A Tape Worth Watching

Started by frawin, September 15, 2009, 05:05:51 PM

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THIS IS WORTH YOUR TIME,,,WATCHING.........................

He and his wife made the tape from their ranch in south-central Texas.  At their own expense, they made 1000 copies and sent one to every single congressman and senator and some media outlets.  Let's hope that each and every one of them watched and LISTENED!!!  

Part 1    

Part 2  


This gentleman hits the nail on the head.  I have already stated my thoughts on this health care reform so I won't repeat.  

Let the government put a health care reform package out there for those that want it.  Don't force those who don't want it to sign up.  Doctors now have a choice of what insurance plans they want to accept and those they don't want.  Some Doctors take medicare patients and others don't.  So put the health care insurance out there as an option and let the people decide if they want to participate and see if the government pays the Doctors and medical facilities in an orderly fashion.  If the government fails to pay up, then the whole health care thing is yesterdays news.  Plus, see if the government can afford it.  I know, I know, we are the government so to speak.  So if it doesn't work, we can throw it out along with the idiots who thought it up in the first place.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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