What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Ms Bear

I am very happy for you.  Congratulations and best wishes.

Roma Jean Turner

I rode my bicycle for a few blocks today and it didn't make the pain level worse.  The lung capacity was good.  Legs a little weak but that will turn around fast.  I AM SO EXCITED........

Diane Amberg

A surgeon friend once told me that an ordinary person, not a professional athlete, doesn't regain full  100 % strength and stamina for about 6 months after a major surgery. Bet ya beat that! Congrats!


It took me well over 2 years and i still don't have the stamina and muscle tone i used to have from my surgery.  On top of that, i gained weight which reduced all that.   Trying to lose it, and guess i am doing some losing cause i have had this stomach flu 3 weeks ago and it lasted a long time and i just got it again unfortunately.

I think its the norovirus.  ALl the symptoms look like it.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Roma Jean Turner

The ribs feel like they could take 6 months.  Can't imagine wearing a bra before then...okay...too much info.  Ha ha

Ms Bear

So are you wired together with piano wire?  The healing does take a long time but you will make it.  Being in good shape before the surgery really helps but I am surprised you were able to ride your bike.

Roma Jean Turner

No wiring or staples.  They went in between my ribs on the back and side.  All incisions are healing well.  T he constant pain is the rib pain even more in front.  Just feels angry, raw and kind of caved in.  It itches but when you scratch along the ribs you can't feel the scratch it just feels numb.  Really effected by the weather.  I was thrilled that I could ride because I thought my right side might just cave in.  However as the day wore on the ribs really kicked my butt so I probably won't try that again for a week or two.  Perhaps this was another lesson for me....as grandma would say "just because you can do something doesn't mean you have any business doing it". They say this rib pain may take quite awhile to go away but  I certainly will recover.  Patience has never been my virtue.

Jo McDonald

Roma, I'm so glad that "healing" is on the way.  It will take a lot of patience, but when you are feeling on top of the world again, you will forget how long it took.

  Hang tough!!!


Judy Harder

It is kind of like "Doctor heal thyself" We who have been in the medical profession, doctor, nurse, aide or whichever side, do feel we can self-diagnos..........NO WE Can't.......but we still try.

Hang in there Roma. Oh, the numbness you are feeling is due to nerves being cut or bruised. When I had lymph nodes removed after the radiation a nerve (or 2 or 3) was severed, had to do it to get where they were going, and to this day I still can't feel the area from my ear lobe to my right shoulder. I can with my finger, hand, etc. But that spot is numb.

Altho a few days ago I thought feeling was coming back. Doctor did say it might repair itself.........maybe.
You are doing well. just listen to your body. It does tell you when you did too much.
as to the rib bone, remember it takes time for a bone to knit together and (You do need to let it, and not try to help!)
God bless you.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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