To the people on the right....

Started by Anmar, July 17, 2010, 04:47:17 PM

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Diane Amberg

That's leeters Varmit. You know there have been some really odd things that parents have done that I never did understand. Back in the 70's a bunch of Newark High School parents got together and demanded that there be a smoking lounge established for the kids who were 18 and wanted to smoke at school. The parents won! Of course that was eventually done away with,  but it took many years. Now we are a no smoking state as I understand you are, or will be soon be as far as eating places etc. As far as the sex ed goes, I'm not sure how I feel. If every parent everywhere always did their job and the lessons always worked every time we wouldn't ever have the problems that are out there. In some cases the parents did ask for it to be put the the health curriculum to combat the awful misinformation the kids were getting, and still do, on the streets. I know I had it in 1960. The boys and girls were separated in health class for the sex ed.unit. It was very specific and graphic and there were plenty of red faces in the room. I guess they figured if the kids were ignoring the parents, maybe they wouldn't ignore the teachers. I know for a fact part of the problem was the parents were embarrassed to talk to their own kids and didn't know what to say. That,  I know has improved from the days when pregnant women were supposed to hide themselves, stay home and pretend they didn't know how that baby got there, like it was something to be ashamed of. You may not remember, but even the TV shows always had married couples in separate beds so it wouldn't suggest they were "doing it." The censorship was very tight. So now perhaps it's gone too far the other way? Schools get pulled in every direction all the time. There is a lot of "my kid is fine but you better go do something about him."
I'd still like to get my hands on the Montana actual proposed lesson plans, not just the chapter titles. Is the state school board demanding the schools teach it or the legislature or what? I'm still skeptical. What was the catalyst that set this off? Elections?
     Ks there have been many many comments in many many anti "Gov't indoctrination" school threads about the teachers, the unions, the curriculum, you name it .Hunt them up for yourself. I could name names, but I don't want to put anybody on the spot. We've talked about the pros and cons of home schooling ,charter schools ,private schools and no I was never in the teachers union. (AFT) As far as taking things off topic go back a few and you'll see the comment about teachers who don't have children. I didn't start the slide from the topic, I just responded to it. 


Quote from: Anmar on July 17, 2010, 10:10:50 PM
Off topic but,   
It was easier to raise kids back in the day I think.  You only needed one income to make things work for the most part.  Now, there's no parenting because they are both off working.  For many families today, you need 2 incomes. 

No excuse for a lack of parenting.  My wife and I both work but we still take the time to raise our kids, and have many times been told by complete strangers and friends that we are doing a good job.  Our kids are well mannered and polite.

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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