What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Right before I went to Nam I took a bus to Long Beach where my brother in laws shipped was docked. He took me to a place called the Pike. Is it still there ? Took me on some ride called a wild rat or mouse. It was terrible. I would take another tour in the Nam jungles than get back on that ride !!! They had a booth where you got so many marbles for a quarter and shot whiskey bottles with a Beenie Flipper (sling shot ). Them west coasties sucked at shooting a beenie flipper. I won the biggest prize they had. A ceramic donkey. They mailed it back home here and Joyce a box full of shards.

Roma Jean Turner

I am looking forward to coming to Moline tomorrow but I had better be taking my EmergenC because it sounds like you are all dropping like flies.


Roma Jean, Make sure and bring your dancing shoes!  There is a street dance in Severy Sat night. 


Judy, my official diagnosis is tonsillitis and bronchitis. I'm off work til Tuesday. Got me some antibiotics and some tea and I'm ready to go to bed! Hope you're feeling better! (You too, T)...




My excitement for the week is recovering partitions off of  a computer for someone. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

We're watching the hurricane, which is starting to make the usual expected turn to the north but it's far enough off shore not to bother us too much. Huge waves and undertow and riptides for our beach people though, so the beaches are already closed. Cape Hatteras, which is always expecting hurricane hits has already evacuated. We're clear up at the very top of the Chesapeake Bay, so  we won't get much of anything. But there are more storms forming out there so we'll have to keep watching.
    Steve, what is "recovering partitions?" I'm a computer dummy so I don't know what that means.

Judy Harder

I guess mine was the old flu! Or a summer virus, or just the crud!

My tonsils were removed when I was 6. I guess I had endless sore throats and that was when it was a rule to remove them early.
My bronchitis days stopped when I stopped the smoking. (Now, I have a slight (beginning copd) and may be due to all the allergies I have, but for the sake of diagnosis they are calling it copd.

I feel better, not worth a hoot today and looking forward to my bed.
Started to take a nap this afternoon and my sister called, I would rather talk to her than sleep so we did and then I was out of the notion.

Got to listen to our bodies. If I force a nap, will not sleep worth a dern come night time. I chose to sleep at night.
Hope all of you are feeling better. Not fun being ill..........Roma, if you are looking for something else to do this weekend. The 22nd annual Dyer Coed Softball tournament in Longton is going on........Starts at 8AM Saturday and plays until all 8 teams play the other. Good (sort of) ball playing and all are related to some one from Longton. We are on our third generation playing this year.......16 and up.  (OH, I score-keep as long as I can sit up and see) 
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Riding Ferris wheels reminds me of the Elk County Fair.  I would always ask the guy running the Ferris wheel to stop it when I got to the top.  Some of the young ladies I took to the fair were totally afraid of the Ferris wheel and when it stopped at the top, they would hold on for dear life!

Jar, I well remember the Pike.  It was located in Long Beach and sadly is no longer there.  The roller coaster was one of the best.  That area now is the site of the Long Beach Aquarium which we took the GD to some months back.  The Queen Mary is docked fairly close by and the place where Howard Hughes stored the Spruce Goose is still there although the "Goose" was moved up north.  Some of that area is where they hold the Toyota Auto Races each year.  There were a lot of military people there as the Long Beach Naval Station was close by.  It is now closed.  There used to be a place where you could walk out on a jetty and watch the navy ships come in.  It featured a helicopter ride which took you all around the harbor.  Some of the area was added to expand the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles.  Time marches on.  There used to be a place called Marine land, similar to Sea World in San Diego.  It was closed years ago.  There was another place that I think was called ".................deer park?"  It featured elephant rides and camel rides--it closed a long time ago.  The stalwarts remain------Disneyland and its sister park, Knotts Berry Farm, which used to just be a place to visit the shops and watch the stagecoach get held up.  Knotts finally put in rides to compete with Disneyland.  To the north of LA is Six Flags Magic Mountain.  If you go to San Diego, then there is the aforementioned Sea World, Old town which all the Mexican flavor, much like Olvera Street in downtown LA.  We do not lack for excitement around here.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Larry, the Long Beach Aquarium is quite interesting.  Our daughter took us there on our first visit to Long Beach.

The Queen Mary is quite interesting.  One of our neighbors, here in Bartlesville, was in the Canadian Navy in WWII and said he was on the Queen Mary when he shipped out to Europe.  It was converted to take the troops to Europe.  He said it was a fast ship for that time and they didn't worry about being attacked.

They also film a lot of movies there in Long Beach.  Our daughter was married at the Long Beach Museum of Art there.  The grounds made a beautiful setting and look out over the ocean for the wedding.

One time when I was out there, our daughter took me to the Gene Autry Museum.  Have you been there?  I found it very interesting.



Nope, the Gene Autry Museum is another one of those places I haven't seen.  We have a plethora of museums here, including the Southwest Museum which features mostly Native American artifacts, MOCA--Museum of Contemporary Art, MOMA--Museum of Modern Art, La Brea Tar Pits museum and bookstore, the Wax Museum in Orange County which features wax replicas of all your favorite stars, one or two different movie and film museums in Hollywood, and probably a bunch more I can't think of right now without looking it up.  I can proudly, or sadly, say I have not been to any of them except for the La Brea Tar Pit museum and I only went there with a girl I was dating at the time because she wanted to go there. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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