What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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My excitement today?  WOW!!  Someone asked me if I were over 60.  I was checking out and the store's policy is a 25% discount for Seniors on Wednesday.  And she ASKED me is I were over 60.  ME, gray hair and all.  How much more excitement could an old lady ask for?

Roma Jean Turner

That's great.  What store is it and where is it?

Diane Amberg

Thank you for the puppy update. He sounds adorable. I know that Pacific Coast Hwy drive and it is beautiful. Hope the slides don't get any worse. I'm told that slowly but surely that system will work its way across the country and end up here.  I find that fascinating as was the eclipse on the 21th.  Have a wonderful Christmas.


Larry, you and Bonnie have been in my thoughts and prayers. What we see is concerning and looks like no fun at all. Good luck with the new puppy, I can't stop thinking about the little chihuahua puppies I saw at the pet shop a couple of weeks ago. Maybe later, when the two old men are gone, they are approaching 19 years of age. You all stay warm and dry!  :D


Thanks, SDM, as I live in the "flatlands" there is no concern of flooding or slides.  I live on a cul-de-sac with a slight rise from the entrance to the end.  The rise is slight enough to not be taxing when you go for a walk and great for the kids on skateboards or bikes.  Thanks for the prayers though.  You can never get enough of those. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Clubine Ranch

Wishing Baby Jesus a Happy Birth Day!
Attending Mass
Eating great food
Eating candy
Opening gifts
Being with family and friends.
Taking a nap
Just going to have a Great Day!


Up early as usual waiting for the granddaughter who has now arrived and is safely tucked away in bed to finish sleeping.  I will be going to the Oncologist this morning for my monthly visit and a shot in the rear end.  My wife has an appointment with her Orthopedic Doctor this afternoon.  The plumber is returning to do some more replacing of pipes, that is, if he can get off the mountain where he lives because IT'S RAINING AGAIN.  All this comes to an end tonight as the family (daughter and family, wife and brother-in-law, and son and family and I will all meet at a restaurant in Anaheim to celebrate the 100th day since granddaughter #3 was born.  Why? What is the meaning of this celebration?  According to my son, oriental cultures gather to celebrate the 100th day since birth because the first 100 days are supposed to be the period in which the newborn is in greatest jeopardy.  Once the 100th day arrives, it is cause for celebration.  When he mentioned this to my Chinese daughter-in-law, her response was, "Huh?  What are you talking about?"  But, they have decided to follow this tradition so as to not to tempt fate.  And, throughout this day of activity, we will all get wet because-------------ITS RAINING AGAIN!

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Well, I am not watching my neighbors.  The fog is so thick that I can't see across the street or the alley.  I guess my excitement will be hoping that the fog turns to rain.  Maybe Larry's rain will make it to Elk County this time.

Ms Bear

It is raining here in Texas too.  Cold and windy. 


I'm trying to find my voice. :P  I think I've spent most of these last two weeks with laryngitis - sometimes totally voiceless, most of the time screechy and/or whispery. It's exasperating!   :D

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