What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

Ms Bear, that was a wonderful trip. I want to go to Branson some day and also see the Grand Ole Opry too. I've done a lot but have many things left to see. Unfortunately our parade today won't be one of them. Cancelled due to bad weather. RATS! We'll still have the housing though at 3:30. So, I'm doing some more packing and planning for Tuesday.

Ms Bear

Diane, when will they get to have the parade?  That is the only time we get a really big turnout of people here.

Diane Amberg

Sadly, it can't be rescheduled. We have so many military units and bands and other participants that have other engagements scheduled that it's a once or nothing deal. This is only the second time we've ever had to cancel. We've had rain before and rain after and a few with a little misty stuff, but a total cancel is rare.


Sorry about your parade Diane.  Have fun in Boston.  Ms Bear sounds like you had a wonderful trip to some beautiful country.

Diane Amberg

Home again.The train trip was fun as usual. Six states in six hours. The section up through Conn and Rhode Island is really nice, right along the water. There were a couple of Amtrack police in Wilmington but they didn't bother anyone and there were a number in Boston, one with a beautiful Lab who was checking things out, but nobody approached anyone, no questions, no baggage checks, no nothing. It was very civilized.The only problem was the weather. It was in the 50s to low 60s and rained the entire time. But I had the right clothes so it didn't slow me down at all.
  We stayed at the big old Park Plaza Hotel right in the old Back Bay section of Boston, only a block from Boston Commons, the Public Gardens and some of the oldest churches, where the "Burying Grounds," as they call them, contain the graves of John Hancock, Paul Revere, John Adams and many others. I was in great company. The Swan Boats were still on the lake but they weren't running due to the weather. Since I was walking, I didn't go as far as Old North Church or walk up to the northern docks to see the USS Constitution, but I had seen them on previous trips. The oldest parts with their narrow cobblestone streets still have a sense of living history and you could almost feel the colonials going about their lives.
    Of course everyone is nuts abut the Red Socks and some of the fans rode the same train down to Philly for their next game and then were going on the train down to Baltimore for the next game after that with the Orioles. I like sports but that is ridiculous.
Al enjoyed his meetings and got a lot out of them. We pigged out on seafood too. We can get good lobster and crab here so we ate scallops and fish and chips, calamari and whichever fish the boats brought in that day. Now ,if the grass ever dries out we'll have to cut and bale the yard. 


What have I done for excitement today?  I opened the junk mail before throwing it away.

Roma Jean Turner

Moved to Moline.  What a day.  Boxes everywhere but who care.  I am going to bed.  Thanks to my family, the Weddles and Gillespies for getting me here.  Diane your trip sounds wonderful.  I have always wanted to go there.


Roma, I am glad you had a successful move.  Diane, I am so jealous.  What I wouldn't give to take all that wonderful history in.  Maybe someday I'll get to do that since the world didn't end for me today.  Getting excited about Mom's 90th birthday party that we are having and I hope she gets lots of cards with the card shower.  Everyone have an exciting Sunday.

Roma Jean Turner

Started the day with a great breakfast at the Sweet and Spicey in Howard.  Then unpacking and laundry.  But most of all I have slept. :) :) Massage from Teresa tomorrow.  Life is good here already.


Glad you're safe and sound in Elk County tonight.  Weather conditions don't look so good in SW Missouri this evening!  Hope everything is fine with your property and friends there. 

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