What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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W. Gray

The territorial prison is the oldest prison in the state having been constructed in 1871 making it 136 years old. I have never heard of any effort to replace it.

The southern and southeastern part of Colorado has a number of prisons, including federal. The folks there accept these facilities more easily than the urban folks do nowadays because of the job opportunities offered.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


You are correct.  I lived in Las Animas CO in my teens and many people there worked at the VA hospital called Fort Lyon east of town.  Fort Lyon was closed and a new prison was built so most of those people were able to keep working.  Concerning the prison at Canon City, our high school marching band was invited to march in the State Fair parade one year and we stayed in a motel not too far from the prison.  We were a little leery about that. 

I have also been to Mesa Verde in years past and enjoyed the spectacular views of the mountains and canyons.  We also rode the narrow gauge railroad, but we took the bus up to Silverton and rode the train back to Durango.  Colorado is probably the most beautiful state in the union.  I am sure that others think some other state is prettier, but my vote is with Colorado.

Now, for my day of excitement.  After dropping the Granddaughter off at school, we drove the 45 miles to Orange County to attend the ultrasound of our daughter-in-law.  It was just another routine visit.  But, her amniotic fluid level was down and so was the baby and she was admitted to the hospital.  The nurses have announced that she will have the baby today because they are inducing labor.  Not like the old days when you sat around and waited for the baby to come out.  They (Kaiser) even have a mid-wife which gets everything ready.  I am not clear if the doctor is even going to be in the room.  We will probably go back tonight if she has the baby.  How changed things are these days!

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Clubine Ranch

Hey Larry, Hope baby and mom do just fine. Let us know.
Our excitement today was finishing off a plate of home-made cookies that were delivered here on Sat. Two lovely 4-H members brought us a neat picture of themselves with their animals plus a variety of very good cookies, saying Thank You for supporting the Elk County 4-H Livestock Sale. We have supported the livestock sale since 1966 and only one year did we not get a Thank You from the kids. That truly shows the good manners and thoughtfullness of our local kids. 4-H is a great organization and we appreciate the leaders and the kids for all the great things they do locally. Dale and Barbara


It will be a busy day.  Newest Granddaughter was born at 4:03 AM PDT.  So after dropping #1 GD at school, we will be going back down to Irvine to see the #3.  Daily joke will be a little late today.  My son says mother and baby are fine.  7 lbs 2 ozs, 19 1/2 inches.  More later.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Judy Harder

Congratulations to all. God be with this baby, and her family.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

Hooray! I'm just doing more tomatoes so Larry's news is much better and more exciting! Best wishes and many blessings to all.


Just finished  cleaning my china cabinet.  Getting ready to start on two curio cabinets!!!  I'm always glad when I get these things done and can enjoy the glass shelves all shiney once again!!


Hey, Larry.

How's the new baby, and what's her name?


Our new granddaughter is named-----Cora Maggi Jordan.  Now, don't ask me because I don't know and no the middle name is not a typo.  Apparently, the name Maggi is associated with some sort of food thing they saw on their world trip and liked the name.  My son, who is a baseball nut, asked us to bring two softballs with us yesterday.  One was for practice which I screwed up on.  On the second, I was able to get her name and statistics on the ball and then those who visit are to put their names on the ball.  Close relatives such as I put what we would like Cora to call us, such as Papa.  Yesterday was a madhouse with their friends coming by and of course the hospital staff doing their thing.  Who ever heard of a "lactation nurse"?  We had to go back to the waiting room while the lactation nurse and Jojo went over the proper way to nurse a baby.  I never knew there was a right way and a wrong way.  They could have gone home yesterday, but chose to stay one extra day which is a wise decision. 

As far as "excitement for today", I think after doing our usual getting GD #1 to school ,we will ready to rest.  It is a long drive from our house to their house, about 45 miles in good ol' LA traffic.  It kinda wears on you and we did it two days in a row.  But knowing my wife, the possibility exists that we may go again after school is out.  In fact, I can probably count on it. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Judy Harder

Cora Maggi is cute. And rolls right off the tongue...

Again congratulations to all.....

I will take the deer traffic over LA traffic anyday. I have never driven there, nor do I want to,
Kansas City and Wichita are bad enough.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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