What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Judy Harder

Just to let you know, my hummers have been here this week. Right now, I think there are two pair at least.
Hopefully all the kids from last year will show up this year. May have to put other feeders out. Got two more trees I
can use, plus neighbor behind me has a nice feeder out so maybe this is our year.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

Nope, none here yet. It got really cold here again so maybe they went to the beach to warm up.

Diane Amberg

Anybody want to go to Nevada and hunt for meteorite bits? That thing must have been huge and made one heck of a noise when it exploded.


I forgot to tell you about my bit of excitement yesterday.  No, it isn't about Bud this time, but there is a neat picture that could be him that I am attaching.

My excitement occurred when I was on my way back to the house after doing some spraying and cutting a few red roses.  One hand was busy holding the sprayer and the roses while the other was maneuvering the wheel chair.  Having come to a slope up which I had to go and which I cannot do with just one hand, I had turned around and was pushing myself up the slope when what to my wondering eyes should appear but a miniature green and red bird.  His eyes were eyeing the red roses that I had in my hand and he was so close that if I'd had a free hand, I could have touched him.  Then he looked at me, gave me a fluttering, "Have a good day" and disappeared.  This morning he was at the feeder again.

Ms Bear

That must have been a special feeling to have been that close to that bird.  Do you know what kind it was?

No excitement here today but tomorrow I am going to the Sawmill Festival at a nearby town.  Lots of history, craft vendors and food.  Should be interesting.


It was a ruby throat.  It was even tinier up close than it appears when it is at the feeder.


It's Saturday, and it's going to be a beautiful day, and we are going to take our two oldest granddaughters down to Newport to play with their cousin on the beach and visit with our son and daughter-in-law.  I have been a little under the weather the past two days, but feel pretty good this morning and looking forward to a day with the family.  When your lungs are compromised, even a slight cold can be debilitating. 

Because my son and his family are renting a "winter rental" they will be moving in June.  Many of the houses in the area rent out for the winter months, but when summer comes, they begin renting by the week, making a ton of money.  Because my daughter-in-law's mother is going to be in China for the summer they will live in her condo.  Which is kind of nice as it is much closer to us than the beach, so we will see more of them.

Looks like a great day.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Janet Harrington

I was sitting on the front porch this morning, tying my shoes and watching the little monster that lives in our house when all of a sudden, ZOOM! Right over my head. A hummingbird. I am so glad they are here and glad I got the feeders up.

Diane Amberg

We're still waiting.I think they must be down in Virginia Beach or somewhere waiting for our wind to change. It's been really chilly here.


It's been really cool here today so it was this afternoon before I got outside. I worked until nearly 8:00 PM and I have some muscle aches tonight that I haven't had for awhile. I worked slowly with lots of small breaks favoring my back as it needed it. The good news is, the back is not hurting tonight; just some muscle soreness from the unaccustomed exercise. I did make a little drive out to the lake where I pulled up some water willow for my goldfish tub. The arum isn't up yet, as I checked the creek where it grows the other day. I'll be watching for it so I can have a small pot of that for my tub also. Both the arum and the willow have a sweet little blossom, and the fishes like it for hiding. I like hearing the water movement. It makes noise as well as the fountain. I haven't set up the tabletop fountain yet, probably next week before that gets done. It is so nice to be back among the living. I did not realize just how depressed I was until I came back from that place wherever it was. I suspect that many people who have lost a spouse know what that feels like. Haven't seen a hummer yet, but I don't have a feeder out yet either. Maybe tomorrow.  ;)

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