Life in the Oink Sector

Started by redcliffsw, September 25, 2009, 08:16:15 AM

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You are correct in that everyone remembers certain teachers, both good and bad.  I had a fourth grade teacher who I swear had it in for me.  I have always had rough looking hands and knuckles.  She used to interpret that as dirt and I had to wash my hands many times a day in her class and I can't remember her name.  My fifth grade teacher was Mrs. Davis, endeared to me because after school started the world series came on TV (small and black and white) and she was a big baseball fan, so we got to watch the series during her class.  I had one teacher who caught me getting revenge on the girl sitting in front of me for stepping on my foot.  I stabbed her with the eraser end of a pencil in the back and she ratted me out.  Only time I ever got spanked in school.  Yeah, they used to do that.  In High School, I had a physics teacher, Mr. Thurston, who really believed in me and I loved his class.  In college, I had a humanities (psychology) professor who told the class to go buy a lawn chair and sit on a corner.  He said we could learn more from watching people than we could in his class.  Just come back at the end of the quarter to get our grade.  Everyone has their own memories.  I did take typing and was very good at it.  I still make typos when posting.  I use the spell checker and then reread the post several times before posting.  Even then, I sometimes have to go back and modify after posting. 

So, to use improper English, ain't none of us gonna be perfect!

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Larry, one of my toughest teachers was your Aunt Emaline. She was strict, no nonsense and kept every kid involved in what was going on.


Yeah, she was tough and smart and terrific and I bet you really learned a lot.  If you recall the picture of the four Andrews sisters graduating from school, she was one them.  She was the oldest of the Andrews siblings.  If I can ever find it, she wrote me a letter after my Mom passed, recalling her memories of the family's life about the time my Mother was born.  If I do, I will post it in the "Good old Days" thread with W. Gray's kind permission.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Larry that would be great, I knew Buelah, Emaline, Maryellen and Bernadine. Fred and Buelah were really favorites of mine as a boy growing up in howard. I had lots of good visitsd with Fred and he gave me lots of good Philiosphy to grow on. I delivered their paper to.


Don't get me started on memories here.

Aunt Emaline and Uncle Pete lived on a farm southwest of town.  I can remember the house fairly clear, and I am sure my cousin will hopefully join in here and post his own memories, but I remember the stairway going to the bedroom upstairs as being incredibly steep.  I remember them having a party line phone.  I remember my cousins and I taking turns cranking the ice cream maker in the back yard of the house.  I remember Uncle Pete sitting on a swing in the yard after dinner and smoking a pipe.  I remember them moving to Polk Daniels lake where he was the caretaker.  He would take us fishing.

Smoking a pipe reminds me of Uncle Fred.  I think I was a little scared of him when I was young.  His chair in the living room was next to the front door and he would lay his pipe on the arm of the chair.  One day, my cousin and I went running through the front door and my hand accidently hit his pipe and scattered it all over the floor.  What a dirty look I got!

Aunt Mary Ellen was the most humorous of them all.  Always smiling and always joking around.  She and Uncle Buck (Lyman Snodderley) were a great match.  They must have kept each other in stitches all the time.  When we would go to Howard for a visit, it was grandmother's first and then down the street to Aunt Mary Ellens and over to Aunt Buelahs.  Aunt Bernadine, before she was injured, would come into town to see us.  Even after she was in a wheelchair someone would bring her to town.

See, I told you---------------Don't get me started.


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Getting back to the subject at hand, I followed the link to the link to the link, etc.  At no point, did I find a source or reference of her information.  I don't know of a state or federal employee that doesn't pay some taxes.  My wife, my daughter and my son-in-law all work for the state and pay taxes on their income.  There are some things like Social Security that they don't pay into, because they have union plans for retirement which eliminates the SS for them.  They will not collect SS on retirement.  Except in the case of my wife, who was employed elsewhere earlier and paid into the system and will collect a small amount when she retires. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 30, 2009, 09:52:45 AM
What is the matter with you people? On the one hand you say our education system stinks and then you say that  anything that can be understood should be acceptable.  OK, so 2+2 =5 gets an A because it's "close enough?" I'll tell ya who complains about the poor grammar and spelling...
           Varmit....your one teacher who apparently cussed in the classroom, should have known better What was he teaching?
That was in a public school class? Why weren't the parents in a uproar? And he was your hero? figures!

Whats the matter with YOU, Diane?  Ya'll get upset because someone doesn't capitalize a name or place or whatever, and then bite their head off like they are the most evil people on the planet.  Then when those same people make a comment about your typing or whatever you get offended. 

My "one teacher" was teaching American History.  Yes it was in a public school (hence the lower standard of teacher behavior).  The parents weren't in an uproar because half of them didn't know about it, the other half agreed with him.  I never said he was my "hero", I said he was my favorite teacher.  Get your facts straight.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Believe me you have never seen me up set...not even close. I have never complained about anyone correcting my typing.That is incorrect and you know it. I have made my case about that many times. I don't care who corrects my typing...get that straight. As I started to say and I don't know why it isn't in my post, it's the employers who howl about incorrect spelling and grammar. You don't have a prayer around here of getting and keeping a good job with poor grammar and poor spelling. I don't ever recall going off about misuse of capitals and I haven't tasted "head" in years. You are extremely good at exaggerating anything I say about anything, so have at it. You are holding me responsible for things others have said, but if that suits your purpose, have at it. Accuracy isn't your strong point. Besides why do you care? I'm not out there.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 02, 2009, 05:58:46 PM
and I haven't tasted "head" in years.

Um, i'm just a dumb Hillbilly from Kansas soooo, I don't understand this comment...Please enlighten me... :o

Mrs. Hillbilly




Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 02, 2009, 05:58:46 PM
Believe me you have never seen me up set...not even close. I have never complained about anyone correcting my typing.That is incorrect and you know it. I have made my case about that many times. I don't care who corrects my typing...get that straight.

I did get that straight, I said you got offended, I didn't say you complained. 

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 02, 2009, 05:58:46 PM
I don't ever recall going off about misuse of capitals and I haven't tasted "head" in years. You are extremely good at exaggerating anything I say about anything, so have at it. You are holding me responsible for things others have said, but if that suits your purpose, have at it. Accuracy isn't your strong point.

You're right Diane, you didn't go off about capitalization, that was Flo.  You took it to a another level and expanded on it. 

Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 29, 2009, 12:38:18 PM
Thanks, Flo, I promised I wouldn't say anything about spelling anymore. I don't think some of them even try. I don't know why they seem so proud of it. I don't mean typos either, everyone does that from time to time.That's really an insult to some teacher somewhere who tried to teach" then and than", and correct apostrophe usage and so on. Even as adults some absolutely refuse to learn what they didn't learn earlier. Why? And they criticize the teachers in today's schools? No wonder other countries are supposed to be ahead of us. Even our adults refuse to learn anything new or fill in their own weak spots. I really don't get it. (Oink,Oink)

...and I am the one that gets accused of being inaccurate..

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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