What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Judy Harder

You are so blessed, Larry. I am so glad you are able to share your feelings. not all guys and or gals do.
I don't let me being without family in this part of the world get to me often.But, Closest are at Topeka and as you say  they all are busy and
mainly keep up on facebook and or word-of-mouth. Sis lets me know how dad is doing, and has started standing in for mom about once a month to check up on me...and all of them would jump if I really needed them. They all kept me supported through the death of my son and my cancer/therapy/stay at Hope Lodge in KC and that was a terrible time, believe me...........learning how to handle the fibro and the arthritis, helped me learn how to let go and to lean on Jesus........and that is my company. When I am blue or get a dose of the devil stomping on my mood or causing me to fret, at a point I will have enough and sic Jesus on him and then  peace comes over me and that will be it......until I get to feeling lonely again......oh, dear.....I am happy and content and looking forward to the next page of my book (life) forgive a rambling woman. Got a little sad this morning.....no reason, but need to do something else. like get involved in the tournament this weekend....Keep me in prayer that my legs, eyes and body manage to do what is my true love.......and that the weather cools down a lot.
I do get a great feeling on the forum, when the bickering stops and the love flows..........You are a blessing as well as the rest.
God keep you.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Roma Jean Turner

Back home again.  The dogs came through their first time staying in a kennel in good shape.  Bless Dr. Julie and her staff for taking such good care of them for me.


My excitement for today.  Daughter called me to look at something at the bird bath this morning.  There, in the plant saucer that I keep at the base of the bath, was my resident turtle, getting his drink.  He just fit in the saucer.  Looked like he was enjoying it, too.


Such a wonderful day.  An inch of rain last night and below 70 temperatures this morning.  Was able to spend a couple of hours in the garage straightening up the mess that my children and others have made out there this summer.  Then I spent some time cutting sunflowers.  I am not sure that the sunflowers were ready to cut, but they were hanging over the sidewalk and anyone that wanted to use the sidewalk had to duck them or walk on the grass.  These are the big plate size heads and the seed are still so tightly packed that they have to be dug out.  Then this afternoon I was able to be out on the back porch and I cleaned it up, re-arranged most things.  Lots of room out there now.  Saw Mr. Turtle again.  He always stops to exchange a few looks before going on his way.  Looked as if he were headed for the under side of the porch this time.

When is it time to harvest sunflowers?

Ms Bear

Had to look it up to find out.

Harvest sunflower seeds after the flower begins to die back, and most if not all, of the petals have fallen off. Pull out a seed and open it to see if it is full. Cut off the head, leaving a few inches of stalk. Hang the stalks to dry in a well ventilated area. Do not stack them in a box, as mold can develop during the drying process. As soon as the flowers have dried, extract the seeds by rubbing two flower heads together. They should come off of the flowerhead fairly easily.

Hope you get lots of seeds but if not a lot of people got to enjoy seeing the flowers.


Here in SoCal, we do not see rain from June until late October or November.  However, during the monsoon season east of us, it has rained on rare occasions.  This morning I awoke to the sounds of thunder in the far distance to the east and heard the rain that good 'ol Warph was kind enough to share with us.  It ain't much, just enough to make the cars all spotty after just having them washed.  It comes in big drops, you know, the cow and a flat rock.  The rain gauge would only have rain in it if one of those big drops were to accidentally land in it.  Both R.A.M.B.O. and Sir Charles have declined my invitation to go outside when the drops are falling, preferring to wait until there is a break.

Happy Labor Day.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


When my oldest granddaughter started first grade last Monday, I was not involved as my daughter had taken a vacation and took her to school.  Last year in Kindergarten, when I took her to school, we would walk up to the classroom and wait for the bell and then I would leave.  This year, she is dropped off by her classroom and she goes to the playground until the bell rings, no waiting involved.

Today, her little sister, now 3-years-old, will begin attending the Baptist pre-school that her older sister had attended.  My son-in-law has taken the day off in order to take her to school for her first day.  I think I will go over just to watch and support and take pictures, etc. She will only attend on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  She can be extremely shy and doesn't talk much so this should be interesting.  After today, we, and the other grandmother, will split the week in taking the girls to school.  Better than last year when I had to go to their house and get the oldest one ready for school.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Jo McDonald

All grandchildren needs loving G'Pas and G'Mas Larry.  You fit that description !!!  The wee ones are blessed to have you so involved in their lives.

Diane Amberg

CPR class this morning for some preschool teachers, viewing this evening and it's still raining heavily.
   Saw an old guy with a long beard in the parking lot holding up a sign advertizing "Rent-An- Ark."
   Have another three inches in the rain gauge with no let up in sight, and it's down right chilly outside. The streams are filling up fast again.Thank goodness no wind, but the ground it so saturated trees are falling anyway.


I just noticed today that the Japanese maple looks like it has been fried, I was afraid it was dead, but did find some new leaf growth so it should be okay. Went to Sedan this morning to pick up a prescription, stopped at D.G. to pick up a few things. Went for lunch at The Green Door, sat with a sweet lady and we had a pleasant conversation during lunch. Then to Floyds to pick up a few groceries. Got home and then took the van to Merle for an oil change, back home and did some ironing. Back to Merles' to pick up the van. Home again, fixed the kids their supper, then I fixed mine. Leftover shrimp and lambchop from yesterday along with sweet red bell pepper, and Armenian cucumber coutesy of Delbert Lampson who was selling veggies uptown. Good cuke! Gonna go get some more maybe. Think I might fire up the iron again for awhile, my back just will stand for so long then I have to stop. Getting a little older I am!  :o :o

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