What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

 You made it harder by waiting until the mailbox post shadow was longer than the post was high, but since the shadow was a some less than twice the true height of the post, the tree shadow would have been some less than twice the height of the tree. So maybe some where around 55 feet? Just a guess, I don't have time right now to convert the whole thing into inches and then go back to feet. I'll be back later.


I had a short window of time in which the shadow of the tree could be measured.  Until 10:00 in the morning it runs across the corner of the road yard.  For about an hour after that the shadow can be distinguished from that of other tress.  After that it is lost in the trees north of it.  The best time probably would have been noon when the shadow would have been it's shortest, but it is lost by that time.  From about 11:00 for the rest of the day it is lost.  I studied it yesterday so I would know just when would be the best time.

Dee Gee

70 Ft. 10 inches

That would be 55 inches divided by 99 inches equals Answer, then answer times 121 feet equals 70.8888 or 70 ft 10 in.

Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself

Diane Amberg

Thanks ! Ya saved my old brain...but I didn't think it would be that tall. Now do you need to know the length of rope to hang from a sturdy branch? ;D ;D ;D


Thanks, but no thanks, Diane.  Dee Gee, that is close to what I got, but still a bit short.  Does anyone else have an answer?  Dee Gee's almost 71 feet is still taller than what I was guessing it to be.  Now I am curious about the sycamore in the back yard, but Daughter isn't interested.

Ms Bear

See what we can do when we all get together.  That was very interesting.

Janet Harrington

I would say, Mother, that Dee Gee probably got the right answer.  Me, however; am not going to tax my brain.


Diane Amberg

Well, we have more local political excitement afoot. The Pres.and VP are both coming into town next Friday for a fund raiser for Chris Coons at the Grand Opera House in Wilmington. Rachael Maddow's show was here Tuesday and broad cast from our local college hangout,The Deer Park Tavern. It's a nifty old two story place with great porches and stories about it's connection with Edgar Allen Poe...some true, some urban legend. Even has a raven in a glass case. Rachael's been trying to connect with Christine O'Donnell, better know to us now as CO. I've about decided CO has bats in the brain. She keeps making up "facts" as she goes along and is really hurting herself with the Repubs here. So far she has been almost invisible and has only shown up at party headquarters and has avoided any real questions. She finally put out a very strange political ad or two,not very well made. Now, finally, she is coming out to debate Chris Coons on the UD Green, just down the road from me and one long bock from our fire station. It's going to tie up traffic and make our job almost impossible. We may clear the station and move everything to our other stations. Why all the hubbub? Wolf Blitzer is coming to town with the whole CNN crew. Now as I understand it, this thing is going to happen at 8:00 AM. Why so early? I'm guessing trying to avoid much of the main stream media from Philly, but I don't think it will work.  We're just not used to all this attention. I've got fire safety programs at a local church preschool that morning so I'll miss all the fun.


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