What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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I just got back to Moline after a fun filled weekend in Oklahoma. I learned some things and saw some things and generally had a great time. Loyal Oklahoma has only had its' name since WWI, since it was originally named a german name, the citizens of that town voted to rename the town Loyal as a poke at the Kaiser. I found the Cimmarron River to be beautiful in its' own way, dozens of small channels winding through the red shale. it would be a bird watchers' paradise. I saw three different cranes as I crossed this morning. Friday and Saturday was filled with touring, I found Roman Nose park to be a big surprise, a little citified for my taste but a fun place for lots of folks and many many were using the park that day. There were horses to rent, bikes to rent, boats to rent, fishing poles to rent, tents to rent, cabins to rent, lodges to rent, miniature golf to play, and trout to catch. The lake is spring fed so is cold enough to support the trout. The place was crawling with scouts and seniors alike. Friday evening we went for a long walk, and Saturday evening we went to spot the deer as they came out to feed on the alfalfa and wheat fields. We saw about two dozen of them. We had dinner on Sunday with friends and spent the evening playing Yahtzee. Lots of fun and I managed to win two games. Not any skill, just dumb luck. A great weekend!


Diane, my son wasn't real sure what kind it was.  We were guessing rock cod.  It was black and long (about 12 inches) with a big head.  As I said, I didn't eat any other than a bite to taste.  He and his wife tend to use a lot of garlic when they cook so it was smothered in small pieces of garlic. 

I did change the title of the profile picture, but the picture itself didn't take.  I will try it again.  Unless it is somewhere else on the forum and I can't find it.  It is a picture of all three granddaughters.  It might be too big, I don't know.  Wait and see I guess.  I probably didn't do it right (obviously)!

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I sat outside on my lovely front porch in the cool air and enjoyed a beverage with my hubby!
Sometimes, that's enough...... :)

Diane Amberg

Enjoying a beautiful fall day after spending more time on fire prevention.
Al is redoing the bathroom off the bedroom and isn't happy with the paint. He says it's streaky and doesn't cover. Considering what he paid for it, it should put itself on!
He just put in a new energy efficient taller toilet, so two of our three are now water savers.
I just signed a new contract with Newark Charter. Al and I are going to be the owners reps. for the new Newark Charter Jr/ Senior High School. A really good company that we have worked with before got the construction bid so we are really pleased. We hope to open Sept. 2013. We have a big kick off meeting on Oct.27.
I was just curious, so I looked up Newark Charter's "Global Report Card." Tops in reading with 93% and third in math with 85%. Pretty good for a school that gets its kids by lottery, not by grades. The kid's parents get a lot of the credit. They really support the teachers and make the school part of their family.

Ms Bear

The teachers can't do it all.  The parents time spent with the kids makes a big difference.

Just finished my bathroom this week and really like the new taller toilet, only about an inch taller but is nicer to the knees.  I even made two sets of curtains so I can change the flowers and curtains when I need a change.  Won't tell you what color I painted part of the cabinets in the kitchen, I am afraid my kids are going to want to commit me when they see it.


Diane Amberg

Hey! Now you have to tell me or I won't be able to sleep. Starbucks brown? Dole yellow? Tropicana orange? scrapple speckled? grapefruit pink?

Ms Bear

Okay, Sunflower Yellow.  My curtains in my kitchen and dining room have a blue background with sunflowers and red and orange zinnas.  Pretty fall colors but I picked the brightest shade instead of the one with a little more brown it it.  If I get tired of it I can always paint it something else.

Don't know if I can put a picture on here or not.  Will try.  Maybe someone can tell me how.


I love yellow.  I once painted all my window and door trim in the kitchen a bright yellow.  Then I made blue curtains.  The floorcovering (linoleum) was a blue, yellow and white plaid pattern.  It was an old-fashioned kitchen, no cabinets or sink; no running water.  The windows were regular house windows that came to within 12 inches of the floor.

Many years later I had kitchen cabinets, different house.  We had bought some plywood and had cabinets built to fit the kitchen.  The lumber yard 50 miles away, mistakenly gave us a couple of sheets of birch.  Lovely lumber and the carpenter loved it.  But then I covered everything with blue paint.

Take pride in your paint job and enjoy it.  It is yours and no one else has to live with it.  If they don't like it, they don't have to stay and you ocan change it any time you want.

Ms Bear

It is only the cupboards and windows on one wall.  The cupboards are the original ones that were built when the house was built in 1942.  I didn't paint the newer cupboards that my late husband built for me.  They are stained and still look real good.  The kitchen and dining room are one room but real long so the color does brighten that end and I am getting used to it, liking it better every day.

Now if the electrictian would get back here and finish putting in the new outlets and but in the heat lamp in the bathroom.  The new electric stove should be delivered this week.  Next is organizing the back room so I can find my fabric without tearing everything up when I want to sew.

All the things I have put off when I was working I am finally getting to do.

I couldn't figure out how to put the picture on.

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