What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

Yup. She knows what she's talking about.You are bruised and stretched and it takes time for all that to put it's self back to normal but, it will. You are doing great.

Diane Amberg

I'm still getting ready for our local fire prevention awards on Thurs. and since we did have two county winners ,Al and I will go to their awards luncheon on Sun. to support them...I'm also working on the firehouse kids' Christmas Party for Dec.12.
   I'm really excited about UD football again this season.I  haven't said much for fear  of getting nasty remarks about it but they have gotten their old form back and are tied for first place in the IAA  They won the whole thing a few years ago and have a good chance to do it again. UD is getting ready to greatly enlarge it's stadium and wants to move up to IA in a few years.The only problem is that the tickets have gotten very expensive. Maybe someday we'll play KU...HA!


Preparations for dress rehearsal tonight for the Murder Mystery Play our drama group is presenting at our church on Saturday.  It's my first time to be involved with anything like this since high school (many years ago), and it's been fun. 

Diane Amberg


I spent the day catching all the Wichita local news that I could.  This morning while enjoying my first cup of coffee and catching up on the news, the building that was on fire caught my attention.  It looked familiar and it was on the right street so I had to watch until I was sure.  I even called my brother at home at 7:00 this morning, but I didn't get an answer.  That was because the burning building was his Radio and TV Repair shop.  He retired several years ago and closed it as a business, but was still using it for storage, especially old TV's that people gave to him.  He had been in business since the late 50's and in that location since I-135 went in.  His previous shop had been in the middle of where they wanted to put the road.


Ole Granny

Is your brother Dale.? He use to work on our Zenith TV's
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


Yes, Granny.  I still haven't talked to him.  I imagine he is feeling pretty down and lost.  He probably had the first radio that he worked on stored in that shop.  If he managed to get it back from it's owner.  How long did you do business with him?  He has some old people that he still takes care of just because they have been customers for a long, long time.

Diane Amberg

That's really a shame. He must have had lots of memories in that shop. I'm glad he wasn't hurt.


I talked to my brother and he didn't seem to be too upset over his loss.  He is an upbeat kind of person.  He did say that there was no way that they would be able to tell how the fire started.  Since the contents of the place was mostly old TVs and other leftovers from his business, the fire was terrifically hot.  He had been in business at that address since he started many, many years ago.  Since he had retired several years ago, he carried most of his equipment in his truck.  What little work he still did was for some of his old (emphasis on old) customers that called him as much for his company as for his repair work.

The shop, which had been a residence, was situated on a corner with no neighbors closer than half a block.  The building was stucco, so there wasn't a lot of outside damage.  There is an old magnolia tree within ten feet of the front of the house and he says that it is somewhat scorched.  The vehicles that he had parked in front of the house didn't seem to be damaged at all.

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