What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

Same here.I give most of my jelly and jams, pickles,relishes, away to friends who don't can or freeze. The last thing I made was the Amish lemon butter which was a hit too. Al's grandfather loved my cherry jam and cherry pies because he said they didn't make him burp. ;D ;D ;D This week I'm going to make a big jar of pickled eggs. This is the time of year I always wish I had a second refrigerator.
    On a different subject ,I was sorry to hear of William Raspberry's death. The conservatives will sniff I'm sure, but I always enjoyed his more moderate political writing.  I'm also watching the action in Colorado...must be something in that delicious mountain water! Waldo? Any thoughts?


On the subject of burping (nice segue) I had the pleasant experience of showing up very early for a CT Scan this morning.  This involves drinking two pints of berry flavored liquid upon first arriving.  I was alone in the waiting area while I drank mine.  Within minutes, a rather large woman came in and the attendant gave her the stuff to drink.  Now, she seemed to be a rather nice lady, dressed very well, neatly brushed hair and little makeup as it was not necessary.  She began downing her two pints.

AND THEN SHE BEGAN BURPING......LOUDLY........AND BURPING........LOUDLY.......(oh, excuse me)..............AND BURPING.........(oh, excuse me.)


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Most real fruit juices do that to me, too.  As well as some of the artificially flavored ones.


Slamming a cold, tall-boy Bud  makes me belch every time or killing a fifth of Boones Farm Strawberry Hill, does the same so I guess fresh fruit juices effects me too------Boonies does use real fresh fruits don't they ?


Well, I can't drink anything with barley or malt in it anymore.  What I read about Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill is that it is not really rated as a wine in most places as wine has to be made from 100% fruit such as grapes.  Boone's Farm only says it uses fruit flavors.  When I do have a drink, I stick with the gin and tonic.  There are places around here that sell gluten free beer and I have tried them, but while they taste okay, I just don't have a taste for beer anymore.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


This kind of excitement I don't need!! 

We were faced with the same decision that we had last week.  Go to Knott's Berry Farm and watch #1 granddaughter's cheer squad perform or go over to our son's place and cut some wood and make a new door for the water heater.  The water heater is in a closet on the outside of the condo.  The old one is rotted away and we had bought some wood last week to replace it with the plan to replace it today.  However, the temp was going to be in the nineties and I just didn't want to go.  And I didn't.

The excitement?  Our daughter and family went to Knott's for the cheer thing.  Granddaughter #1 did drink some water before the show and some after the show.  They did not stay at the park afterwards.  Later, my daughter was trying to paint my granddaughter's nails and she was standing and couldn't seem to stay steady.  Then she momentarily blacked out and it was off to the emergency room with her.  Turns out that even though she did drink water, apparently it wasn't enough and she got dehydrated.  Added to this was that she hadn't eaten anything since breakfast.  So at 6 PM, I got a call that she was on her way to the hospital.  I got there about the same time the ambulance did (I live closer than they do to the hospital) and then I waited in the waiting room for an hour while they checked her out.  I stayed there for two hours until she was seen by the doctor and checked out thoroughly.  When I was leaving she was fine and wanted to go home.  She was in a good mood.

I don't need this kind of excitement.  I'm too old for this.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

Glad to hear she was OK. I would have guessed she needed fluids, but it never hurts to be sure. Did they give her IV fluids?
  The camp kids at the local sports camps around here have been dropping like flies too. It's been keeping our ambulances busy.

Diane Amberg

Today is our 42nd anniversary. It doesn't seem possible. Since we have an obligation tonight, I fixed lobsters for us yesterday and we'll go out somewhere tomorrow. It'll be hot again and I'm still wishing for some rain. The downstate farmers have gotten a little but not near enough. Some of the crops may already be a loss. I heard someone on TV say this is connected to El Nino and could last until October unless a hurricane breaks it up a little. Have a good day everyone.


Happy Anniversary, Diane!  Mine will be coming around in 6 days.  38 years.

In answer to your question about the IV......when 911 is called in this area, everybody shows up but the National Guard.  The initial first responder is the county fire truck with firemen trained as paramedics.  The second one is the actual paramedic truck followed by a local ambulance vehicle.  Having gone through this myself, this is what happens:  The first ones come in and evaluate you to see if you are close to dying.  Once they have established that you are not dying, they go back outside and by that time the paramedics are arriving and they come in and begin the process of getting you ready for your ride to the hospital.  They perform EKG's, check you out and then the ambulance has arrived and a guerney is brought in and you are moved to the ambulance.  Once in the ambulance you are given an oxygen mask and as the ambulance begins the trip, one of the paramedics from the second truck rides with you and hooks up to an IV with saline solution in it.  (I was amazed that the paramedic could actually insert an IV in a moving vehicle.)  The fire truck returns to its station.  The ambulance and the paramedic truck take you to the hospital.  The paramedic truck follows because one of its paramedics is in the ambulance.  Once at the hospital they unload you from the ambulance and the ambulance leaves, having done their job.  The paramedic stays long enough to complete his paperwork and then they leave.  Oh, and if this is some kind of violent situation, there will be at least two police cars in the mix and one of those will follow you to the hospital for their report.  In my granddaughter's adventure on Saturday, that was the scenario.  Now, the station closest to their house has the local ladder truck, the kind where there is a driver in a cab in the rear to turn the rear wheels.  My daughter lives on a dead end street.  Here's the picture............This huge fire truck shows up and goes down the block long dead end street.  The paramedic shows up, but can't get past the fire truck.  The ambulance shows up which requires both the paramedic truck and the huge fire truck to back out of the neighborhood to allow the ambulance to get to the house.  There is not enough room for the fire vehicles to turn around.  My son-in-law called me right after the ambulance had left.  I went and told my wife what was happening and that I was going to the hospital.  On my way I had to pull over for an ambulance and a paramedic truck when they came up from behind me.  I arrived at the emergency room just behing them and saw my granddaughter being unloaded.  My daughter lives five miles away from me in the opposite direction of the hospital so I that is why we got there together. 

Plus, in talking to my daughter in the ER while waiting for the doctor, she informed me that the ambulance driver made a wrong turn on the way and she had to tell him where to go..................................must be a new guy.  Maybe they needed the National Guard to show them the way.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Larry -

The traffic scene you describe is just sooo funny. I'm so very thankful it wasn't an emergency that was a matter of seconds. Your descriptive powers are very well intact.

Diane - Happy Anniversary! Jim and I did 40 last March. Celebration is always fun.

And . . . we could also use some rain. Lots of it!

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