What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

Larry and Edie, it's true, you just never know what will happen and getting older does seem to set everyone up for more and more.   
But for people who have always gone to their doctor on a regular basis , I don't think it's so bad.They are used to the routine.
    I'm finding  some of my friends who just never go, no blood tests, nothing, are devastated when it's finally their turn to have something, often very little things, go wrong.
    We were able to start the colonoscopes at 50 but I have a pal who had to start much younger and goes more often due to a strong family history on both sides. He does get polyps, but by taking them out early they have always still been benign.
  Edie, was it a staph infection? If you didn't already know what caused it I'd have wondered if it was a spider bite. Not fun!
Have a fun Saturday everyone. :-*


The pathology report came back as keratoacanthoma which I believe is a low-grade squamous cell cancer or will become a low-grade squamous cell cancer. Pathology also said that all the cells were removed, and the reading I have done on this is that it should no longer be a danger. Since it was removed promptly it did not have much time to matastisize. It is my understanding that this can result from an injury, but the oncologist said it was very rare. Anyhoo, it's done with; I am forever thankful to my friend Wanda Lee Mills for picking me up at 4:00 AM and carrying me all the way to Bartlesville and waiting around while the surgery was done. (I had general anesthetic), but the good news is that we got to eat a very good breakfast at Eggberts' in Caney, although it was late morning. We had lots of doctor calls with Wanda Lee last year when she had her spider bite; nice to have that paid forward when my turn came.  ;) ;)


So glad you're okay - and you're right - Wanda is good people!

Ms Bear

Edie, I am glad you are okay.  Thanks for telling us about this, all to often we tend to ignore simple warnings until they become more than simple. 

Diane, I don't know any more than that she is having to go back to have more removed and they are putting her to sleep to do it.  Very concerned but to far away to know all the details until they tell me.


I had a squamous cell removed four years ago and have had no recurrance.  Can hardly see the scar now.  Of course, everytime that I have a sore that seems to not heal, I watch it close.  I am very conscious of skin cancer since my husband died of melanoma.


Wilma, I am sorry to hear that your hubby died of melanoma. I have had several skin cancers removed; a couple of basal cell, and one that was a baso-squamous cell. It is not a common cancer, and matastacises easily, but I have not had a recurrence. I am paying now for the folly of my youth.  :P :P


Did you ever have one of those days that was just glorious, wonderful, enlightening and just otherwise terrific?

Today we went down to Newport with a stop to pick up some movies and discs from the woman who is transferring them for us.  We arrived at our son's house and enjoyed a brief visit before heading over to the Legion Post.  We got there a little late as the band only plays from noon until 5.  We got there just as they were packing up.  The day was beautiful though a little breezy, but we found a table outside on the patio out of the wind and next to a heater.  Another couple our age, good friends, came as well as three young ladies who are friends of our son and his wife.  There were so many different conversations going on it was hard to keep up, but I enjoyed it all.  The wife of the couple our age brought a simple little dice game and we had a blast playing it.  As the day turned to night, the drinks flowed (coffee for me) and although the restaurant had closed, we still could buy hamburgers and sausages to cook on the grill ourselves.  Before we knew it we were the only ones left.  They close at 9 PM and we didn't leave until almost 8:00. 

What you have to picture in your mind is sitting on a patio looking out over the bay with the boats sailing by, a few clouds in the sky, recorded music playing oldies, then jazz and just living for the minute.  There were a few times I kinda got lost just looking at the scenery and hearing the music and tuning out the conversation briefly.  My son was making sure that I had whatever I wanted to drink (one gin and tonic as I was the designated driver later) and a cup of coffee and a burger patty with cheese to nibble on.  My daughter-in-law was looking just as gorgeous as ever and made sure several times that I was warm and comfortable and my just beautiful granddaughter entertaining everyone with her cute antics.  Sharing stories about the good old days with the couple our age and talking to the younger set, all three beautiful and intelligent young ladies.  Telling jokes and playing the dice game.............


Goodnight, my Forum friends, goodnight.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I am just back from the followup visit for my last stay in the hospital and my doctor tells me that my tummy and abdomen sound just fine, working just like they are supposed to.  We think that my excellent imitation of Mt Vesuvius? was due to a kink in the small intestine caused by the reaching and bending that I was doing while cleaning behind the bathroom stool, plus the overload of spaghetti and meatballs at lunch.  I will have to be careful about the cleaning, which is easy.  I just won't do it.  Eating is a different story.

Wasn't this a lovely day?

Ms Bear

I keep telling my friends that housework is dangerous to our health.  And look how many accidents happen in the home.

Please be careful. 

And enjoy all that food.

Diane Amberg

 Wilma, Glad to hear all is well. Hi, Ms Bear.
 We are sharing the weather here too. Just beautiful. We went out and bought a new mattress set we've been needing and then came home and threw open all the window. Ah....glorious fresh air.

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