What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Quote from: doobie on December 03, 2011, 07:46:08 AM
So....thats why Teresa has that golden voice that you only hear on FM radio.....LOL

hahahaha~~~ FM late late late night..
Anyone can hear it.. if they have a credit card...  ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Today, December 10th, our family will get together to celebrate #1 Granddaughter's 7th birthday.  It is hard to believe she is already seven years old.  Where does the time go?  Our son and his family will come up from the beach and take everyone to a local pizza place where there are games and rides for the kiddies.  He did this for his niece two years ago when they returned from their world tour and wanted to do it again.  It was then that we found out my daughter-in-law was pregnant with granddaughter #3.  So all three granddaughters will be there to have a good time, although I doubt #3 will be able do do much at 14 months old.  Still, it is a good day for us all to get together. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

Nice that it fell on a Saturday. It's my sister's birthday too. 61 but acts like 7. ;D


The pizza party went great and the granddaughters had a terrific time.  Even the little one thought it was awesome.  The noise level was just short of deafening.  Last night, my daughter and son-in-law reserved a table at the Rain Forest Cafe in Ontario about 30 miles east of us.  Having never been to a Rain Forest Cafe, it was an experience.  What with animated animals and rain forest motif and the occasional rain storm with flashing lights (lightning) and thunder and all the animals making noise like they were scared of the storm, the noise level was ear-splitting.  However, the food was good and they had a balloon girl who made animal balloons for the girls.  GD#1 got to bring a neighbor/friend as a guest and she received a huge volcano shaped piece of cake with ice cream inside.  Today, the celebration will continue somewhat as my wife's brother will come up to help her make cookies for the birthday party at school tomorrow. 

As for me, normally the third Saturday of the month is the Celiac Disease Support Group meeting.  They do not have a meeting in December, but do have a luncheon at a restaurant that serves gluten-free food.  That will be today at a Mexican place right down the street from us.  So, Mexican food for dinner last night and Mexican food for lunch today............................Hey, Jarhead, this might be a good day to stop by.............later. ;D

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


We had a big adventure this evening! We were in Parsons to pick my son Kyle up from a visit with his dad, and our car wouldn't start. We were in the Wally World parking lot waiting for my older son Clay to come give us a jump. No dice. Hubby says it's not the battery. So we call for the roadside assistance that our insurance provides, and find out that it covers us for 200 miles! THANK GOD! So we had a nice trip home in a tow truck. Check that one off the bucket list!!! ;D

Diane Amberg

Were you able to figure out what's wrong with your car yet?
We had our annual firehouse family's Christmas party yesterday .I didn't say children's party because the parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and whoever else sneaks in always has as much fun as the kids do.
Lots of work, lots of fun and plenty of Christmas music of all kinds on the hall sound system. There are three big decorated trees and lights and garlands everywhere so it's very festive.They even decorated the dumpsters out by the back loading dock with gold tinsel garland!  I hate the idea of having to take it all down later.


Our number one granddaughter's birthday seems to last for three days.  On Saturday was the pizza party and games followed by dinner at the Rain Forest Cafe.  On Sunday she had two friends over to help her Great Uncle make cookies.  Today when I took her to school, we brought the cookies for the class to have a birthday celebration.  That is the norm around here.  When it is a kid's birthday, treats of some kind are brought to the school for a party.  I normally just drop her off in the morning, but today it is raining so I had to park and walk her to the cafeteria where the classes all meet when it is raining.  We gave the cookies to the teacher and told her all about her birthday weekend.

Because of the rain I probably won't be going outside for anything today.  The weatherman/woman says we will get from a quarter inch to three quarters of an inch from this storm. 

In our backyard next to the house, we have always had a poinsettia plant that grows to about seven or eight feet and flowers all over the place.  It usually has flowers by this time of the year, but seems to be slow this year.  I think, maybe, because it was trimmed back too late in the season last year, but we will wait and see.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Ms Bear

Larry, thanks for reminding me about the poinsettias in California.  Lived in Ventura for awhile and the poinsettias were growing everywhere and some as tall as 15 or 20 feet. 


Larry, how I envy you, having a real live poinsettia growing in your yard.  Sometimes I think they might be the best part of this season.


We have been truly blessed. The only thing wrong with the car was some strange black corrosion on our battery connections! Danny Signer (God bless him) stopped by the house to give it a quick look and said that was all he could find wrong. Then he wouldn't take anything for his trouble. I tell ya, we are liking this area of the country more and more everyday! Merry Christmas everybody and God bless Elk County! ;D

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