What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Judy Harder

Praise the Lord and hallelujah!
Wonderful news. Doctor told me to go home and take a baby aspirin.........and have my doctor do another Doppler test in 6 or 12 months.

He said that what I experienced was not a mini stroke. He didn't know what it was but for my doctor follow through and do more testing. It could well have been a panic attack or even the reaction to me being tired when in Wisconsin

Today started early..............and we did get gone by 10:30 and Thank God I took my neighbor Steve with me, altho I did tell him I could handle the trip and would have let him bale if he changed his mind.
We get on 400 between Beaumont and Leon and a tire starts wobbling and not a soul including cattle were near us. Yes, I had traffic to contend with, but did pull off and spent a few minutes deciding what to do.
I have towing insurance, and in the glove box was a "Call Police" sign..........we hung that on the radio antenna and I wished for a cell phone and Steve brought his out..

He only uses his for emergencies and thank God again, I had an 800 number to call and altho the operator was in Arizona...........they located us on her GPS thingy and got ahold of a towing service, Out of El Dorado  about 17 miles away.
She said my towing did cover the transporting trailer..........don't tow modern cars...........and we had the nicest guy for a tow-driver.  She also said it might be 45 minutes or it might  be 30...........and I don't think we had to wait the 30 before he got there.
I finally got to ride in a high truck and someone else drove....
Get to the shop and we agreed that a used tire was what I needed, (Charlie will get the fun of getting me new tires later this week) and after it was done it only cost me $45 and I even got change back from a 50$ dollar bill..............ok so it was a dollar and change, it was change.........LOL(Oh, the spare wasn't any good, was ready to blow when air got put in)

I had planned to go find doctors office and then find a place for lunch with plenty of time for all of it.
The guy Johnny said if we turn at that corner and go 6 blocks and turn west that highway would take us to hillside which would take us to Wesley hospital and the doctor just west of there................we got to the doctors building turned into a driveway pulled into a FREE parking garage with in 10 or 15 stalls there was an open parking space..not handy capped, but close enough I didn't need it and we got to the doctors office with 30 minutes to spare before appointment...........then had to wait till closer to 4 to get to see doctor..............LOL they said they might be delays when I called and we just rolled with the flow............and got home about 7 and now I plan on hitting the easy chair and just chilling.
I need to eat more than what we had coming home, which was a milk shake..............so I can take evening pills.

Wanted you to hear my good news.........I have no idea what I would have written if the news had been bad..........I hope I would have told it like it was...but, all I can say is that God was with me and Steve today and He sent Steve to act as  his warrior angel for me.......

More later..............Please say a prayer for good neighbors and people who do something for nothing but a smile and handshake/hug.

(Since I have been home I have had 2 episodes with the light headed ness.....don't know if it is from sitting all day or if it is that I have not eaten much today. I guess I will start keeping track of when it happens. I haven't eaten right for a long time..........may be starving my self. Chemistry may be off....oh well tomorrow is another day.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Ms Bear

Judy, that is wonderful news.  And eating properly is very important, but you are right about making a note of when the dizzines or light headed feeling happens.

I went to the Dr today for a shot in my shoulder and he did very politely tell me I needed to lose some weight.  I am trying but not seeing the scales go down.


Wonderful news Judy! And I do believe in Guardian Angels, whether you see them or not. God is GREAT!


Diane Amberg

Keep smiling Judy, you have lots of angels out there.

Roma Jean Turner

I am starting the www.fullplatediet.com approach.  The approach is all about fiber..but the good tasting fiber.  Just got the book yesterday, and it is very well done.  Anyway this makes so much sense...check it out.


Heading out to Wyadotte Oklahoma for the Full Auto Shoot.. Gonna try to look real busy working and taking pictures.. but really I'm there to shoot a whole lot of Machine Guns..

  But don't tell Marshal.. He will be filming and I am his right hand girl.. and he thinks I'm there to work..

Don't burn the place down while I'm gone... :police:
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Yeah right!  ;D  You're headed down there to see if you can spot the Hornet Spooklight.   ;) 8)

Directions to the Hornet Spook Light:

After working on this for some time, we have gathered what we feel are the best directions available for a trip to the Hornet Spook Light. These were the directions used by the Bump in the Night Tours when we have visited the light. Here are the directions:

- Take Interstate 44 west of Joplin, Missouri and then take the Route 43 Exit and go south
- Turn onto Coyote Road (Right) off Route 43 and pass through Hornet
- Take another right onto Gum Road
- Take Left onto State Line Road
- Take the first Right to what is called "Spook Light Road"
- You'll likely see markings on the road where people park and watch for the light

This is only a four-mile stretch of road that extends into Oklahoma. At a dip in the road, park your vehicle. There will be a field on your right side, facing left. This is the best location and you should see a slight rise ahead of you to the west and a much steeper hill behind you. Be sure to park your vehicle as far to the side of the road as you can (we suggest turning around with your car facing back toward Missouri) and watch out for any oncoming cars. Be careful and stay on the road so that you are not trespassing.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


I AM the Hornet Sppoklight.. LOL
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Teresa on June 23, 2011, 12:42:30 PM
Heading out to Wyadotte Oklahoma for the Full Auto Shoot.. Gonna try to look real busy working and taking pictures.. but really I'm there to shoot a whole lot of Machine Guns..

  But don't tell Marshal.. He will be filming and I am his right hand girl.. and he thinks I'm there to work..

Don't burn the place down while I'm gone... :police:

Teresa's going GANGSTA!!! heeheehee I did ROTC in college and got to shoot M16's, and it was a blast!!! I know you'll have fun.....



Quote from: Teresa on June 23, 2011, 01:15:05 PM
I AM the Hornet Sppoklight.. LOL

No, you are the HOWARD Spook Light!!! Hmmmm....now to start the rumors... ;)


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