What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Well, today I have decided to turn a corner in my life. In the last few weeks, I have had to put down both the old dogs that had belonged to my parents. They were brothers from the same litter, and my folks adopted them almost 19 years ago. They were born on May 22, 1992. My dad passed away in 1996, but had asked me to see that his 'boys' were cared for in case anything happened. My Mom went to be with my dad in 2002, and I have had those two guys with me ever since. They did not have a lot of trouble with the transition since they had been coming to Moline for 'vacation' and 'weekends' since they were very young. So they were used to the house, and the other animals. They made the transition from Don after his death to Ted the following year very easily. Rowdy had always been an afficianado of 'Man-Cave' activities, and took up with Ted in a big way. He went with Ted everywhere; the card hall was a favorite hang-out as well as any garage or corner conversation. He particularly liked laying out in the shop when Ted worked on the mower and riding in the truck to mow yards. Ted always parked in the shade and left the door open so that Rowdy could get in the required amount of sniffing for the day. A special activity was a ride out to the Rodeo grounds and a free run; all the dogs enjoyed that, but Rowdy had special places to investigate and spent lots of time on 'Rabbit Hill'. Scot was a homebody, and liked to spend his time looking after me, mostly by getting under my feet, and reminding me when five o'clock suppertime was here. He used to drive my Mom crazy and took right up with me when he left off with her! He was always somewhere near the door, so you knew that you had a second line of defence.

The two old guys had been failing the past year: alzheimers took it's toll. Meds helped Rowdy, and since he was the worst I am thankful for that. Both did pretty well up until the last when it became obvious that the time had come. I am now the Mom of three dogs, and they are missing the others; they have had the support of the pack since they were very young. All three have become like glue, sticking to me. I do hope that they will eventually regain their confidence. And that is what I need to do also. Enough with death and dying.  :'( :'(

Roma Jean Turner

It is amazing the history our pets live through with us.  I often think, as i pet my two dogs when I wake up in the morning, that they are thw sweetest things that God has given me. I pray for you and your pac as you go through this transition.

Judy Harder

Edie, I am sorry you had to do that. I know that is always possible when you are blessed by sharing your life with an animal.

My Scooter was awfully sick a couple of weeks ago. Over the weekend he just stopped eating (to Scooter food is his life) and
at 15+ the last few years have been up and down with him.

Kind of like us, aging tummy's and body's and sooner or later they wear out.
Monday morning I kind of expected him to be dead when I woke up ( yeah, I thought he was that bad) and after watching him until Doc Black opened up (I know I could have called him at home, but I didn't want to make the decision to put him down, yet)
went to Howard and I had to carry Scooter to car, when anytime I open the door he is ready to "GO!" the closer I got to Howard the more energy he had. We get to office and we had to wait while another patient was being worked on.
Scooter started checking out the place and doc checked him...........and said it was something he ate.
Any thing that is suppose to be good for them, is not for Scooter. I had given him a chew bone for tartar and
he gulped the whole thing instead of chewing.

Doc gave him some med that almost a day later started working and today Scooter he is back to being normal (Ok still an old dog and we have arthritis and tummy problems, but 5:30 AM comes and he wakes me up wanting to eat and he knows when supper is due, I know he can tell time.

One of these days I will have to do what you did. Just knowing that Scooter, Sassy and Fred are gifts from God who get me up in morning and give me something to do during the day makes my life so much fuller.

There are times when I wonder just why I keep pets, when they act up or tear things up or being so costly and then I remember when I did not have them and just how depressed I stayed.
Hugs to you in your loss (Animals grieve, too)
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

Edie, I am so sorry. It's hard and we've all been there but the photos and memories are worth it I think, even though it hurts a lot. I suspect with a little time your remaining buddies will reorder themselves and it will be good, not the same of course but good. Here's a big hug ~squeeze~  Judy, here's a hug for you too. ~Squeeze~  Even when we know the time is close and they've lived long happy lives with us, it hurts so much to say goodbye.


Thanks to all of you for your support. It does help just to write about it, now if I can just fulfill my own promise to myself.  :)

Judy Harder

Time, Edie, Time. Just remember they are dancing at the Rainbow Bridge with your  mother and dad and how happy they all are. Plus the old ones are "YOUNG!" again.

Just like with our lost loved ones we take it one day at a time.............and in God's time all will be better. Hugs

and Thanks Diane.
I need hugs a lot lately
May is an bitter-sweet month for me and so many rough patches happened in May. good times, too, of course.but still the verbal hugs do help. Bless you.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Roma Jean Turner

Today is the most energtic day with the least discomfort that I have had since my surgery. Went for a bike ride.  I am coming back.  :) :)


Good news, probably best that you did not spend a lot of time here during the burn-off. It got pretty thick for awhile. Just keep on keeping on!  :D


Six:  Your dogs had a very good life...friends, other companions, good food and shelter.  The last days were so much better in a doctor's hands, and now they are now "straight in the arms of jesus"  (yes, I believe animals get in free without a judgement)
Is it hard?   yes.  Will it pass?  In time.  Some dogs never get the chance to live their lives like yours did.  Thank you for your caring. Ready


Awww---- Thanx Ducky. You made me cry a little, but it's okay.  :'(

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