What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

Again?  We do have rain on the way and right now we could use some.  Al stripped the rest of the good toms for the season, so I'll do something with them.  I'm making peach cobbler for us and several neighbors.  I may make some fresh salsa.  Later I'll go to the fire house and clean out the fire prevention brochure closet and make up the smoke detector and battery order for Nov.1


I'm late posting - I've had a couple of fun days.

Sunday, Jim and I went to the New Albany United Methodist Church and listened to Susan Galvan. They had a singing service and it was a great time. Then we took off for Newton, to help daughter Janet celebrate her birthday. Lots of road time (we officially became Labor Day travelers), but it was a good trip.

Monday, we had family here, trying to fix a broken axle. The day included an emergency run to Wichita for parts, but everything turned out okay. I loved having people here and cooked for them: beer bread, focaccia, brownies and baked macaroni and cheese.

Today, like Wilma, I'm listening to the rain. The sump pump in the basement has already started and will keep running after the rains. Then it's back to school and work. We also plan on going to the "Meet and Greet" tonight for our new town police officer.


Debbie, the meet-n-greet is next Tuesday (the 15th). Hope you'll still attend!


Two doctor's appointments today.  One with the Pulmonologist to follow up on a previous appointment and one with Oncologist to review my monthly blood tests and get that ever so wonderful monthly injection in the glutemus maximus to keep from relapsing from the colon cancer from last year.  The shot itself is okay, but the tenderness part on sitting for the rest of the day is not cool!  :D

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I have really been busy.  There is now 2 1/2 inches in the gauge, quickly approaching 3.  The river has overflowed, gone down and might overflow again, as it is pouring again.

Judy Harder

I am using the rain as an excuse NOT TO DO ANYTHING.

Computer and I are taking our time this AM and this afternoon will take care of itself.

I had planned on going to Indy and doing my monthly shopping. But, with the water raising
and their roads having a habit of overflowing, I will just stay home.

I do have a couple of books I may open. (well one at a time!)
No, I don't know how much rain as I can't see my guage from this window, would need to go out and I don't
want to get wet........It will wait.

Have a nice slow day people............God bless you.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Not real exciting, but watching it rain... and watching my basement leak!  It just started this weekend; first time that's happened.  I thought a house built like this would not leak, but maybe with all the dry weather earlier in the summer and then all the rain, it found a way in.  Luckily, we only have concrete floors in the basement, and it's only leaking in a small spot.  One of my rugs got wet on Saturday, but the dehumidifier took it all out pretty quickly.  Nothing ruined except a couple of empty cardboard boxes (they needed to be thrown out anyway).  Also, luckily, it seems to be along the floor and not coming down the walls or anything, so as long as we get it dried up, it's not going to ruin anything.

I've had to switch to my broadband internet card, as the rain keeps making my satellite go out (plus the eletricity has been blinking enough to make it have to reset each time).  And work is pretty slow today, too.

Over the weekend, we finished cleaning out all the office stuff from the nursery.  Yea!  Our new office downstairs is pretty crowded, but we'll make it do.  I've taken over the couch for my office lately anyway (to be able to put my feet up), and we typically don't use the office both at the same time, either.  My mom made me the crib bumper pad, so I'll have to post some pictures sometime. 

Lots of lightning out still, so everyone be careful!

Diane Amberg

Rudy Taylor

It truly is "a wonderful life."

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