What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Roma Jean Turner

I sympathize with you.  I had the week before CHristmas.  I did the Zpac and the whole thing lasted about a week.


My wife's surgery went well.  The doctor operated around 2:30 PM and it was a two hour operation.  Recovery took a while so we didn't get out of there until 9 PM.  She is doing fine, although tired and somewhat sore.  The doctor wants her to get up and move around today a little and not lay in bed all day.  So far that isn't happening, but it's early yet. 

This is a day of relaxation.  No grandchildren, no plumber, nobody that I know of is coming over.   ;D

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Oh----------forgot to mention the 100 day dinner.  It was at P.F. Chang's Chinese restaurant in Anaheim.  This is not a traditional Chinese restaurant, but what my Chinese daughter-in-law calls "Chinese fusion."  That means they serve Chinese food, but in an Americanized style.  There are no Chinese people working there that I know of.  There is another chain of restaurants here called Pick-up-sticks, or something like that, which is the same way.  Chinese food, American style, and no Chinese employees.  Food is good in both places though.  The baby was given gifts that were supposed to "insure" her of a productive life.  As an example, we gave her a cheap toy flute which is to guarantee she will be musical. Other presents were cosmetic jewelry to guarantee riches and things like that.  Totally symbolic, but it was a good way to get the family together for a good time.  We will, as we have since we gained a Chinese daughter-in-law, celebrate Chinese New Year which is coming soon.  Again, only symbolic as my daughter-in-law really never celebrated the holiday, but goes along with our efforts to party when we can.
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

Really glad to hear the surgery went well, but be sure she does get up at least for a little while to keep the blood circulating.That 100 day dinner sounds like a lot of fun. Happy New Year to you all!   Xin Nian Kuai Le and Gung Hoy Fat Choy!


Amendment to reply #581-------------Wife's best friend came by with baked goods (that are not GF, so I don't get any), son and daughter-in-law with granddaughter #3 came by and left the baby with me to watch while they ran some errands.  Note to daughter-in-law:  Be sure to leave diaper bag as well as a bottle.  Fortunately, we were a little ahead of the game having diapers on hand.  However, neither one of us is capable of breastfeeding so that was a slight problem.  They came back in time to feed her.  Brother-in-law is here (I don't know why) eating whatever he can find and leaving the mess for me to clean up.  I had to go to the store for some things along with the other 10 million people getting their supplies in for party night.  I can't honestly say my day has been boring.  It's time for the afternoon coffee break or a nap which ever comes first.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

It's a beautiful day here. Happy Birthday to my sister's husband Sonny who is 63 today.They used to always come here for a big family dinner and a birthday cake for him, but my sister decided  that he didn't want to do that any more after our parents died. ;D ;D ;D. So Al and I  had really good  Nova Lox ( shipped in from Pike Place Market in Seattle) and cream cheese on good local bagels for breakfast and then later we'll go up north a bit to one of the big 16 screen theaters to see the matinee of "The King's Speech." So far it's the only theater around carrying it outside of Philly. This is the kind of cold clear day we used to go ice skating when we were kids.
I'm also going to see if I can lose some weight. I sure could use it. More exercise too. Wish me luck! All friendly encouragement gratefully accepted. Have a nice day all.


Watching the rose parade.  Cooking balck eyed peas, mountain oysters, homade bread, and eating some kraut.  Enjoying the new year.  Later some snacks and football.

Clubine Ranch

Changing the calenders, enjoying left-overs, (YES no cooking for a day or two), making phone calls to siblings and still enjoying the beauty of the Christmas decorations. A nice peaceful first day of the year!


No big plans today--------------watching the Rose Parade that is taking place about 10 miles to the west of me.  I used to run outside before the beginning of the parade to see B-1 or B-2 or whomever is flying by.  I never did see one which is weird because they fly west to east and therefore I should be able to see them as they pull up into the sky.  I don't do that anymore.  No comments from the peanut section about them being stealth bombers!   

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Roma Jean Turner

Last night as I was leaving to go to a friends house, I got in the car, backed up and heard this crashing sound.  As I turned to look my foot slipped off the brake and hit the accelerator which made it worse. I had forgotten that the back door on the passenger's side of the car was open, (how in the world I missed that is beyond me, anyway)i, and caught on the support for the carport and buckled the door.  Now it lacks about 7 inches of closing and is dented in.  No there wasn't any alcohol involved, just scatter braininess I guess.   Thank goodness for friends.  Someone Has loaned me a car for the weekend and someone else has offered to let me drive their old van while I try to figure out what to do with this.  My neighbor up the street thinks he can loosen some bolts on the hinge and see if we can get the door closed and latched so at least I can drive it around at get estimates.  That will be a big help.  Just a little kick in the keister from 2010 on the way out the door.  Ha, ha.

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