Another Democrat bill to screw Americans

Started by srkruzich, September 24, 2009, 09:11:46 AM

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Show me the posted rules, and I might agree. That comment was not said as an intrusion on the visit of a hallowed body by a dignitary. That comment was spoken as an honest expression of outrage to an undeserved remark by a very ignorant person, one who does not understand a citizen from an illegal, one who speaks from both sides of their mouth.  >:(


Well if that ain't the pot calling the kettle Barack! liars and ignorant people? how rude!




Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 26, 2009, 10:33:07 AM
Where do you see them? I didn't think Elk County would tolerate illegals. You don't hang them?

Gee, could it be that I included your name in my rebuttal because of the sarcasm you expressed in your post?  By the way, Hillbilly had an excellent question, who lied?

Sixdogs, could you please elaborate on who exactly here does not understand the difference between an illegal and a citizen, and how said person speaks from both sides of their mouth?

Pam, you are absolutely right, I didn't like your post, however that is your opinion and you are entitled to it.  The one thing about it that rubbed me the wrong way was your comparison of illegals to me.

Quote from: pamsback on September 26, 2009, 09:54:23 PM
The fact of the matter is they are NOT all criminals or gangbangers, MOST of them are just like you ,me, billy, or any OTHER person on the forum who just wants to support their family and are willin to do whatever job they can get to do it.

A huge difference between myself and the illegals that you speak of is that I am not breaking the law by working here.  I have a LEGAL right to work and live in this country seeing as how I am a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN.  

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Don't you know by now that others can blow things out of proportion, use sarcasm, call others they disgree with ignorant and all kinds of other things---but YOU are not allowed to voice your opinion without being jumped on. They are baiting you buddy.


Pam, I haven't jumped down anybodys throat, and am sorry you feel that way, but if thats the way you want to play it, fine.

Jarhead, I know, and too a fault I am a sucker for it every time.  However, in their "baiting" they expose their own ignorance and eventually their true colors.  There are some on here that complain from time to time about criminals and then go on to say things like "I don't care if they are illegal or not, so long as they are working.."  which says, to me anyway, that person has a total disregard and contempt for what America is. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: sixdogsmom on September 27, 2009, 08:13:14 PM
Show me the posted rules, and I might agree. That comment was not said as an intrusion on the visit of a hallowed body by a dignitary. That comment was spoken as an honest expression of outrage to an undeserved remark by a very ignorant person, one who does not understand a citizen from an illegal, one who speaks from both sides of their mouth.  >:(
A quote from Elk County's own Nancy Pelosi


Quote from: pamsback on September 28, 2009, 07:08:02 AM

 I do have a problem with which I mean MURderers,THIEVES, rapists, CHILD molesters, METH DEALERS, drug dealers period. A guy who comes across the border just for a better life now instead of six months or a year from now when it will be too late and won't matter anymore may be a criminal TECHnically but that's it.

Ok, technically child molestors murderers, thieves, rapists are criminals too.  Why are child molesters, murderers, thieves, rapists and ILLEGALS, criminals.  **HINT** They have one thing in common.   THEY BREAK THE LAW!!!!!
There is no gray area in that!

QuoteI will defend his right to do so because I would do the very same thing if I was in his shoes and so would YOU whether you will admit it or NOT.
WHAT RIGHT?  A illegal has no rights to work or live in this country!  To obtain those "Rights" you speak of you either are a citizen, OR you go through the LEGAL process and ask permission and get granted Permission to work or live in this country.   Outside of that they have no rights.  IF they want rights do it the Correct way.  

I find most of the human race and THEIR stupidity VERY tiresome...I find hate,predjudice, religious intolerance and all the OTHER wonderful habits of man very tiresome and irritating. I find terrorists tiresome, irritating and TOTally retarded in their thinking. I don't let that keep me from seein a man who just wants to give his kids a better life than he and their mom had in Mexico or wherever tho, who is so desperate he will risk jail or dying to get it for them. So rag me all you want,
First of all, no one is being predjudiced, or discrimination by requiring people to live by the rule of law.  That is what this country is founded on.  

