!

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