What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

Went out for our dose of culture this morning.Took the long way out through the country, by way of Kennett Square Pa, to old Chadds Ford Pa to the Brandywine River Museum.They are having a special exhibit of all the NC Wyeth paintings that were used  for the illustrations in Treasure Island, 1911, and more from other books and magazines.
There is also an exhibit of Howard Pyle work, "Howard Pyle as Teacher."
Frank Schoonover studied with him and Mom studied with Frank Schoonover back in the early 40's. I enjoyed seeing more of Andrew Wyeth and Jamie Wyeth's work too. Lots of people were coming with little kids in tow to see the pirates in the paintings. Really cute! I finished making the 11 posters announcing the Aetna kids' firehouse Christmas Party on Dec.11. Now to go put them up at our four stations.
Ms Bear, I'd have loved to have seen that quilt show. Al bought me a big handmade Amish quilt back in the early 1970's. It has at least tripled it value since then.

Ms Bear

This is an International show and the prizes start at $5,000.00.  So much to see in one day.  One quilt was made from a picture of an 82 year old man in New Mexico and then hand embroderied and hand quilted with all stitches no more than 1/4 inch apart.  A close up of the eye was amazing.

We ate lunch with some women that had come on a bus that started from Wichita and they were from Oklahoma City.  They had been here three days and were going home today, one was leaving again Wednesday to go to Kentucky for another one.  They even had a Husbands Lounge with a tv and recliners.


Did you get the PM I sent you of a quilt my wife made last year ?

Ms Bear

Jarhead, I didn't get the PM you sent..     Am interested in it though.  I haven't made any big ones, but I really enjoy seeing everyone else's work.

It is raining and we are under tornado warning.  It seems to be moving pretty fast so should be over soon.  Hope the rain continues though.

Bonnie M.

It's not very "exciting," but, for some reason, I'm unable to send e-mails this evening!  Just throws my routine completely out of "whack," and, can't remember this happening before.  I'll need to contact my son tomorrow, and "whine" to him, I'm sure he can tell me, over the phone, what I should do to take care of the problem.

So, I might just as well turn this machine off for the evening!  Hope you are still getting some good rains!


Ms Bear

Our rain seems to be over, don't know how much we got but more than we have had in a long time.  We were under Tornado warning for awhile but didn't get hit here.  One at Kingwood which is just south of us and another to the east of us.  Lots of trees down and some damage to some homes but haven't heard of anyone being hurt.   Did have lightning hit pretty close to the house, the dog didn't like that.  Am amazed that we didn't lose power since we usually do when it rains like that.

Diane Amberg

I'm so glad you are finally getting some good rain in spite of the damage. Has it been enough to really do some good or has permanent damage already been done?

Ms Bear

A lot of the damage is permanent but the rain now will help a lot.  Good to see water in the cattle ponds again.  Was so grateful that we didn't get a lot of wind and no tornadoes here.  Weather is beautiful here today, cold tonight but will be back in the eighties by the weekend.


I arrived home here in Moline this afternoon having been in Oklahoma since Monday. I was delighted to find over three inches of water in my rain gauge! There were lots of storms around Loyal on Monday, and we got a good shaking with the 4.9 quake that night. Being that much closer to the epicenter made a lot of difference from the shake that all of us felt in Moline on Saturday. We did a lot of driving through the countryside next day and saw lots of standing water everywhere; some areas in that part of Oklahoma got up to seven inches of rain. There in Loyal was 2 1/2 inches of much needed water. That area is much more drought affected than this area is. I saw some beautiful territory, and the wheat got a much needed boost from this rain after an iffy start this year. We saw an abundance of deer and turkey; it looks like it will be a bountiful year for the hunters. On Wednesday we spent a couple of hours at a casino that was having a senior citizen special with ten dollars of free play. I am happy to report that after a couple of hours playing, I left with $4.50 of that ten dollars; a big win in my books!  :D Yesterday we drove to Oklahoma City for lunch at Red Lobster. I had shrimp cocktail, and butterfly shrimp with salad, baked potato, and cheesy biscuits with an adult beverage before the meal and coffee afterward. Everything was delicious and this was quite a treat for this gal who goes to Poplar Pizza 'for special'. The trip home today was uneventful even though I did see a lot of dead deer alongside the highway. There were four along 77 highway from the turnoff to Blackwell to Ark City. I also saw two along 160 from the Dexter road to Moline. A great week!

Ms Bear

Edie, sounds like you had a great time.  Good to hear that some places are getting the much needed rain.  It was beautiful here today, it was my day at the museum so I kept finding excuses to step outside for a few minutes.

Had Dr appointment and the Dr was happier with the blood pressure than she was last week.  Still not down where it should be but much better.

We are seeing a lot of deer on the roads here, they know it is deer season so they stay close to highways.

Western Montana had a quake today but is was only 3.3, felt over a large area though.  I was there for the one they had at Yellowstone in 1958 but I slept through it.  My grandmother thought my grandfather fell out of bed.

Your dinner sounded good, we ate at Red Lobster one day this week and had the stuffed mushrooms, they are so good.  Found the recipe for them but haven't made them yet.

Imagine everyone is getting ready to start cooking for Thanksgiving.  I will have a grandson and family so will cook this year.  His three little ones like to eat so it will be nice to cook for them.

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