What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

Judy Harder

Wilma, that is what I call a "good day!" I sit in my window playing on computer mainly to watch the hummers and other birds and bees and critters........yeah, the two legged, also.......but I love the Natural world and must see what God has to show me this morning.
I notice the butterflys are visiting more this week..........winding down the summer.
My flowers/produce have just about been burned out and there is only a couple I will plan on keeping over the winter.
I like to harvest the baby's from the parent plants and then replant them next year. Other than some coleus not a thing do I want to brag about.....LOL
my morning glory vines and hummingbird vine are still putting on the early white flowers, I have yet to see the blues and reds.
There will be next year.
If God so wills it.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Diane, I think we call it a box turtle.  It was the common yard type.  I have one in residence here.  See him a couple of time a week.

Judy, my heavenly blue morning glories are not blooming either.  I seem to remember that they are late bloomers, but isn't this kind of later than usual?  The coleus is about the only thing I have left that still shows life.  Geraniums, the usual hardiest of hardy are kind of scraggly this year.

Judy Harder

Wilma, I can usually count on my geraniums to give me a show and keep on for another year or two.
My entire flower bed, petered out when it got so hot.....I am on the north side, so don't get direct sun..one reason I have trouble with tomato's and peppers, etc. not enough sunlight, and I refuse to give up my shade so got to suffer.....LOl
the morning glories are a late bloomers and I am thinking if the small white flowers are producing that we still may see the true flower.
Now, my leaves on the plants are turning brown and looking like they got bit by frost...............same for my cukes. I grew them across the sidewalk on another renters growing side, he didn't want to garden and I tried it. they did a great job until this week. I am still getting blooms and figure a few more will put on.but grasshoppers are starting to eat them and maybe a small bug.....haven't seen it yet.

Oh for a package of seed, I was pleasantly surprised with how much I did get........enough to have at least 1 a day for a few weeks now. Oh, I am picking them when they are dill pickle size....don't want pithy ones or bitter ones..........Think I will fix one for lunch with cottage cheese and a small tomato a friend gave me. Last of the tom's but they really taste good. I have been keeping Irene and I in cukes....needed to share, since I am not able to can anymore........Almost tempted to try but my arthritic arms could not handle the weight and since I tend to drop things...I could feel the scald without even trying..Oh, well, It is so much fun aging!........beats the alternative......LOL
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Judy Harder on August 31, 2011, 09:11:06 AM
Wilma, that is what I call a "good day!" I sit in my window playing on computer mainly to watch the hummers and other birds and bees and critters........yeah, the two legged, also.......but I love the Natural world and must see what God has to show me this morning.

Just one question, Judy. Do you sit "in" the window or "by" the window? Just wondering. ROFLMBO  :D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Judy Harder

Janet, if I sit just right, my shoulder can touch the sill of the window.
What makes my reputation as the neighborhood watch! is that my yorkie Sassie, sits on a pillow I use for a back rest and if something is going on outside or a neighbor gets company or someone walks down the sidewalk, she gets into the window and looks and if she knows them OR NOT, she will woof at them............LOL, I won't let her yipp yapp like the small dogs do.........least not if I can help it......and she knows that I will whomp her if she does.............so she makes a tiny woof sound.......and if I happen to speak to the person outside, she just has to put her two cents into it.
So, with her brown head watching every thing move......I have been thought of as sitting in the window...........yep, nosy neighbor that is me.............and a legitimate(sp) neighborhood watcher..I do know how to dial 911 if there are problems out there.
I guess I could be called a snoop! Not near the drama that use to be around here.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Honest Ron says that she sits in the window so when the precious metal tone sounds on his detector she can "sprint" to his location to unearth worldly treasurers.  He says she is the fastast woman in SE Kansas!!
CAUTION: if instrument is shaken sufficiently to cause arm to swing violently, damage may occur!

Ms Bear

Well, we know her hearing is still good.

Judy Harder

I retired my boots last spring............do I really need to get them back out? It is getting very DEEP around here...........and we haven't had rain to cause mud.....sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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