What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Judy Harder

I envy you. I had a bowl of oatmeal this afternoon and a half of a cantaloupe for supper.
I tried to get some yoghurt but the milk man didn't leave any this week. Might eat another bowl of
cereal later. Have to take my evening meds and not suppose to take them on an empty tummy.

And, Diana, I don't get upset when someone is just being herself. I hope mine is just a bug. 24 hour would suit.

Heading back to my couch. I canceled my meeting tonight. No sense exposing any of them to what I have nor get a new one.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


If I didn't feel ( and look) like something the cats used for a play toy..and discarded..... I would share and try to bring some down your way. Deb made a big container of it.. buuuut... after tonight~~there probably wont be much left.  ;D   But its the thought of sharing that counts..right? :angel:
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Ms Bear

Well Teresa, aren't you lucky to have Deb close by?  Glad it made you feel better.  Judy, I hope you are feeling better and hope it is just a bug and not a reaction to your new meds.

I stopped at Dr yesterday after work, has a very small sore on finger that got worse and sorer as the day went on.  He said he thought it was Staph, gave me a tetnus shot and put me on antibiotic.  Discussed high blood pressure, told him my shoulder has been hurting for about a month and muscles are very sore.  A prescription for anti-inflamatory, muscle relaxer and darvacet and have to go back to make sure blood pressure comes back down.  It was only 178/80.  Just took it here at home and it is much lower and I slept really good last night.

Judy Harder

Isn't it fun getting older. Always something to talk about.

Teresa, if you would STOP looking in the mirror you wouldn't know what you look like.

and thanks for the thought, but I would rather keep my bug, do'nt want anybody elses bug.
I won't starve, just no appetite and not wanting to cook. This late I am going to bed.
I hope you and I are almost 100% tomorrow. Can't wish for the 100, wouldn't know how to act if that was so.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Oh great, now I'm sick too! I went to work this morning, against my better judgement, stayed 2 hours and came home. Doctor appointment at 2. Whatever this is makes you feel like someone kicked the hell out of ya! I ache all over and just feel horrible!--Jen



Judy Harder

that it does and wait till the day after.........Feel like a limp noodle and life must go on. I did do the wash today and went up to nurse, bp is low so that stands to reason. Must go back up the street soon, the milk truck just got here and I need to restock my fridge.....long weekend coming.
Hope you feel better. Go to bed and or sack out on sofa.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Maybe my extreme aches and pains are not the result of being forced to lie quietly on my back for 30 minutes while the surgeon did things to my eye.  Maybe I am having some of what the rest of you have.  Nah!  This happens to me everytime my body has to go through something different than what it is used to.  Back to the pain pills.  Wish I had more of the high octane kind.


Larry, I want to know about your ferriswheele ride when you get back!!!  My daughter took me to the Santa Monica Pier last year when I was visiting, and were ate lunch and was going to ride the ferris wheel --- well, wouldn't you know, it was going to open the next day!!!  Guess it is quite an experience!!!



Myrna, when we left the valley after picking up the granddaughter, it was close to 90 degrees.  The hour and half ride to Santa Monica was okay and when we got there the temp was around 70 degrees.  Having never been there (sad after living in the LA area for 45 years) I was amazed at all the rides.  I thought my wife and GD would just go on a few.  I wound up buying an all day pass for GD and my wife would buy individual tickets for those she went on.  I only rode the ferris wheel to settle a .50 bet that I would do it.  GD rode everything, some of them twice, and the bungee-cord three times.  She is 5 years old!  It got cloudier and the fog was coming so we decided to eat dinner and go home much to the disappointment of the GD.  Many places to eat, but we chose the Bubba Gump Shrimp House (remember the movie?) and had a delicious fish dinner.  The Santa Monica pier is the unofficial end of route 66.  We got home late so the GD spent the night here in "her room", but she was out before we even got home.  All in all a great day that will force me to eat rice and beans for the next two weeks. :laugh:


P.S. Concerning the ferris wheel, at first I was disappointed because the attendants seem to be loading people on two cars at a time and not necessarily in any kind of order.  But then they kept it going for a long time.  Being on the end of the pier, it was a fantastic view of the ocean and beach.  I would guesstimate the height of the wheel to be around 60 to 70 feet. 
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Larry, I was disappointed that I didn't get to ride, as she said, it appears to go out over the ocean when you are riding!  Sounds like you had a great time!  It is really very pretty there!  I always liked to ride the ferris wheels.  Rode the huge one at the Houston Stock Show last spring with my son and grandchildren.  It was quite tall, but enclosed, but we were glad for the enclosure, as it was raining lightly when we were there! 


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