What's Black & White and Red All Over?

Started by Warph, September 05, 2009, 02:49:35 AM

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I noticed a number disgruntled parents last night on the tube, griping about the left-wing indoctrination their young kids are about to get from Barack Hussein Obama in a few days.  They are threatening to not send them to school that day.  I don't blame them and if I had any small fry curtain-climbers hanging around the house, I'd keep them home that day, too.  Situation taken care of.

But what about the ones that are forced to undergo left-wing indoctrination at colleges and universities all over America.  One minute, it seems, the kids are sane, or at least as sane as one can expect of 18-year-olds, and the next thing you know they're parroting the likes of Ward Churchill, William Ayers and Noam Chomsky, bad-mouthing America and yodeling the praises of such left-wing troglodytes as Hugo Chavez, the Castro brothers and Barack Hussein Obama.  I feel their frustration.  Even if the little nincompoops can't do long division or write a coherent sentence, parents feel like child abusers if they don't pony up the dough to send their kids off for what is laughingly referred to as higher education.

If I were running things, most high school grads would enter trade schools.  America will always need nurses, plumbers, carpenters, glaziers and mechanics.  What nobody needs is some 21-year-old schnook who's wasted four years and most of his inheritance majoring in black, hispanic or lesbian, studies.  And, then, to make matters worse, because like the Scarecrow of Oz, they have a sheepskin, they're actually convinced they're smarter than their parents.

Of course, the other thing I would promote is an end to the tenure system.  The original idea behind it was to protect professors from being fired because of their unpopular political beliefs, but in 2009, conservatives aren't hired in the first place, so the only people whose jobs come with a lifetime guarantee are those addlebrained morons, safely ensconced in the Humanities, espousing liberal claptrap.

Somebody recently took me to task for referring to Michael Jackson as a pedophile.  This yutz pointed out that Jackson had never been convicted in a court of law, as if that proved anything.  The fact remains that the King of Pedophiles had paid out millions of dollars in hush money to keep a case from going to trial.  And, by his own admission, he admitted he enjoyed sleeping with young boys.  Where I come from, if it waddles and quacks like a duck, it's either a duck or most likely Barney Frank.

Whenever people use that court of law argument to make a point, I know they're desperate.  Hell, O.J. Simpson and Al Capone were never convicted of murder, and Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Idi Amin and Kim Jong-il, have never even been convicted of jay-walking. 

Something else I always find that irks me is when Obama's liberal groupies.... which we have a few of those clowns on this forum....  along with a few Cable News commentators,  deny that the President is a left-wing ideologue.  All of his schemes, from gobbling up car companies and banks to wanting to nationalize health care and redistribute the wealth, show his true colors.  As I say, if it waddles and quacks like a duck, feel free to pop it in the oven and serve it with string beans and sweet potatoes this Labor Day... and if it's Barney, stick an apple in his mouth.

In fact, while mulling over ol' BHO who slimes... sorry.... who sits in the Oval Office, I was reminded of a riddle from my childhood.  You'd be asked what was black and white and read all over, and the answer was a newspaper.  These days, I'm afraid the appropriate answer to what is black and white and red all over is Barack Hussein Obama.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


There's no way to disagree with anything said on this one.
I read it twice.  Red all over for sure.  Right on, Warph!


I don't know what they are serving at the nineteenth hole, but I'm gonna get me some!

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


What's Black & White and Red all over?  I don't know but I do know what is Red, White and Blue all over - a newspaper in the park on a windy day.  ;D

Jo McDonald

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA    FLO, you just gave me a HUGE grin!!  Thanks ;D ;D ;D




Warph, I always enjoy your posts and the creative way you word things.  I usually get a laugh and send you an "'atta boy".

