What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Roma.. and they tell ME that I am blond??  hahaha
Isn't it amazing what we do sometimes? I mean..Where is our head?? What are we thinking about? You just have to sit there and shake your head and wonder...
I must do something stupid and lamebrainy 10 times a day.. then sigh.. and now my favorite saying is.. " Well hell~ it doesn't surprise me one bit.. I'm as loony as a fruitcake most of the time"..

Today I am getting my New Years Cards sent.. Didn't do Christmas cards.. so I'm doing New Years Cards.. Then I think I'll go in .. make myself a cup of Chamomile Tea.. and watch a movie..
Yep.. going to be a nice lazy weekend..  
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


We're getting ready to wind down from the holiday week watching the OU/Connecticut Fiesta Bowl game tonight.  Go Sooners!

Roma Jean Turner

Hey Teresa,  can you believe they let us have guns. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Darn scary isn't it?... ( but "some of us" know how to keep them securely stabilized in our garments..)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Roma Jean Turner


Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Up early as required because school resumes today for Granddaughter #1.  It is pouring rain at 5 AM.  Without looking I would guess we have met our yearly average over the last two weeks.  It would be nice if this would stop before I had to leave. Oh well. 

Funny thing about this area.  When it comes around to New Year's Day and the Rose Parade and the Rose Bowl, it will rain like crazy the days before or the days after such as we are experiencing now.  In 120 years, it has only rained twice on the Rose Parade.  They say God smiles on Pasadena on January 1. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Judy Harder

I won't call it excitement but I finally got to walk, just cause I wanted to, (so did the dogs) since all the nasty cold stuff happened
I am surprised that just a month or so of not walking daily has got my legs feeling like cotton. It won't be long before we start "walking across Kansas" again..........and i guess I had better bundle up and go walking as much as I can.

It feels good to walk. I put the dogs coats on and I bundled up so I was waddling more than walking.....but we were moving.

Now, I am going to hit the couch and read or nap. If I say I plan on doing something like reading or watching a game or show on tv, I manage to sleep through most of it.
Oh, well...................sigh...............guess that's what I get for getting up before six. (Scooter thinks he needs to eat before then) Oh and his bladder needs relief. Guess what wins....lol Yep!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Roma Jean Turner

All weekend I was so stressed about my car and how I would deal with it, pay for it, etc. Thank God for friends.  A friend loaned me her car and as I was getting in it this afternoon, I looked back at my car in the carport and the banged up door was closed.  My neighbor up the street had came down sometime this morning and loosened the hinges on the door and got it to latch shut.  I am now able to drive my own car.  Tomorrow I start going for estimates at various places that friends have recommended. Annother thing I won't ever live down.  Ha, ha.


Cut yourself a little slack Roma Jean. We all make mistakes; that is what insurance is for.  :P :P :D

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