What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane, that auction is the one fundraiser that is held throughout the year. That is how the clinic was built, and how our pretty little park was furnished with all the nice things. People here are very generous when a need is seen.


We returned last night from a wonderful trip to the North!  It's hard to come home to 103 degree temps registered today when 62 was the average throughout our travels in Alaska, Yukon Territory of Canada, and British Columbia of Canada.  We spent two days traveling up and back, eleven days on land tours by trains and buses, and four days on a cruise down the Inner Passage from Skagway, Alaska to Vancouver, B.C., Canada.  The weather was perfect - no rain on the entire 17 days of travel - which is unusual for that part of the world.  The scenery is breathtaking, the people are so interesting, the various cultures are so unique, and the history is so interesting.  It truly was a trip of a lifetime.  I'll try to share some photos when we get them organized. 


Quote from: sixdogsmom on June 25, 2011, 05:16:46 PM
Diane, that auction is the one fundraiser that is held throughout the year. That is how the clinic was built, and how our pretty little park was furnished with all the nice things. People here are very generous when a need is seen.

I like hearing things like this about the town I'm moving to. You all ready do stick together like family!


Diane Amberg

Six, I knew about the fund raiser but the fun was too good to pass up. ;) They are good people indeed.


I just came in from watching the fireworks from my back gate. It is prime viewing territory with no traffic nor any rug rats to watch for afterward. There was a nice display lasting about 20 minutes; I want to thank the Triboulet family for their generosity even though Prarie Star got it wrong, I think. 'Course my dogs are all mad at me, and a couple are still in hiding from all the noise. I go through this every year.  :P :P

Roma Jean Turner

I just got home from the park as well.  Loved the Fireworks and I didn't have to wade through 100,000 people to watch them.  I am so glad Moline is home.


We had a pretty nice day today.  Our son lives in Orange County about 40 miles away.  He and his sister had been talking about getting together one day on the weekend just to get together.  Of course, my wife and I were invited.  So my daughter and her family and my wife and I and my wife's cousin met at my son's house and we had a nice lunch and caught up on exchanging father's day gifts for us three fathers.  The we went to the Great Park in Irvine.  The grandkids got to ride on a carousel.  My daughter and her husband and kids and my son and his daughter and my wife decided to ride up in the hot air balloon.  They have a hot air balloon tethered to a long cable and it goes up about 400 feet and stays there for about five minutes.  My wife's cousin and I opted not to go on account we were chi.................too frail or having a stomach ache............one of those reasons.  All in all, it was a nice day.  The only person missing was our daughter-in-law who was out of town.  Back home now and on my way to bed. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Addendum to previous entry:  The big orange balloon is not a hot air balloon, it is a helium balloon, possibly the world's largest.  And, the area resembled an old airport and in my old age, I couldn't recall what airport.  Having lived in SoCal for 46 years, and some of it right near this place, I couldn't remember.  Of course, my kids wouldn't know either.  So when I got up this morning, I visited the Great Park website and was reminded that it is the site of the old MCAS El Toro, the old Marine Air Station in El Toro.  (hate getting old).  If you would like to read about this place, just type in Great Park Irvine in your browser.  Right now, it is just starting out and is limited to just the balloon ride and the carousel and some summer concerts.  Once finished, it will be huge, twice the size of Central Park in New York City.  There was also a history walk along one of the runways showing a year and what significantly happened in that year.  Found the web address: 


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I didn't even know they had closed MCAS El Toro. Guess I'm behind times. Mother Edwards's baby boy was a very sad puppy when he flew out of El Toro, long ago. It was in the middle of the night and I think that's planned so others might not see the big alligator tears being shed------------but, not by me !! No sir, I was a good Marines and Marines are not allowed to cry without permission--------------and I don't recall getting permission to have leaky eyes. :)


Jarhead, in retrospect, when I was in, I don't recall flying anywhere in the daytime except when I was going on leave.  I think there might have been one daytime flight when they sent me to medic school in San Antonio.  One other time when I was returning from emergency leave, when my mom died, the Army lost me a day or two (I was right where I was supposed to be) and had to rush me back overseas.  That started out as a daytime flight.  I wonder if they did that so less people would know where all the troopers were going.  Interesting thought. 

MCAS El Toro was decommissioned in 1999.  Type in MCAS El Toro in your browser and look at the Wikipedia web page about MCAS El Toro. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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