I love a parade!

Started by Clubine Ranch, October 10, 2009, 02:21:16 PM

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Clubine Ranch

I do love a parade...Grenola's parade was so enjoyable. The little kiddies started it off in all their glory of The Wizard of Oz theme. Those parents and kids did an outstanding job of all the characters in this great story. They even had a Tornado person,  what a cool imagination that family had! Then all our police, fire and ambulance personel added lots of noise and color. Great floats, tons of candy, lots of old tractors, kids on horses,  and the thrill and beauty of a marching band complete with flag girls. The Central of Burden marching Raiders with their instructor needs to be commended. The little town of Grenola sure had a great opening for their day of fun and was I ever glad to see so many from the surrounding areas take part or just observe... Hats off to all who made this possible. You did your community proud!  Barbara Clubine :)

Rudy Taylor

Yes, it was a beautiful albeit COLD day in Grenola.  When we left Sedan, heading toward Elk County, it was 48 degrees. By the time we got to Grenola the temp was 38.

Your choir sounded so nice, Barbara.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Clubine Ranch

Thanks Rudy, I'll pass your compliment on to the others tomorrow at practice. We have several who could not be there today and when we are all together it is very nice indeed. Hard to beat the old gospel hymns and patriotic songs.


What I got to see of the parade was great! Cold, but great, I loved the kiddie parade, that was special, and I liked that they weren't having to struggle to keep up with vehicles, long legged adults, and horses, the way they are placed in most parades around the county. Heads up planners!

Like I said, I had to leave early to meet the furnace guy, and true to his word, he was here soon after twelve. He found a wire that had come loose from somewhere, and shorted against the side of the furnace cover. This in turn shorted out the transformer, and gave the thermostat a good goose. This resulted in a blown fuse in the thermostat, and a thoroughly scrambled memory. After swapping out the transformer, installing a temporary fuse in the thermostat, we are warm and toasty tonight. Of course, I have no upstairs furnace, as that is where he scrounged the transformer from, but I do have five little four legged 'heaters' that had better do their stuff tonight when we go to bed. I may also run the downstairs furnace a couple of degrees warmer than I normally do at night. We should stay toasty. This evening I went to Joyce and Stan Rumbaughs' annual cookout. Well, it got cooked 'out' but was served 'in'. More good food that a person should have a right to view much less eat. I am still full as a tick, don't know if I will be able to handle breakfast with the Knights or not.  :D

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