Unfortunately, I do have to disagree with part of your post this time.  The part I disagree with is your paragraph about colleges and universities, and your chastizing the curriculum that supposedly is taught there.  I attended a 4-year university, as well as completed a 2-year post-graduate degree program.  I did not have to (nor choose to) sign up for any "left-wing indoctrination" classes or major in any "black, hispanic or lesbian studies".  My parents encouraged all their children to go to higher education... YES, so we could learn more and be smarter than they had the opportunity to be!  We were expected, too, to come home during breaks and summer vacations and also learn the hard-life lessons of working and learning real-world skills... not just rely on those that came from READING about them.  Maybe it was the particular state college that I attended, or the fact that my chosen major was on the "other" side of campus, but I didn't even have much of an opportunity to intermingle with the type of students you reference.
I do, however, know that my education and employment path in life could not have been achieved by attending a trade school.  I DO agree with you that trade schools are VERY important and DO provide certain students with excellent opportunities in life and work.  I just disagree that trade schools are for everyone (yes, I note that you did say "most high school students").  Like I've stated before, I do NOT think that one type of education is superior to another... NO WAY.  Just like employment and job opportunities, we need all types to make the industries go 'round. 

I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY with you about the tenure situation, FOR SURE.  Probably not for the same reasons you stated, "Liberal claptrap" (although the sound of that makes me giggle), but because I had many a professor who didn't care to TEACH his students anything... he was just there to make his 59-1/2 minute lecture in the same mundane voice that he has every semester for the past 20+ years, and then sit in his office with the door closed and a sign outside that says to "consult TA's for assistance".  Of course, most of those TA's were people who, maybe like the professor, did not originate from this country and preferred to work in their lab acheiving statistically irrevalent results while practicing their own mundane, untranslatable answers to your questions.  I held TRUE to my belief throughout my 6-year education that professors should be REQUIRED to teach a 2nd grade elementary school class for at least a semester before becoming a professor.  That probably would have weeded out more than HALF of those professors!   ;D

I understand the premis of your post, though.  There is too much "fluff" and "jaberish" being taught at some of those liberal schools where it seems most of the lawmakers hail from.  It is comforting, though, to know that most of our lawmakers in Kansas have hailed from local schools and proudly have their feet planted in the soil (not just on the ground, but actually IN the soil).  Even if you disagree with their party affiliation or liberal (or conservative) views, most Kansas lawmakers grew up like the rest of us... on farms or ranches, or relying on farms and ranches to make our living.  And most of them have stayed fairly true to their roots and the people they represent. 

Thanks for another entertaining post!


Tobina, I guess it depends on where you went to school.  When I was in college Sociology and Psychology were required for my degree.  It wasn't the subject so much as the instructors that were waaay left.  10 hours community service was a requirement for each class, not to mention how it was the fault of evil, white, male capitalist that were keeping the minorities down. 

Having spent 6 yeas in the Army I figured that time would count towards the community service requirement.  But no, because, and I quote, "...that is serving the government, not the community.  Besides, it would do you some good to see what minorities go through."  I ended up dropping the class and taking it under another instructor. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I, too, had to take psychology in college and I really liked the course.  I wasn't very thrilled with the instructor, but most of the course was just reading and I liked that.  Unfortunately, the class was too much for the instructor and he committed suicide.  So instead of me dropping the class, the class dropped me.  It was a small college and they had noone else to teach the class.  But I still like psychology.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Quote from: Varmit on September 11, 2009, 05:07:15 AM
Tobina, I guess it depends on where you went to school.  When I was in college Sociology and Psychology were required for my degree.  It wasn't the subject so much as the instructors that were waaay left.  10 hours community service was a requirment for each class, not to mention how it was the fault of evil, white, male capitalist that were keeping the minorities down. 

Having spent 6 yeas in the Army I figured that time would count towards the community service requirement.  But no, because, and I quote, "...that is serving the government, not the community.  Besides, it would do you some good to see what minorities go through."  I ended up dropping the class and taking it under another instructor. 

I would have too.  They have no right as a employee to dictate that i give up 10 hours of my life to their cause.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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