Life in the Oink Sector

Started by redcliffsw, September 25, 2009, 08:16:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

So the answer is to throw them all in Jail? How about investigating to see what happened? I thought that's why the report was filed. I didn't know you had personal knowledge of that case.


Billy, I don't understand what your discussion has to do with the topic?  Do you think government employees should be stripped of their rights as granted by the constitution? do you support red's insane argument?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Diane, whats to investigate?  That child was striped down to his underwear and placed in that room unobserved.  That is a clear violation of the law, so yes, through those responsible in jail.

Anmar, the topic, like many other threads, has switched focus.  As for state workers being stripped of their constitutional rights, the line the article that you are referencing was meant as sarcasm.  The author wasn't serious. 

As for it being reds argument, it was not.  Red has made two posts in this thread, one was the article itself, the other was in regards to public education.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: redcliffsw on September 26, 2009, 07:19:15 AM
"it's indoctrinators."
There's been news on this forum regarding the possibility
of building a new public school in West Elk.   Don't know
why would anyone would want to continue to support
a public school system?  It would be easy to vote "no"
on that.
Let me educate you:
There is no possibility of building a new school.  We already have a fine school.  A great school compared to any area school.  Our test scores are better with less funding and we have no debt.  We are putting education in front of local politics.  We are trying to maintain a great school system by building an efficient campus.  We are dealing with what we have been handed (lower enrollment district wide, lower county assessment, and budget shortages from state funding) to keep our educational standards higher than surrounding schools.  It might not be as easy but would be much better for the education of the students to vote "yes".


Maybe I'm a little dense today, but what does the building have to due with what is being taught inside it?  If the teachers are as good as you say they are then they should be able to teach just as well inside a quansant hut. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


We are spending over a half a million dollars a year on maintenance, repairs, busing, redundant staff, etc...

Picture our current grade school classrooms as similar to a cattle truck packed full of 20-31 kids.  Now remember we are losing state aid every year and for the next few years that funding stream will be stretched even thinner.  That means less staff, ie paras to assist the teachers.  So you have students packed in to small classrooms designed for teaching in the sixties trying to effectively use white boards and interactive computer based programs.  Most rooms have the required one receptacle but it is not on both ends of the class room. 
Wouldn't it make more sense to put those same students in a large well lit efficiently heated and cooled environment with abundant natural light.  The better the environment for learning the easier and faster the students learn. 

We currently do not see a funding stream available to maintain what we currently offer and that is not acceptable.  We should be spending money on new programs, better 21st century learning programs, multiple foreign language, vo-tech instruction, real life job skills, conflict resolution, and debate....

It is a question of what you are willing to give up.  If we don't try to save money by lowering operating cost then we have to start elimination of programs. 


My education came from a public school system.  I even learned the difference between "due" and "do" and "throw" and "through" (all though I'm at a loss as to how those two words are related).  We were taught to capitalize names and use punctuation such as "Red's" instead of "reds", etc.


pep, start your own thread. This is like spamming!  ;)

Diane Amberg

Thanks, Flo, I promised I wouldn't say anything about spelling anymore. I don't think some of them even try. I don't know why they seem so proud of it. I don't mean typos either, everyone does that from time to time.That's really an insult to some teacher somewhere who tried to teach" then and than", and correct apostrophe usage and so on. Even as adults some absolutely refuse to learn what they didn't learn earlier. Why? And they criticize the teachers in today's schools? No wonder other countries are supposed to be ahead of us. Even our adults refuse to learn anything new or fill in their own weak spots. I really don't get it. (Oink,Oink)


 8) 8) Diane, you are very welcome. :angel:  Someone said in their post something about why would be want to support public schools.  Did you notice I merely made a statement about getting my education in a public school.  The english language has many words that sound alike, but are spelled different and have completely different meanings.  They taught us the difference in the "public school" I went to.  Guess maybe in some private schools they don't teach that??? ( Uh Hummmmmm)   ;D ;D, get my drift, sir?

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