What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Roma Jean Turner

Ms Bear

You do have my sympathy also.  I wouldn't wish that on anybody, although I think the prepping is the worst part of it.


Diane, the worse thing about colonoscopies is the day before.  Only having liquids and drinking that danged stuff to clean you out.  Two years ago, I had one and apparently wasn't clean enough and the doctor made me do it over.  That time I was clean and that was the time they found the carcinoma that prompted the colon surgery which saved my life.  I will have another colonoscopy in a couple of years, because I had the carcinoma, but I have a different attitude about them now.  I even asked my oncologist when I could have another!.  This test can truly save your life.

The birthday party went well.  There was lots of food and lots of people.  The now 2-year-old granddaughter didn't really understand what all the hoopla was about, but she had a good time.  My daughter-in-law made the old man a gluten free cake and it was delicious.

If I am the Larry you are asking about on FB, my FB name is Lawrence Jordan in Covina CA.  I will "friend" you if you ask, but be warned.  I am not a big fan of FB and would not subscribe if my children weren't posting their daily comings and goings.  I don't like the "security" they promise no matter how you set up your settings.  For example, I have a cousin on there who is a friend who made a comment about something the other day and one of you responded because you are a friend of theirs.  I could have asked that person to be a friend, and chose not to because I just don't care for FB that much.  However, the point is because that person responded, I was able to find out information about them, no matter what privacy settings they use.  Some of the things that get posted by friends of my children or even my friends, I would rather not know about. ::)

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

Yes, you are the Larry I meant and I will look for you, but don't worry, I won't bother you. I usually just say happy birthday or share something if it has importance. I don't spend much time on there except during cold weather and I enjoy Farmville but even that isn't holding my attention any more. As for messages, I'm much more likely to send private ones if the subject is sensitive because otherwise it is a party line for sure.
 As far as the Colonoscopy, I agree. I grump but I'd never skip it. Today is the no roughage day and tomorrow I get to have the Miralax and all the other stuff. Thurs. is the procedure at 6:30 AM so I'll get it over early and enjoy the rest of the day.  This is my third so I know what it's all about.


I didn't mean to be stand-offish, I was just expressing my feelings about FB.  I just don't need to know what my wife's nephew in another state was doing with his girlfriend at the lake last night.

The best part of the whole colonoscopy thing is having breakfast, lots of breakfast!!!!!!!! ;D

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Ms Bear

Any excuse to go out for breakfast is good.


Talking about breakfast makes me wish I was closer to a Waffle House.

Ms Bear

Whataburger has fairly good biscuit with sausage gravy and free senior coffee.  Makes a good breakfast on Saturday.


Love to go for  breakfast.  We have a new Chic Fila, here it is good!

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