What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

I can understand why people think they don't want to go to NYC, because it's so huge, but I didn't find it to be intimidating at all. I never felt overwhelmed or lost. The streets are laid out to be easy. The Avenues go one way and the streets the other. So much is broken up into neighborhoods that repeat themselves every so often, so everywhere I walked, I could find most anything I wanted. We were just in Manhattan of course, but the other four boroughs have their own characteristics also. We've been there many many times over the years but always just day trips.
 The taxis were "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.Those guys were amazing. They knew every square inch of their vehicles and knew how to get into places I just knew wouldn't fit....but did! I haven't ridden that fast and crazy since Al and I rode to a fire with the Deputy Chief Of Chicago's FD! Being up on the 23rd floor was good too. I could look down on all those taxis. I never saw less than 18 at a time up and down the streets ,usually more. The big Hilton sits on a corner so I could see down and across the corner where the big public art ''LOVE'' piece sits and there is one nearby that looks like a big fuzzed out dandelion. Another I saw was a huge button with a needle through it. We got to see Hell's kitchen and quite a lot of the Tribeca area from the Taxi when we went to and from the 9-11 Memorial.
Lisa, I'd have loved to have sent you some of those good bagels, but they just wouldn't have been fresh by the time they got to you. The big sandwich...I never even tried to pick up my part, let alone get it in my mouth (no jokes please ;D.) It was strictly knife and fork time.


Unllike everyone else, I would love to go to NYC.  I would love to see every nook and cranny of this great country of ours.  I loved getting to be there through your eyes.

Judy Harder

diane, thanks for the ride-along;. I have never had a desire to visit NYC........but you made it sound like I
could change my mind.

From what I am reading (not just with you) it is very expensive to live there.............all the taxi's and trains must add a lot to expenditure.............unless I won a lottery, etc. I just could not afford.

But, did enjoy the ride.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Ms Bear

Diane, I have never really wanted to go to New York City until now.  You make it sound so exciting and interesting. Thankyou.


Diane, I join the ranks of those with no desire to go to NYC.  I live in a large urban area and I don't want to go see another one.  I didn't even like Chicago when we were there in 2002.  My brother-in-law, however, makes it a point to go to New York every summer.  He takes someone with him, my son once, my wife last year along with GD#1, and friends.  He stays at the Roosevelt each time and beginning soon he will begin making peanut brittle as a bribe to the people that work there and gets a lower room rate.  (I know that they know he's coming and set aside a room for him, but if they were going to sell out that day, I wonder if the room would still be there.............just saying.)  He also thinks its a big deal to stand in the crowd outside NBC during the morning show and try to get on camera.  He calls and tells me to tape it.  He is also one of those idiots wearing a green Statue of Liberty thingy on his head. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

    I understand all of you. Lots of people wouldn't like the mass of humanity that is on the go all the time. Living there is very expensive, but most people don't own cars, so they don't have that expense at all, or the registration, fuel and insurance.They take public transportation everywhere and if they need to leave the city to go somewhere that doesn't connect, they rent a car.. The taxis and all actually weren't as expensive as I expected. There are also the other boroughs that aren't nearly as expensive as Manhattan. Stanton Island is another world entirely. Many people take the ferry to work every day.
 Food went everywhere from very expensive at the big hotels to really cheap if you looked around a bit.The Starbucks coffee at the hotel was $2.20 for a large. The breakfast shops down the block had really fresh bagels and cream cheese for $2.50 and that big bacon and egg sandwich on a large Kaiser roll was $3.20. The buses are not expensive at all and you can even catch a pedicab for very little.
  Traffic can be terrible and they make fun of it too. I don't know why it would ever be called "rush" hour.
 On the other hand, there is so much to see and do. Between the theater district and the diamond district, and all the museums and shopping from all over the world, and all the different kinds of tours to take... Well, the adventuresome person would love it.  
 Larry, I understand what you mean! I could have easily gone the few blocks to the NBC studio on Monday morning but I just couldn't see myself doing that. Besides, I wanted to sleep in! ;D
I really enjoy traveling, but as with most big cities I've been to, its great to visit and see everything, but I have no desire to live there. Thanks for taking the ride with me, glad it was enjoyable for you.

Judy Harder

I still have to say, I would rather tour a mountain chain and see the wilds of America, before
I would want to see the NYC area. maybe spots would be fun. But, give me the Flint Hills and the prairies and I am
very content. (Oh, if I want to see any place special, I google it and see it that way!)
I like the travel channel, but I really like my own bed at night. LOL
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

I'm totally spoiled because I've gotten to see many of the mountains too.  :laugh:
The cool, piney smelling mountains in Estes Park in the Colorado Rocky Mts. and watching the snow melt come tumbling down the granite hillsides and watching the Elk play on the summer snow patches and driving to Cripple Creek, Vale, Steam Boat Springs, Cortez, etc, is wonderful too!  I guess I love it all and enjoy each in it's own way.


I have been to New York, Fort Worth Dallias, New Orleans, Houston, New Jersey, and many more large city's in California and I find nothing that any of you could not do. It is fun but when you are home it makes you glad to be be there. So what if Diana went to a BIG CITY if it is something you find it is not for you then that is what you need to do. We all have our dreams and I find just because we do not go does not mean we are  not doing what we want to. If course this is just another place we can make our dreams come true.

Diane Amberg

Uh, New Jersey is not a city. Who poured vinegar in your corn flakes today? ??? ::)

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