What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

I had a bit more excitement yesterday than I wanted. I woke up with a "thread" floater across the vision in my right eye. I know they be anything from nothing to the sign of a detached retina.
Of course my ophthalmologist wanted to see me. He did everything but take the eye out and bounce it around the room! I'm fine, just older eyes. The vitreous fluid has pulled away from the back of the eye a little and let that floater escape from were it had been. It may go away or stay or might even get worse, but it's not affecting my vision, just my patience. He told me to take it easy for a few days.....oh, sure. ;D

Ms Bear

And how is your blood pressure?  I had that happen a couple of years ago and stopped by the Drs office on the way home and my blood pressure was way to high.  Got my blood pressure down and I stopped seeing the floaters.  Still have trouble with the blood pressure, taking two pills a day instead of one and it is back down to normal.  Go back to Dr on the 2nd.

I went grocery shopping today, had to get the turkey and all the rest of the goodies to fix for the greatgrandkids that will be here on Thanksgiving.  Going to be a great day.

Hope everyone else will have very Happy Thanksgiving.


I don't know if it will be exciting.  It will be away from the normal routine.  GD#1 came home from school yesterday with a sore throat and decided to spend the night.  She went to bed early.  This morning, I went to wake her to get ready for school and she felt warm.  I took her temperature and it was 100 degrees, so she won't be going to school today.  GD#2 arrived and both are now laying in bed watching cartoons.  I know everyone hates it when the kids get sick.  I won't be out running a kid back and forth to school.  My daughter will be calling the doctor for an appointment sometime today so I will be doing that.   ::)

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Judy Harder

Larry, I don't know how many of my Thanksgivings were spent with me being sick, I remember having Mumps and or getting over them one turkey day (oh remember I was born on turkey day and family think that is the day to celebrate.....awful bd's...and it isn't unusual for holidays to find the kids and their babysitters/family getting some new germ..........after all Thanksgiving is a time of sharing.........LOL got to keep in practice.

One of the nice things about little ones, they can be so sick one day and bouncing off the walls the next. hope your weekend improves.

I am packed, car is almost loaded, need to finish and then get dogs out there and head to Howard to leave them and gas up and then I am headed to Topeka for a couple or three days.......not sure yet. I really need to be home by Saturday noon.........didn't do bulletins and if I don't no one else will.........nice to be needed....Oh someone would have if I had asked, but right now, I do plan on being home by sundown Friday. I do not do well at night anymore the lights do a number on my eyes and my reflex actions are terrible.
I know I will be doing a bit in Topeka..........Keep me in prayer and as you might know, the devotions won't be shared until I get back. Hopefull Saturday morning.

Have a great Turkey day everyone. God bless
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Have a safe trip and a really enjoyable Thanksgiving. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


As probably mentioned somewhere on this Forum, we had our Thanksgiving dinner on Friday at my son's house in Newport Beach.  I was somewhat apprehensive of this day as there was to be a reconciliation between my wife and her sister.  They had not spoke in some time. They resumed their relationship as if nothing had ever happened and everyone was on their best behavior.  While everyone was talking and cooking and the kids playing, I strolled the half block down to the bay and watched the boats.  My DIL came down to join me and we got to talk for a while without interruption from kids.  Later, my son and I were able to enjoy a few minutes of one on one conversation, also.  My DIL's mother has just returned from a trip to China and was able to join us.  She is a really sweet lady. 

So, the conversation was good, the food was good, the kids were happy, the weather was good, the view from the bay was good...... and, nobody got mad which was good.  Now, for the next one......................Christmas!

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Judy Harder

I call that a Great holiday...........good for you!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Janet Harrington

Mother had all four daughters, husbands, grandchildren and great-grandchildren in her home for Thanksgiving dinner. Wow. What a houseful. Her only grandson and his family were unable to make it. Oh well. lots of fun. Lots of talking. Cousins that only get to see each other once a year playing. Garret, my great-nephew, came into the house once and told us, we are playing rings. Well, since none of us could figure out what or where anyone got any rings, Great-grandma went out to the back porch and found out the boys were playing Marines. They had Mother's water nozzle that was laying out on the back porch and using it for their gun. LOL They ate all of my beef and noodles, so I think it was a good day.

Diane Amberg

Well, I did piles of all the traditional food and nobody showed up. :o

Guess I should have invited somebody. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Thanksgiving dinner itself was just us, but lots going on before and after. The firehouse does food to take to the dispatchers and anybody on duty who can't get home. People stop by and visit from all over. Lots of fun.


As Janet said, what a houseful.  I chose this house because it was the right size for an old couple.  Not for the entertainment of large groups.  This group just keeps expanding.  Babies, new in-laws, even a maybe in-law.  Oh, yes, it included a foreign exchange student this year.  It was a good day, but my most exciting event happened much later, if you call it exciting.

When I was finally alone, I moved to my recliner with a little relaxing in mind.  The relaxing lasted till 11:30 when I woke up.  Bud was on top of the TV, watching me.  He came down and we had some lap time, then I decided it was time to at least get ready for bed.  Bud became very vocal and followed me to the bathroom.  When I came out, it was very silent, no cat's meow, no cat.  I think I must have gone completely through the house five times before I found him.  I was almost in tears.  I knew he couldn't have gotten outside and I hadn't had any doors open that might have been shut on him.  He doesn't answer when I call.  Finally, I shined my flashlight behind the card table that was leaning against the sewing machine and there he was, in a space barely big enough to hold him, looking up at me.  What a time to decide to play "Hide & Seek".  My next cat is going to be a dog.

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