What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Ms Bear

Judy, I really like my Kodak Easy Share, especially the EASY part.  It really is easy to learn to use and is so much cheaper in the long run.  Like being able to take pictures "just because".

Diane, did you get your new microwave?  Glad you didn't get hurt or any damage to anything when your old one gave up.

Roma Jean Turner

Loved my Easy Share as well.  Want a new model but takes great pics.


Y'all don't believe anything Judy Harder says about being crippled up and all. I went on a very short detecting trip this morning and Judy put the sneak on me and scared the crap out of me when she asked if I was finding anything---but by then my ears were full of sweat and that's the only reason she snuck up on me !! I told her I just got a signal reading $20 Gold piece. That "crippled up" woman, with the grace and agility of a cougar, leaped from the edge of the road, across the bar ditch and to the edge of the sidewalk where I was going to dig. 
She commenced digging like a badger after a mouse. After I got all the dirt out of my eyes Judy was back on the road merrily on her way to the church, looking at something shiny in her hand. She did mumble some scripture about how the Lord helps those who help themselves. I'm think'n she helped herself to "MY" $20 gold coin and all I was left with was a stupid ol zinc penny. I aint lying !! This happened !!!
Honest Ron

Judy Harder

My, My, My, Ronnie......You know the Devil is going to get you!......and now if I hear or read anything you say......my gullibility has just been mended...........I did enjoy watching you work. and sweat.............Oh, do  I get a percentage on what you found while I was there. Last count, think it is 3cents............LOL just about what this posting is worth.
Thanks for the giggle. I almost asked could I help, and keep you from leaning over your belt? then I decided that no you needed the exercise......LOL You are so bad!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Wow Honest Ron, if prospecting is that good over your way I might have to invest in a detector and hire Judy as my "silent" partner!!
CAUTION: if instrument is shaken sufficiently to cause arm to swing violently, damage may occur!


***I'll pay just to watch "honest Ronnie"  try to lean over is belt.. ***   ;D ;D ;D ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Ms. B. I did indeed get my new Microwave oven. It's a Kenmore that CU liked and I did too. Mid sized in black.This one has a curved back inside that will be easier to clean, no corners. Has just enough automatic buttons to be convenient, but not so many as to be more expensive or wasteful. The old one really did put on a show as it died. I'm glad I was right there and not in the basement or out back. Hopefully it would have just burned the wires through and stopped, but who knows.

Judy Harder

I might have to invest in a detector and hire Judy as my "silent" partner!!

You expect ME!!! to be silent..............LOL not after I get to know you, and Kelly, and Ron, I have had your numbers since I met you both oh, about oh 30 years for Ron and doobie for about maybe 25......that is a guess, forgot when we played softball.......either 87 or 88.

Thanks anyway doobie.....but unless you are panning for gold, if I lean over for anything, I need a hoist to pick me back up. Ronnie just observed me when the morning was newish.........LOL
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


You two funny bones talking about me leaning over my belt---when was the last time you saw me wear a belt ?? Aw ha !! suspenders my friends --suspenders. When you are built like Big John and me--you know "broad at the shoulders--narrow at the hips" it's hard to keep your britches up with a belt
And yes Judith, I told you I had found 3 cents. The way you tore into digging like a Tasmanian Devil do you really think I would have told you that I had dug and in my pocket, $867.43 in change ? And take the chance you would "roll me" and take all my money ? I think not !


"Broad at the shoulders-narrow at the hips?"  My husband wore suspenders and it wasn't at the shoulders where he was broad.

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