Secondly i know you have said in the past that the white man is illegal and that the only ones who have any rights here are indians and the indians got screwed and it was white mans fault.  Poppycock.  The simple fact is the indians were too stupid to see the writing on the wall.
For one thing here was a land vast in resources that wasn't being utilized.  Secondly there was no land ownership so it was free to the taking for anyone that could hold it.  Third, They couldn't stop fighting amonst themselves between nations over petty territories and organize together amonst themselves to fight the soldiers.  When they weren't trying to kill off or backstab the few white men that were their friends they were taking on a superior force individually.  If they had all come together and fought as one they would have at least made it a stalemate and had a voice. 

I find it ironic and really funny that you have lamblasted the white man for how they took over.  The indians let a few ILLEGALS into the country now didn't they!  What happened?   OMG the illegals Aka white man took over and Damn what happend, the indians got put on a damn reservation.  Sheesh who would have thunk it! 
Now your advocating Ohhh let the illegals in cause they ahve a family!   Hmmm Give us another 20 years i figure we'll be put on a reservation too!

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: pamsback on September 28, 2009, 11:27:51 AM
QuoteSecondly i know you have said in the past that the white man is illegal and that the only ones who have any rights here are indians and the indians got screwed and it was white mans fault.

Anybody who has read anything I've said knows I was USING that position to try to make a point so if you are gonna QUOTE me GET IT RIGHT.

The Native Americans DID get screwed. You using the tired old " well they weren't using it to it's potential" makes me want to puke. How would YOU like it if some gomer came over to YOUR little chunk of America and said "Screw you bud, I can use this place better than YOU are usin it. It has untold resources that ONLY I can make full use get out" I'm not going to argue native issues with you. I am also not gonna back down.
No they were too busy screwing each other to worry about someone else coming in and taking what they had.  They were no different than the "white man".  They essentially screwed themselves out of what they had.  If they had used some cooperation and common sense they could have averted the inevitable.  Since they had no land ownership in their culture then they can't have been screwed out of anything.  Your not going to argue native issues because there is no argument there.  I've posted before too, about the natives being just as backstabbing and greedy as the white man was. so they were technially on even ground there!  Just that they couldn't get their act together and work together with other tribes.   

Someone could try and come take what i have but then they would have to pay me for it.  Uhmm thats because The white guys back in 1776 thought of that and fixed it so that no one can just do that. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: pamsback on September 28, 2009, 11:24:03 AM
kinda be KARMA then wouldn't it.

I wasn't talkin to YOU either.
Karma?  What your having no problem with criminals breaking the law? 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Just throwing in my 2 cents...

Increasingly, the issue of immigration is becoming a flashpoint.  I think for two reasons.  First because our economy is in the toilet and second, because of the trend towards globalization.  A lot of the conservatives here on this forum and many of the independant types are pretty staunch supporters of tougher immigration enforcement.  What you don't realize is that your own leaders are the ones that allow the illegal immigration to continue.

The liberals get blamed, but they don't really do much about it one way or another.  It's the conservatives that have been in power when the problem has been at its worst.  Its the conservatives that initiated the drive toward amnesty.  Why you ask?  Money.  You see, the conservative leadership is in bed with big business.  Their interests are to make a buck no matter what affects it has on society.  Thats capitalism in it's purest form.  Everything goes to the wayside, your jobs your family, your well being just to make some cash.  You come to the forums preaching the greatness of capitalism but then you complain when you have to deal with the consequences.  Illegal Immigration, Ponzi schemes, economic downturns, shortages, etc.  The corporation has too much power and sway over the government

As for Native Americans, one thing we have to realize is that they were naive in trusting the white immigrants to their land.  We can't change what happened, and i don't think it's possible to correct the wrongs that have been done to them.  I think that illegal immigration hurts the Native Americans living in the USA just as much as it hurts anyone else.

Another random thought:  While i don't like illegal immigration, many of the people who come here do so to work and send money back to wherever they came from.  (Yet another drain on our economy)  IT should be said that classifying all immigrants as gang members and hardened criminals is a logically flawed argument that is intended to stir up racial prejudice and fear.  Do not be so blind as to allow yourselves to be manipulated by the powers that be.
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