What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane, you may want to rethink sending Sally snow as it seems we just may have plenty of our own to deal with. I knew that two 70 degree days in January was gonna make us pay in February. They have issued a winter storm watch for us beginning tomorrow night with freezing drizzle and heavy snow of more than six inches Monday night through Tuesday. I just got back from the grocery store and it looks to have been nearly plucked clean. But I can breath easy now, there is plenty of cat and dog food, even plenty for me.  ;) The van has a full tank, (nearly), and the bills are caught up. I can hibernate during the extreme temperatures they are predicting. Don't forget to drip the water people!  :P :P

Diane Amberg

Hey, you mean I packed all those Styrofoam boxes for nothing? Poo. Sorry to hear you are going to get it too. We are up for something  Tues. and Wed. AGAIN....but they still can't tell what system will influence what so it may be rain, or snow or ice or all of it.   We topped off the tank after the funeral this morning and I had already made a big pot of chili and we picked up some pumpernickel rolls that Al wanted so we are good too. Already had 6 gal. of milk, four loaves of bread, 10 pounds of bacon, 3 gal. orange juice, 10 doz eggs,...JUST KIDDING! I will make some corn bread tomorrow though. I wonder why perfectly normal people who can ordinarily make a shopping list and know how long it will last seem to forget how to figure out meals for a few days when a storm is predicted?

Ms Bear

Nothing for excitement today but got a call from a step-granddaughter that her son was born last Sunday evening and he weighed 3 lbs. 11 ounces and is in the NIC unit about 25 miles from her.  I will go see him tomorrow.  Sure hope our weather is good although they are predicting rain.

Prayers are needed.

Diane Amberg


    Ms. Bear they can do so much for preemies these days. I hope/ pray for the best, Edie.


Prayers are headed up... :angel:...But if there was ever a time when it was good to be a preemie, this would have to be it...I really can't believe how great our modern medicine really has become over the last 50 year.  Hope everything goes well for the baby, momma and you, too!! :-)


Diane, your time was not wasted because by August I am sure I can use all you packed away and some of what I will save. ;)


Diane, you made me think of my Mama who used to bake cornbread for the squirrel that came to the feeding table every day. She liked to watch him try and clutch it while he ate. Of course it crumbled, causing no end of frustration for him, and amusement for her. She spent many, many of her few dollars on feed for the little people she fed every day. I wish that I were more like her; maybe I grieve too much for my family that is gone?  :-X :-X


Diane, I am not ignoring your question about the moneys made from the food challenge.  I was informed that the raffle ticket sales were $100.  The raffle tickets were marked yes and no.  Each was $5.  If he finished the sandwich and you had a yes ticket, you got a free drink at the bar.  Obviously, if you didn't think he would finish, then you just contributed $5 to the charity.  There was another $100 +/- donate online by friends who couldn't be there.  As for the restaurant itself, the amount is still pending.  Clearly, the restaurant is not one of my CPA son's clients! 

The friend who is painting wanted to get some done early today as thunderstorms are predicted.  My wife has a very early Doctor's appointment over near Beverly Hills tomorrow.  It is much too difficult for her to negotiate the traffic and find this place by herself.  So she and her brother are staying in a nearby motel tonight.  I wil be doing my usual GD thing tomorrow so I can't go.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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