What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Teresa ,Loaded to many misses this morning, but will to try to do better tomorrow. Them big shoots  are a piece of cake. The only time I was a little nervous was I got put on a posse with Evil Roy but he is a very nice guy.  Been to Okla City, Cheyenne and Grand Island, Going to Wichita ,Topeka state shoot at Garnett(Parker) then to Barnson. See ya down the trail some day. Mongo

Rudy Taylor

Mongo, you've got to understand that Teresa saves the full load for the forum.

When she fires on this course ... the girl never misses her target.

Of course, she has lots of us applauding her. A peanut gallery always helps a shooter, you know.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Rudy, I take your newapaper and read it front to back, Great paper. I was born and raised in Howard and went to school with Teresa and never would of dreamed I would of stumbled into her in the sport of cowboy action shooting many years later. Keep Them  words and thoughts coming in the paper. Mongo 

Rudy Taylor

Teresa's excitement over shooting has made me into a wanta-be shooter. I wish Flint Oak was a bit closer to my home ... it takes about 1 1/2 hours to get there.  I'd join in an instant if it were just a little more practical to make the drive, and also to enjoy their wonderful dining room.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


ahhhh  their food.. ( my mouth is watering as I type)  it is wonderful!
After Wednesday nite sporting clays is over we go up and eat and have a few drinks. This last week Nick Miller and  I had the most mouth watering fork tender huge chicken fry with white gravy..  garlic mashed potatoes .. steamed buttered broccoli and cottage cheese.
Mark had the biggest southwest chicken salad I've ever seen.
Zack Mast had a platter of fried Pheasant strips .
Derek had the this big huge full double chicken breast stuffed and smothered in crab and lobster with a sauce that was awesome. 
Danny had blackened salmon..with a dill sauce..

Getting to shoot and then getting to eat is just about as close to heaven as I can imagine.. LOL
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Contemplating another day at the beach.  Here is SoCal, it seems that when school starts, fall has fell, and you must crowd in as much time at the beach as you can while the beach is wonderful.  However, we tend to do things as a "spur of the moment" kind of thing, so we may not go if something else looks more appealing like spending time with family.  One deterrent to the beach will be the holiday weekend crowds, but that is not a big deterrent. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Roma Jean Turner

My excitement for the day was totally unexpected.  We were looking forward to a great brunch of zuchinni pancakes after todays church service.  However, midway through the service a black cloud of smoke starting coming up from down stairs.  It is amazing how fast it starting filling up the church.  Everyone got out okay. The ones in the basement had soot on them.  The fire trucks were there in record time and we didn't even have to use water thank goodness.  It started in one of the old ovens in the kitchen.   While there is a lot of soot in parts of the church, no water damage, no one hurt.  Very thankful.

Diane Amberg

We went out to lunch with another couple and stopped by her mom's nursing home to reprogram her TV remote. Nothing as exciting as Roma Jean's adventure. Glad nobody got hurt!


Rephrasing "not a big deterrent"-----------------We opted to go to the beach.  NOW, my wife has lived in Southern California for 55 years and I have lived here for 44 years.  SO, we are veterans, old timers, call it what you will, that alone lets us know that trying to go to the beach on a holiday weekend is a big mistake and a stupid one for those of us that are veterans, old timers, etc. 

If you are to go to the beach on a holiday weekend, you must start before sunrise in order to get a parking space.  Getting a spot on the beach itself is not hard.  As it happened, we left after noon and stopped at a local chicken take-out and got some lunch and headed for the beach.  We cruised along the beach that we enjoy the most and noticed it was crowded, but I did see some parking places.  Upon arriving at the entrance gate, the entrance was coned off and a young man told us the parking was full and that we were blocking traffic.  We pointed out to him that parking was indeed available and the traffic behind us were those who saw all the empty parking places and wanted in.  He became indignant and shooed us away.  We drove on through the next two beach cities and found it was the same everywhere.  We then turned around and went back to the other side of our favorite beach and wound up in a supermarket parking lot overlooking a marina eating our chicken like at a tail gate party.  Fortunately, the market housed a Starbucks and we were able to have a coffee after our very late lunch.  Laughing at ourselves for making such a stupid decision and violating the rules of visiting beaches on a holiday weekend, we drove home. 

Tomorrow is another day and I will look forward to it as always.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I am watching the water rise in the rain gauge again today.  We have had almost two inches of rain this morning.  I am also watching my private river approach overflowing.

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