Thanksgiving Day

Started by Teresa, November 18, 2004, 12:18:34 AM

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I thought that since Turkey day was just around the corner, there might be some comments
( no goats allowed  >:( )
about the holiday that leaves us all stuffed to the point of not even being able to button our pants by the end of the day. 

I know that I have been getting my house ready for Thanksgiving.
You know ~~~~~ turning out the lights..... pulling the shades..... locking the doors. :D :D :D Not really.. ;D

Actually my whole family is going on a fishing trip this year as they have for the past few guess who doesn't have to cook ?
Nope ..wrong~~It's not me :-[..
I will still cook turkley and noodles and bake bread and mash potaoes and make the dressing and pies... yummmmy~~ you just have to have all the fixin's and trimmin's. Guess I love to eat, regardless of how many I have around the table.

Speaking of eating and food~~
Every year I hear folks who are stumped as to what they should do with all the leftover turkey, stuffing and potatoes etc. ???
I have a great idea for Thanksgiving leftovers.
Why don't you ...ahhhhhhhh....  Eat them. 
It's not that tough to figure out, Sherlock.. ::)
Actually, Thanksgiving is my kind of holiday.
When else do you get away with giving your loved ones the bird after they tell you to stuff it? ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


We go out to the high school for Thanksgiving Dinner. It's become one of our family traditions - a great time to talk and eat - or eat and talk.  ;)



The NATCH and I are offended.


Don't fret !!!
While you and "the Natch" are gone .. your goats will be well taken care of..I will see to that!
In fact~~~ I will even include them in the Thanksgiving dinner.
hmmm ...lets see   :-\  I think that fresh goat mince meat pie will be splendid!

Don't you two worry about a thing...your mama will take care of your goats. ;)
Have a good time fishing!! ;D

:D :D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Mom70x7 on November 18, 2004, 10:58:27 AM
We go out to the high school for Thanksgiving Dinner. It's become one of our family traditions - a great time to talk and eat - or eat and talk. ;)

I know a lot of people that go to the high school to eat with everyone for Thanksgiving. I think that tradition that was started for the public is so wonderful. The volunteers that devote that day cooking and catering to everyone should have a huge applause from those that attend.Anyone that has cooked huge dinners for family , know what kind of work and preparation it would take to cook for the amount that attend something like that.
I don't know who does it anymore.. if you know, would you  post their names on here? And you might add it to the events section on the forum too.   Thanks and enjoy your day.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


The great Maverick will ram anyone but his master


Quote from: NATCH on November 18, 2004, 04:37:52 PM
The great Maverick will ram anyone but his master

The great Maverick best do all his ramming before the master leaves.
When his master is gone and has a fishing pole in one hand and a cold one in the the other hand...
and not around to protect him....I dare say that the great Maverick's ramming days will be done.  :'(
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

Well, Mom, just whip him!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah!!! THAT is what he needs... A WHIPPING !!
Him & his goat.. and while we are at it.. we will whip the Snakehater and his goat too.. ( it will be for all the times that they needed it , growing up..and didn't get it..  ;)
haha :D haha  :D haha :D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

I think it has something to do with them not getting to eat goat on Thanksgiving Day.  I wonder if the Pilgrims ate goat on Thanksgiving Day?

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