What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

Hopefully your darling wife is much better today and you'll be able to go to Newport Beach and play with that delightful baby so her mom can concentrate on putting things away. Regardless,have a good one.


I have a heavenly blue morning glory blossom this morning.  Really makes my day.  There is still time for the blue mound that usually happens.

Saw Mr. Turtle again this morning.  Actually, I might have woke him up.  I was raking leaves out of a flower bed and when I went back for more, there he was, his head up, looking around and asking, "What happened?"

There are still two little hummingbirds around my feeder.  Neither has a red throat.  I am wondering if the ruby throated have left for the season.

Judy Harder

Wilma, they are migrating and you may see either or both kinds around.
Just keep watching. And feeding.
I hope my heavenly blue will go ahead and bloom. The little white flowers did last week. I almost pulled them out today, but after reading your posting, will leave them until frost or there-abouts.

I had a nice day. My sis called last night and said if all was well that Dad wanted to come south to visit me.........and so at 5 this morning, I got up and started my day almost at a run.
I felt great..........and each thing I planned on doing, got done. I made a meat loaf (after the store opened up) and also made a batch of Turtle Brownies and then proceded to clean house..........sort of. Wouldn't you know it, this month I chose not to have a new housekeeper, while my standard one took time off......I did what I thought would please me and them.
Neither one left the entry (I met them at the car) and they decided to eat at cafe.........I will be eating meat loaf all week, I did send half  the brownies home with dad.......he does have a sweet-tooth.
Had a nice visit..........and it wasn't until about 10 minutes ago that it started to rain here. They have been gone about 30 minutes, maybe an hour. Got dogs fed, my cuke and cottage cheese salad made and now will play catch up with 'puter and early bedtime........LOL tired puppy am I, but oh the visit was just what I needed. Been about 13 years since Dad had been here, last time Mom was with him. They have a 3 hour trip ahead of them......sis is only 4 years younger than me, but doesn't mind driving after dark. But, would bet she collapses when she gets dad home. LOL .......God bless them!

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!



Diane Amberg

Judy, a wonderful visit with rain for dessert, can't beat that when you are dry. Edie, glad you are getting rain too. And I can happily say that we are not! The Conowingo Dam was not topped and they are starting to close the gates again. Little Port Deposit is drowned but people are starting to be allowed to go home again. They are used to it.
The Chief asked me to take care of tomorrow's 9-11 events at our stations, so I got that organized today. We'll fly our black and red Maltese Cross Memorial flag beneath the American flag at all four stations, half mast for the day. At noon we'll ring our big original 1888 bell that hangs on the siren tower at station 9.    It will be 3-4-3 followed by 5-5-5-5.Then we'll read all 343 names including their rank and company in FDNY.

Judy Harder

What rain we got never got under the trees. It did cool things down again.
I figure one of these days it will start up and not know when to stop. we do need a bunch of rain
or the ranchers and farmers are going to have a hard winter, after a hard summer.
Hope they have planned for this.
Glad it has let up back there Diane....Let the bells ring!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Missed the rain - must have been inside.  :'(

However . . . making bread tonight - gluten-free. It's a first for me. Our Healthy Congregations committee is hosting our fellowship dinner next Sunday, so I thought I'd try some.

Bread is in the oven. Jim and I'll taste it tonight. If it's any good, I'll take it to church tomorrow and let the other committee members taste some.

Larry - got the idea from you. Thanks!  :)  Don't know of anyone around here that has trouble with gluten, but it's definitely healthy.


Mom, in the two and a half years I have been on a gluten-free diet, I, or I should say, my wife and I have not tried making our own bread.  There is a lady who is one of the organizers of the monthly meetings who bakes like a champ and we have purchased some bread from her once or twice.  I think we have a bread maker around here somewhere but haven't used it.  I make a trip to the health foods store nearby about three times a month and buy gluten-free bread, muffins, donuts and other things like crackers, etc.  Brand names are Udi's and Rudy's.  I am pretty sure those of you in Elk County would have to go to Wichita or Independence or even Winfield to buy these.  When we went on a trip to Oceanside last February, I forgot to pack my bread, but there was a great store there with all kinds of gluten-free foods.  One of the problems with a gluten-free foods is that they are generally more expensive than the same item in a grocery store.  Let me know how the bread turns out.  I know that at first you will not like it a whole lot because it will be "heavier" and most people turn their nose up at something new like that.  I always toast my bread for breakfast or sandwiches.  I prefer that over just plain bread.  Toasting makes it lighter and easier to chew.  So if you don't like the bread, try toasting it.  Cutting up cubes and baking them with whatever spices you want to put on them or frying them in oil makes great crutons. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I never was able to make it to Newport yesterday, but I am going today.  First of all, the American Legion Post is having a remembrance ceremony briefly at noon and then it is on down the street to my son's house.  I have been asked to babysit my granddaughter #3 from 4 til 9.  I am only too happy to do so.  I don't know if my wife will be up to going, but I can handle it without her, I'm pretty sure. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Larry -

I bought the gluten-free rice flour at Dillon's in Andover. They have a couple of aisles of gluten-free products.

The bread was delicious! Took it to church this morning, left it on the counter to serve after church to the Healthy Congregations committee. One of the Sunday School classes saw the bread, sliced it and served it to everyone, so by the time I got back to church, our entire Sunday School department had tasted the bread. They all loved it! Then I explained what it was and they were surprised. One comment, "I didn't know healthy food could be that good."  :D Since that's the point of the Healthy Congregations committee dinner next week, I think we scored a home run. Thanks, again - inspired by you!

You're right, the bread is dense and would probably make good toast. It still a little of the fresh-baked smell this morning, so that didn't make any difference today.

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