What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Ms Bear

He is the Director of Special Education.  This is not a small school, it is large and this is not the only Special Ed child there.  How many others have been affected by this man that the parents did not stand up to.

I was talking to a man about it today and he said he went to school several years ago with a boy that was severly handicapped and in a wheel chair.  He said it was understood that whoever was behind him would push his wheel chair and someone else would carry his books.  He graduated with the highest grades and honors and lots of friends.

Diane Amberg

My Cathy had lots of friends who fortunately were very willing to help with books and all when she needed it. She was always the ''steady ender" when the kids had the long jump rope out, so she felt included and I had piles of board games too. She has worked at City Hall all these years.

Ms Bear

We have had beautiful weather here today and the United Daughters of the Confederacy dedicated a marker at a Cemetery in a neighboring county so I went to that this morning.  Took lots of pictures for our local Historical Society.  This afternoon they dedicated another marker at a cemetery in my county so I went to that one and took more pictures.  Both of these cemeteries were within about 5 miles from my house in different directions.

Got to meet some new people and visit with others that I knew, a very good day.

Diane Amberg

Chilly but pretty here today. Al and I went up to the cemetery at the New London Presbyterian Church in near by PA.  Today would have been Mom's 97 birthday, plus April Fools day and Palm Sunday, so we left flowers for that plus Easter next week.  Mom loved flowers and was a long time member of a garden club. For some reason my sister and her family stopped visiting them or taking flowers  a number of years ago. Kind of makes me sad.
   But, the 30 minute  drive up and back was beautiful. All the spring flowers are out now in full tilt and the Bradford pears that went wild a few years ago and the wild apples and red buds are a joy to see.


I just got back from Oklahoma yesterday. We have been on a four day bus tour to Tunica, Mississippi. Had lots of fun, stayed in a nice hotel, and ate at numerous buffets, (two per day), and did manage to win a little money. The best buffet by far was Paula Deens' Cafe at Harrahs casino. They had fresh fried gulf shrimp that was soooo good! I had three helpings as well as a couple of helpings of broiled oysters on the halfshell. And fresh fruit. Of course there was fried chicken, catfish, etc,etc. all the things that you might imagine for a southern comfort buffet. The best breakfast was at Ballys' where I had two helpings of crepes stuffed with apple stuffing, and topped with strawberries in a sauce. Of course there were all kinds of eggs, hotcakes, frenchtoast, and on and on and on. I was afraid to step on the scale until today, but I didn't gain any, nor did I lose either. I am having a difficult time finding anything to eat that sounds good since I came home. I am easily spoiled.

I bought tickets to see Willy Nelson with some of my winnings. I got to see him at Lawrence Dumont stadium about 35 years ago. Willy is sure getting old, but then so am I. He is one of my all-time favorite performers. It's been a great week!!!  :D :D

Ms Bear

Edie, that sounds like a great trip.  Glad you had fun and the food all sounds so good.

Where and when are you going to see Willie Nelson?  I got to go to the Grand Ole Opry last year and can't wait to go back again.

Ms Bear

Diane, we have redbuds here too and they are so pretty right now.  I have one Iris in bloom, so far the Easter Lilies are way behind and only one daffodil bloomed this year.  It was in the 80's today so all the early flowers are over.

Diane Amberg

My Iris haven't even thought about it yet, but my few tulips are gorgeous and the squirrels and deer left them alone for a change. I have enough early, mid season and late daffys to last a long time. Now that the trees are starting to bloom, my spring allergies are kicking in. We had a cold  air stream come down from Canada so we could use some warming up again.
Six, that all sounds so good tasting and so much fun! Fresh shrimp and cat...yummy! Glad you had such a good time.

Judy Harder

I am a big fan of Spring. Would say it is my favorite season, but I love it all...............even winter, if just for awhile.

Everything!, I mean Everything is blooming and my allergies are a-blooming right along with it. I am having such a good time working out in the yard............................just cough and or sneeze and start back in again.

I decided to redo my piece of the acre and since I couldn't find anyone who had a small tiller, used my pitchfork to turn it over, and muscle power to pull the tree roots, etc out and moved some rock pieces in to reshape it............and getting in my mind what I am going to plant.

I have really enjoyed it this year. I think it is because the last couple the spring has been so iffy and either too cold/too wet/too hot etc........making hay! Well, not yet.but getting there.

In a week or two I will get my bedding plants. I still am holding my breath for a late-freeze...........You know Kansas!

Today did a load of wash and hung it out to wind-dry......need to watch in case I need to chase it down the road.LOL.
have a good day. I plan on it.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

   Whew, it's been an emotional couple of days.  Several weeks ago I had been invited to a fire safety conference in Philly at the Philadelphia Fire Academy in conjunction with TV channel 6 and a project they were working on .Everyone who went took home 40 smoke detectors to give out in their communities.. It was the same day we had tickets to Lord of the Dance, so our fire company vice president and past chief took my place. One of the Philly fire officers who was there to help run things was a LT. Robert  Neary.   He was one of two who died yesterday morning in a terrible warehouse fire. He would have retired in just a few weeks. Tragic.
  Yesterday Al had a crown come loose and went in to have it reset. Nope, the base had shattered. So, Al left a few minutes ago for oral surgery and to start the process for an implant. Huge bucks!
  We got up early to vote for our neighbor who is running for city council, I got Al some breakfast and got him out the door. Now I'm going to do chores until 10:30 when I go for a much needed hair cut.
    Would you please send us some rain? We're on a red flag fire weather warning and have been running on field fires like crazy. Have a good one all.

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