What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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I am, once again, so pleased with the good news that comes from the West Elk Schools.  The successes their students have in the academic bowls/Math Relays/Geography Bowls/ etc. are so impressive among a wide range of schools, many much larger, who probably have a wider range of teaching tools due to larger budgets.  The teachers who corral these students and encourage them to compete well are to be commended, as well as the parents who give their ongoing support.  Hopefully the community recognizes and appreciates all these positive achievements!!!  Great job, West Elk!!!

Roma Jean Turner

I have noticed since getting the Prairie Star, how many young people down there are getting scholorships and various honorable mentions.  I look forward to going to the different events and support the schools.

Diane Amberg

Anybody want some snow? We're now in the last part of a multifaceted event that  brought 5 inches of snow this morning topped by freezing rain and ice this afternoon and is now back to heavy snow and high winds to deliver several more inches of snow as a coupe de grace before the whole thing blows out after midnight. We got cleaned out once this morning and the snowplow did come through once, but you sure can't tell it now. I'd be happy to share. No? Well imagine that! ;D


Wouldn't mind a little snow Diane, but leave off the freezing rain. I am on a diet.  :angel: :angel: ;D

Ms Bear

No thank you, Diane.  You can keep your beautiful snow.  I had ice on my car this morning and it was very cold sitting there waiting for the ice to thaw so I could see to drive.  I do have one blossom on a rose bush on the south side of the house.


Diane call back in July or August please. ;D




Diane, just so I can rub it in where I can------------------Temps in SoCal, at least in my town, will hit the high 70s and low 80s today.  I wore a light jacket to the doctor's appointment this morning as it was a bit nippy.  When I  came out the jacket was off and shirtsleeves rolled up.  By the time the GD gets home at 2PM, I will probably have to turn on the ceiling fans.

My story today is:  I have a son, age 33, who is 6'6" tall and weighs in at about 250.  Handsome devil as he takes after his father.
He has a thing about food challenges.  In 2002, he attempted the 72 ounce steak at the Big Texan in Amarillo, but fell short 11 ounces before the hour was up.  Last night, there was a food challenge at a BBQ restaurant in Tustin, not far from where he lives.
As I have mentioned before, he and my absolutely gorgeous Chinese daughter-in-law have their own little charity which supports a part of an orphanage in Nepal.  When they traveled the world last year, they spent a week there volunteering and fixing things up for the kids.  Last night's food challenge was a sandwich called the "Boss Hogg" after the show "Dukes of Hazard."  The restaurant was donating 15% of the night's proceeds to the charity.  The draw was that my son had to eat the sandwich in a certain amount of time.  I can't tell you everything that was in the sandwich, but it did include 3 slices of Texas Toast, 16 ounces of meat (four different kinds) and a huge plate of french fries.  Alas, he could not finish it.  They have a plaque on the wall with the names of those that have and their is only one name.  When we got there, I was looking for him and couldn't see him.  He was wearing a Bo Duke wig!  The charity still gets the money from the proceeds, but he had to pay for the sandwich. ;D

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Roma Jean Turner

Good for him for giving the good old college try.  It sounds like you have a wonderful family Larry. 

It is supposed to be in the 60's here in Springfield starting tomorrow, for the weekend, (great biking weather).  Of course, tomorrow I have to be at an acupuncture seminar from 8:00 to 9:00 pm, yes 12 hours.  Then Saturday starting at 7:00am going until 6pm is 3 sets of 4 hour seminars on x-ray and various types of diagnosis.  Then Sunday from 7 to 11 am is Diagnosis and Treatment of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue.  With the surgery, etc, I am left to get all 24 hours for the year in this one weekend.  Anyway, if you think of me this weekend, think of me as awake.  Ha, ha.

Diane Amberg

Woo! Nothing like having to take all your Con Ed at one time! I feel for ya!
  We are up for air now. Got record breaking heavy wet white stuff. We're cleaned up around here, but it took three tries. Every time Al thought he was finished, the snow plow would come through again and plow us in with huge chunks at the end of the driveway. Since he also cleans out several of our much older neighbors, he has had to go back and do them again too. I still don't know about school for tomorrow. Side and back roads are still very bad and no lasting thaw in sight. It's beautiful stuff though. It looks like somebody flocked all the trees and shrubs. This was our seventh snow this winter and we aren't even to Feb. yet.
  Roma send that 60! Larry, I called my SIL during the worst of it. They had  moved to AZ just before Thanksgiving and they had just gone inside from their balcony in Fountain Hills because the sun was too hot. HA!  Didn't want her to not know what they were missing. But, they have incredible heat in the summer so I'm not sure which is worse. We've got more of something setting up for next week too, but I'm not sure what yet.
Larry, good for your son for trying to eat that big sandwich! Do you know how much he made for his charity?
Ms Bear, we have had years when we still had flowers blooming in December, but never January. Our real winter is Jan. and Feb.  most every year.

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