What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Janet Harrington

patryn, did you have lots of politicians, too?


We did have some politicians, but since our primary election has already been held several weeks ago, they weren't too actively "showy" and competitive.


The Confederate Americans were in the parade too.  Although I wasn't there, one of the
participants reported "Many salutes, cheers and waves" from the crowd and the crowd
liked seeingthe Confederate flag too.


I am always two days late with my today's excitement.  And so it is this time, too.  Day before yesterday was youngest daughter's birthday, so we celebrated by taking her to the casino at Mulvane.  The best part of the day was that all four of my girls were with me.  It didn't matter whether we won or lost.  I say that because I didn't win.  The casino is now into me for $7.00.  Oldest daughter is the only one that left with more than she started with.  That was because she quit while she was ahead.  We then had lunch at Applebee's at Andover.  Got home before the real heat of the day set in.  We were all tired, me especially.  I think I am going to have stop taking part in these wild celebrations.


As I was drifting off into a wonderful night of much needed sleep, I heard the words........"How do you feel about going to.......".
At that point, I was already gone. ;D  I do recall this morning overhearing a conversation from yesterday about going to downtown L.A. again, this time to tour the massive Union Station, often seen in movies and to go across the street to Olvera Street like we did a few weeks ago.  The weather promises to be good so I guess that is what I am doing for excitement today. 

Second choice is to sit in my chair, reclined, with the TV on and do nothing..............hmm.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

Wilmington's new fire boat came home today by way of the Delaware Bay from Kingston Ontario where it was built. It came down some canals, rivers and then into the Atlantic Ocean and down the coast until it made the turn north up the bay escorted by all the Delaware River companies fire boats. They got a really great shot of it passing by the Stature of liberty, saluting it with all the hoses spraying as they passed by..
   Al's aunt died yesterday at 85, so we are are waiting to hear details on that. She went to U D at the same time we did in the 60's after she decided she wanted to be a nurse. She had a wonderful career.  I'll miss her terribly.

Janet Harrington

Sorry to hear about Al's aunt passing away.

Ms Bear

Sorry about your loss Diane but so glad she had a good life.

My daughter-in-law's Aunt took her own life yesterday after learning that her cancer was terminal and she only had a very short time to live.  She let it go way to long before she went to the Dr. and there was nothing they could do but put her on pain meds.  She had just retired two years ago.   She had been a juvenile Judge in Houston for a long time.

We didn't have any rain today, first time in about a week.  Did some laundry and hung it on the line, noticed some tracks in the mud and then checked the front yard and found more of them.  Real good watch dog I have here, he never barked at anything and sometime during the night a horse was in my yard.  The tracks were within about two foot of the front door and then went around the house to the back yard and then up the neighbors driveway.

Diane Amberg

Oh my, I'm so sorry for the family loss! She had quite a career too. It's a shame it ended so sadly.
For the first time this month we did have some much needed rain. Got .9 and very glad to have it.
    Horse tracks? Probably just night mares and dogs usually don't bother about them. ;)
   Thanks to you and Janet for the condolences.  It's little complicated because they were retired to Boyonton beach FL, but their plots are up here in Delaware.  Uncle Maurice is 89 and uses a motorized wheel chair, so we've been checking on that.Turns out the funeral home can handle it and can get him a loaner chair for several days.  They had been married for 67 years.

Janet Harrington

Sunday, I drove my mother out to my Uncle's farm NW of Howard. Drove really slow because of the big rock on Limestone. After stopping at Uncle Dale's we drove by Arlan Willichs, then by Dean Ward's, then past the old Bruce Eckland place and then made a left (or south) to go past the lease that Jim oversees. We drove on Road 7 to Killdeer, got as close to the wind farm as the signs allowed us, then turned back east to come back by Bill Perkins and Dave Whetstones places. Went to the low water bridge just west of Larry Town's and parked onthe bridge. We did see some little minnows. Then came back to Howard via Killdeer. It was an enjoyable day with just Mother and I. Not that I mind having the sisters, but at least I didn't have to talk over anyone. LOL

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