What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Ms Bear

Diane, that is so sad.  Even when you don't know the person, just knowing they were doing their job of helping to protect people when they get killed or hurt by someone that has no morals.

Ms Bear

Six, that flushing sound is almost like music.  I hope your new sewer line will work as good as my leach line has been working, had to pump the septic tank this year, that was the first time in 30 years and they had to add water to pump it.  We tend to take that for granted as much as having running water, until it doesn't work.


You betcha Ms. Bear, I do love that sound! Ker-flush! Ker-flush!  ;D ;D ;D


We're watching OU and Florida State play football on TV while listening to the sweet sound of rain outside.  Good first half for OU!!!!  Boomer Sooner!!!!!


I have had lightening tonight.  Well, not exactly right here but within a half block.  I was in my recliner and while sitting there I can see cars coming down the street through the gap at the edge of the window shade.  The lightening struck, I jumped and of course looked towards the window and through that gap I could see flames and sparks.  I reached for the telephone and called 911, it was busy, so I called the office number and didn't get an answer.  Then I decided maybe I had better get a better look.  I got into the wheels, went to the window, raised the shade and by that time there was nothing to see.  I still couldn't get an answer at the sheriff's office, so I called Janet.  After some time, shorter than it felt to me I'm sure, a big bright fire truck came down the street, then another smaller one and finally a third one.  They spent quite a bit of time looking at the old house that I thought had been struck.  I don't know what they found, but since they are gone now and there still isn't anything to fight, I will rest easier.   I am sure I will check again before I go to bed.

Incidentally, I saw more pretty lights tonight than I have seen since Christmas.  I am glad that there wasn't any fire.  It was too close to me.


Last week I mentioned about going to Newport and babysitting #3 granddaughter and what a wonderful day it turned out to be.  I was invited again yesterday to do the same.  I stopped at the American Legion Post and my son, who lives just blocks away, rode his bike down to join me.  We had a nice visit, just the two of us, and talked over many things like relatives and how they get on our nerves and how he was doing with his occupation as an independent CPA.  But, then it became time to go to his house for my babysitting chore.  I use the word chore here because this kid's attitude towards life in general was 180 degrees from last week.  She just was not a happy camper most of the day.  I made sure she was changed, offered her water and food, tickled her, played peek-a-boo, held her close....................nothing seemed to work.  So it was a stressful day compounded by the fact that her parents were an hour late returning.  However, she fell asleep around 9:30, they got home around 10, and I made the 45 minute trip home.  The excitement................bonding with my son, (we are really close, anyway) and a hug and kiss from my daughter-in-law.  That far outweighs having to care for a fussy baby. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

Well, swash me buckles and shiver me timbers, it's a beautiful day here in the east.  ;)
Al and"boat neighbor" next door got together to repair the little drainage swale between the houses that completely washed out and eroded during Irene. We still hear lots of chain saws taking care of tree damage. We were very lucky considering what some areas got. ARRGH! ;D

Ms Bear

We got rain yesterday and again this morning, 1.5 inches in all.  Now we are only about 28 inches behind.

As soon as it started raining yesterday someone noticed smoke, called the Fire Department and they found someone burning a trash pile of limbs and mattresses in the woods behind their home and told the Fire Department "well, it was raining"  They get to see the Judge in a few days, wonder what they will tell him.

Janet Harrington

To follow up on the lightning strike, here is what happened. The old house that belongs to Rick Jarvis was struck by lightning on the south side. It hit the asbesto siding, knocking the siding about 30 feet. It did not stay on fire which was good. The firemen did a thorough check and were able to leave the old house.

As for not being able to contact the sheriff's office, apparently the 911 system got hit by lightning at the same time. The sheriff's office was able to get that going before the night got too late. I don't know why the regular number wasn't answered, but I can imagine that if the 911 system got hit, the dispatcher was pretty busy trying to figure that out. She could have been on jail check, too.

Lots of excitement for a little while.


We were on the highway in front of P & J's this morning when we had to stop and wait.  Turning from hiway 99 onto Washington St. were the big trucks carrying the propellars for the wind turbines.  We watched 6 of them turn and there was a 7th one stopped just south of the creek.  They were making a wide swerve into Criger's driveway to be able to turn wide enough to clear everything.  It was tempting to follow them to see how they maneuvered the turn from Washington to Limestone.

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