What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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W. Gray

Danny Singer is one great guy.

He is really helpful.

He will even remove snakes from your engine compartment, if you have any.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


When I was at the Oncologist yesterday, the nurses and the doctor all informed me of their annual Christmas party which is today.  I was invited as I was one of their patients.  My wife is going to the hospital today for some minor surgery which doesn't require my attendance.  The plan was for me to take GD#2 to the Christmas party as they will have a Santa, a girl singing carols and other songs and hula dancers.  What hula dancers have to do with Christmas is beyond me, but who am I to argue.  I thought it would be a good thing to do and I would be there if my wife needed some assistance.  Time would be a problem as the oldest gets out of school early on Wednesdays, but that could be handled. 

As they came in this morning, I was told that the oldest did not have a good night and both girls had sore throats.  The oldest is not going to school........hmmm.

Decisions, decisions.  Do I keep the girls home because of their minor sore throats or do I take them to the party so they can see Santa and the hula dancers?  Or do I leave them home with my wife's cousin and go to the party by myself?  Or I could take the girls and my wife's cousin.  I will get back to you on that.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Quote from: W. Gray on December 13, 2011, 08:56:43 PM
Danny Singer is one great guy.

He is really helpful.

He will even remove snakes from your engine compartment, if you have any.

SNAKES? Wow! Now that's something to put on a resume!


Update............I wound up taking the girls and cousin to the party.  Before I got there, my wife called and said she was already done and would meet us there.  We registered and I, being the patient, was given a raffle ticket.  The first thing was pastries and tamales for breakfast and then at 11:00, lunch was served.  Both Chinese and Mexican food.  After eating we went inside the waiting room where a gentleman was singing some old classics.  After a little bit of music, we went back outside by the tents that were set up and we were just standing around.  The girls were not on their best behavior despite threats from Papa that they weren't going to see Santa Claus.  As it turns out, Santa was a no-show or maybe he was coming later.  There was an Elf outside singing carols.  Just when we were leaving, the young lady calling raffle numbers called my number and I won a beautiful leopard print throw which I am now sitting under as I type.  It is really warm. 

Didn't see any hula girls either.................I think the doctor told me that to make sure I would show.

Nap time.....................

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I looked around the forum and can't see if I mentioned this anywhere.  If I did, well, this is a repeat.

Many years ago, I was on an early morning shift and was in charge of fixing dinner on occasion.  One year on Christmas Eve, I decided not to cook and went to the store and bought all kinds of junk food.  I declared the Christmas Eve would now be known as junk food night.  This lasted a few years until our daughter began dating her future husband and they were required to attend one of his relative's party.  Our son tends to be somewhere else on holidays sometimes.  So junk food night faded out.

This year, my son has decided to revive junk food night, but on the 23rd rather than Christmas Eve.  I have been put in charge of making the beef jerky and the fudge. 

Yesterday, I stopped at the meat market and bought the meat and today I put together the marinade and cut one of the steaks into strips.  I might have put too much pepper in the marinade, but that's okay.  I found the dehydrator in the garage and cleaned it up.  Now, I am having my afternoon coffee watching the meat marinate.  Soon I will be putting strips of meat into the dehydrator and let it run for about 24 hours. 

Tomorrow we will go to Newport Beach to the American Legion Post for dinner and watch the Newport Boat Parade.  We probably going to freeze our rear-ends off, but it will be fun. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


When the kids were home, our Junk Food Night was New Year's Eve. We let them stay up watching tv and videos as late as they wanted. We filled our dining room table with junk food and let them eat and snack whenever they wanted. It was a highlight of the year for them.

I still like Junk Food Nights! :D


I just returned this afternoon from a four day stay in rural Oklahoma. I got to attend a school Christmas program that ended with a live Nativity and Christmas carols. (I was a little surprised!) The kids all did a great job, despite getting a bit figity after standing for over an hour. I would be getting figity too if I had to stand for that long. But every child in the school had at least one speaking line in the program; that music teacher must have the patience of job to pull it all off. The kids performed for the whole program without using scripts or prompter cards. These were kindergarten through sixth grade kids. Yesterday we made dog bone shaped dog cookies for all the pets. The two grandchildren had a blast making a tremendous mess and went home with two plates of dog bones for their two dachshounds. Yesterday morning we visited the astrolebe museum in Ames Oklahoma. This site was the discovery of what is thought to be a crashed meteor some 450 million years ago, leaving a huge depression that then filled with debris and eventually became oil. This massive field was discovered in 1991. We also drove through a dude ranch located outside of Ames. Then we had a nice lunch at The Campus Cafe in Okeene, Oklahoma. I am looking forward to the snake hunt next year at Okeene. I want to try eating rattlesnake, but I will not be hunting them for sure. A busy fun week.  :D

Judy Harder

You keep going Edie, we only live once....

As for me, most of my night was listening to Sassy (yorkie) gag and gag some more.
Started yesterday afternoon.
We had a normal day, got to walk north of here, my normal walk and extended it through
the hay meadow................and she was having a great time.
I did notice her eating a lot of green grass......but she does that a lot...........I see her do that and then
in a bit she throws up what has been making her tummy upset.
I do not know why.........just something she does about once a month........she goes off her feed, but as soon as she
hurls, she is  back to eating what ever I put in front of her.......Ok, if she likes it she will eat....some days we have a war of just how long she will Not eat........then she shrugs her shoulders and digs into what I say she can have. Dog food, not snacks or people food, etc.

Then around supper time, she turned up her nose big time and had been laying around. Oh before this when I had let her out to do her business, she found something nasty and just had to roll in it.........so she had a bath...........and it was just fine.......meaning she took it with a grain of salt. Could be she ate something I didn't see.

Then, she started getting listless and looking for a place to rest, not able to and I noticed one of her bowel movements that morning was loser than normal.....anyway during the night she started spewing blood with the muscus and you get the picture.
Now she is sleeping, but not where she normally does.......on my lap or as near as possible.

Guess I will be calling the vet sometime today if she doesn't improve.
It is like having one of my kids sick........worry worry worry.
I notice that even Scooter-boy is feeling her being punney....not eating and worrying.....he even laid down close to her as if to solace her.
I will be back.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Janet Harrington

Judy Harder

Thanks Janet.
When I got back from church Sunday, she had been passing bloody stools and I had talked to my fellow sister in Christ who happens to be a vet and she said if not better by Monday to take her in..........well after coming in and smelling the blood before I saw it (any who have smelled blood, knows what that smells like)(and in a sealed up apartment it was bad) I had put her in bathroom and thank God she did go on the piddle-pad I had placed in there, but sick as a dog is a good statement to write.

I called Doc Black and he said I could bring her over. He gave her a shot, and I will give her another and then she goes on a pill until it is gone.
You know, I think this was as bad as one of my own baby's getting sick.
She did have a normal night..........so did I.......LOL didn't have to listen to her being sick all night.......and is on my lap right now.
Not back to normal hyper-activity...but much better.
Wheee! Now, part of my day is going to be cleaning the floor and after Christmas giving the carpet a good shampoo..........
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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