Got my panties in a wad so I'm rantin....:P

Started by pamsback, September 11, 2009, 07:37:26 AM

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I heard an argument on the news this morning about the republicans wanting a law to make you prove citizenship in this health bill. Now on the surface that's a thing I can understand. As a CITIZEN who's state passed a new law to have everything ever having anything to DO with you to prove you aren't an illegal alien to renew our drivers licenses a couple years ago and ALL the hassles that caused me because I only had a SEVEN year history with the state of Missouri instead of a ten year history so I had to have my birth certificate, my social security card, my marriage license AND my divorce papers to prove EVERY change of name it REALLY hacks me off. I had had a drivers license since 1976, just not in Missouri! Just like the law they passed that makes me give my ID to buy some friggin cold medicine so I can prove I'M not a meth cook pissed me off. They want to regulate guns so I would have to prove I'M not a criminal and then they probly wouldn't ALLOW me the freedom to have one.

What is it about the human race that it can not wrap it's mind around the fact that ONLY LAW-ABIDING people OBEY laws? Why do we persist in thinking that we can REGULATE our way to no criminals? Why is it that we don't connect the dots about this border fence? A prison the size of the United States is STILL a prison, it MAY keep others out but it's sure as hell gonna keep YOU in whether you want to stay or not if somebody decides to USE it that way.

I hear a LOT of raggin about "my personal freedoms" and "closing the borders, blah blah blah, I DO NOT want to have a big fence surrounding me even if it IS a thousand miles away.....the fence that keeps OTHERS out keeps me IN...with or against my will does not matter, just the fact it would be there is what I mind. There IS no REAL freedom. There's just what societies ALLOW.


Good morning, Pam!!!!  It is way to early to "get your panties in a wad", but I can see where you are going with this. 

Personally, I think it is a good thing that the state would require all of that information in order to protect me from having my identity stolen.  Suppose someone found a lost DL and went in and had the information changed to suit them.  A lot of trouble? Probably, but if the person was a criminal and had no DL, it would be a good thing for him/her.

A fence to keep me in?  I don't feel that a border fence in this country is a "Berlin Wall", so to speak.  Actually, I think a border fence is a waste of money as it isn't really going to help much.  There was an editorial cartoon going around a few months ago depicting a soldier holding on to the belt of a illegal immigrant climbing a fence.  The funny part was the immigrant was trying to get over the fence into Mexico because our economy was worse than theirs.  The only good a border fence does is create jobs for people to build it.  (just had a thought------------how about we hire illegals to build it?)  Oh well, anyway, I feel there is real freedom simply because it is guaranteed by the Constitution.  If we lose that, then, yes, we lose our freedoms.  But, I don't believe the American people will ever allow that to happen.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


 Mornin Larry  ;D, just havin one of those days.... LOL


Pam;  one way to prevent wadding panties... thongs or none at all!   ;D   ;D   ;D


no . . . no . . . no . . . no, please!

Too much automatic visualizations!
:D   ;D   :D   ;D   :D   ;D


this is kinda off the subject, sorta, but good for a smile into the past -  How many of you remember when thongs were something you wore on your feet?  ::) ::) ;D ;D ;D :angel:



See the post by Teressa under Miscellanous: Chuckles:  reply #602 (page 61? I think)

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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