What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

Plut? Teresa, what do you do in your spare time? :laugh: Where did Derek and Rochelle move to? I assume it's a bigger house. It must be hard to leave that Craftman's cottage they were in..beautiful, reminds my of my Grandpa Boyd's place. Prayers for Kjell on his eye surgery...cataract? When do you all start collecting $ for your fireworks display?


My day started with a treat.  I had just raised the bedroom shade and was looking at my not-in-bloom roses when a downy woodpecker landed on a mullein flower spike and started picking at the seeds.  I stayed quiet and he stayed long enough for me to point him out to Daughter as she was coming across the street.

Then we drove to the little country cemetery on the other side of Wichita where my parents are buried.  The flowers along the highways are getting pretty, especially what my husband used to call chigger weed.  It is really butterfly weed.  As we were making our way back along a dirt road to the blacktop, we were treated to the sight of a mother pheasant and three of her babies just getting across the road in front of us.  Hadn't seen a pheasant in more than a year, since the last time I was out to that little cemetery.

Getting back to Wichita and having three hours to doctor's appointment time, we treated ourselves to a sit down, be served lunch instead of a drive-thru, eat in the car.  Then since there was still time to kill, we toured Town East.  While there we found a gravy skimmer.  My last one had broken several years ago and we hadn't been able to find one anywhere. 

Then on to the doctor's office, in on time, out in 40 minutes.  Who could ask for anything more than that.  All in all, it was a good day and to cap it off, the white winged dove showed up at my feeder again.

Oh, yes, the wheat harvest was about half done in the fields that we saw.  Got to see a couple of combines in action, but not up close.  They were on the other side of the field.


Teresa, stop and take a breath!

Wilma, sounds like a wonderful day.

My day?  I had an appointment with the dermatologist this morning.  I had been there once before last year to have a bump on my arm (pea-sized) removed which turned out to be skin cancer.  At that time she "froze" a spot on my right temple.  Recently, I developed another similar bump on my other arm.  Normally, she would take a piece and send it in for biopsy.  Today she just took it out.  She uses a laser so it is painless even though she numbs the area.  And she wasn't happy that the spot on my face was still there so she took that one also.  She then did a overall skin check.  I made sure she wasn't holding that laser while she was examining parts of my body! 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Jarhead, you haven't said much about your Metal Treasure hunting lately. I gave you a real compliment on it the other day. I had to go to the IRS office in Tulsa and I was telling one of the IRS investigators about all of the success you have had. I bragged on you and kind of stretched it a little. I told him you had found a lot of Gold Coins that were worth a lot of money. You know he was so interested he wanted your name and where you lived. I think maybe he wants to treasure hunt with you. You don't have to thank me, I was glad to do it for you.

Jo McDonald

RUN, JARHEAD, RUN !!!!  Tell them the reason you are running so fast, is to get away from the REAL Guy with all the dug up treasurers.

  (Frankie, how could you do this????)
  :laugh: :laugh:   :angel: :angel:


Frank ,
It's because of Bucket Mouth's like you that I keep mum on my finds. Your IRS man showed up and I took him dirt fishing. Told him I was onto a $20 Gold piece and it was deep--real deep. Well sir, he dug down about 6 feet and the damndest thing happened. Had us one of them there earth quakes right here in Longton---poor guy---may he RIP.
Detector did get ill on me though and had to send it to a detector hospital and just got it back two days ago. Before it took sick I did have my best day in an old yard right here in town. Found 2 Indian Head pennies ,9 Wheat Tails ranging from 1909 to 1920, 1 slick "V" nickel and a gold plated copper ring-----oh and 7 SILVERS --including a 1943 war nickel (40% silver)---2 Roosevelt dimes (pre 1964)---2 Mercury dimes--1904 Barber dime (Grades VF) and "drum roll please' a 1894 Barber quarter graded XF.
Today I found a bunch of clad coins, pocket knife, a Rat token from Chuckie Cheese Pizza, a NAMCO token with Pac Man on it, a Palmolive soap token and a token with the 10 Commandments on it from "needGod.com"---a brass " Franco Rouge' compact--and a real neat copper broach with milk glass cameo of Goddess Flora---oh yea, and a horse--I aint lying --a horse standing on a pedestal--- From some ones trophy---but this horse is solid metal instead of today's trophies made of plastic---and last but not least---a bunch of Match Box / Hot Wheels autos. I'm gonna give them to ol Sarge so he can play with them in his sand box .
Now Frankie, aint you sorry you asked about my detecting ?? ;D


My legs have forgot how to run !!!

Diane Amberg

Today I'm recovering from a wonderful soiree/retirement party for a 40 year friend who is retiring from the Delaware Dept. of Agriculture as the Chief Planner and general miracle worker in farm land preservation here. The party was held at the Agriculture museum in Dover which was very appropriate.The only thing that we didn't see was the spot where Mike will be set up as a permanent museum exhibit.  ;D He and Al worked together for a number of years in the 70's at the lower New Castle County Gov't office south in Middletown (a two man shop) which is where Delaware starts becoming farmland and is much less residential.  The two of them started working to bring the beginnings of farmland preservation to the state and also got money for some Civil War vintage sustenance farm and low income areas to have wells and in indoor plumbing for the first time. Al stayed with the county and Mike went on to work with the state. Delaware now will never have to worry about losing all it's farm land to housing developments, keeping in mind what a small state we are. A great guy.


What a site it would be to see him run.... with his britches hanging below his ol' rear,anyway......they would fall clear down to his ankles!


When is this happening?  Where is it happening?  Does one have to be invited?

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