What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Judy Harder

I am really enjoying the temp drop today. The east wind has me opening my apartment and letting it blow through.
NO A/C today. Not a lick.

I have washed and hung 2 loads of laundry and was able to take them down a bit ago. high wind, better dryer than the coin operated one. Also when was was up and I still had energy........dogs and I walked our 30 minutes and it was so nice too. The drop was almost 20 degrees and I won't be griping about it today.

Oh wash is put away and I do have a pile to iron, but that will wait until I want to stand on my gimpy legs again. Not today.
Have a great day people. Oh, I can actually draw an easier breath today too. did not get rain, but dust isn't as heavy.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


It rained in Howard tonight!!! YIPEE!!! :laugh: The lawn is gettin' crunchy....

Judy Harder

Lisa, it doesn't take much for us to sing.............LOL I just looked and my rain gauge had almost an inch. about 3/4 but not at inch.
Yipee!!! It can do it again, too. I don't care if it causes grass to grow. gives someone something to do. or gripe about. LOL
Not sure which direction I am going today.
Want to go to Tuesday Treasure and one day (maybe today) I want to go to Independence............and since Tuesday Treasure is only open today..........bet that is where I am going.
It opens at 10 and Indy will be there tomorrow.........LOL need a dose of shopping........and it is close.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

I have one more group from The Safety Town Day Camp coming down to the firehouse this afternoon. They come by school bus and have school bus safety as part of it. My girl friend Irene is bringing her search dog Pulaski, to show the kids, as well as help with the tour. We teach fire safety as well as show what firefighters and EMTs do and how we stay safe. It's a real hoot seeing four year olds wearing gear and air packs and dragging around a hose.  Summer is going by so fast!


I had the day pretty much planned when I went to bed last night............trip to the lab for a blood test. trip to Vitamin City for my bread that they were out of on Sunday, trip to the dentist for a filling ::), trip to the outlet stores to get some more clothes for the almost 3-year-old granddaughter who will be starting pre-school in a few weeks, etc. 

Then, my daughter called early this morning and said that granddaughter #1 was sick and did not want to hang out with her other grandmother at the bowling alley this morning and "could she come over there?"

So, not being able to go to the lab............I had to fast for this test............I am having my coffee and watching my little angel sleeping on the couch.  They always look so peaceful and innocent when they are asleep.  I am not sure if the trip to the outlet stores will happen.  But then, I am not required to go.  My wife and her cousin can handle that one.  I might be able to squeeze in a quick trip for my bread, but I can do that another day.  I do have to do the dentist thing, though.

Sounds pretty exciting.....................NOT.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Ms Bear

Diane, four years old is such a precious age for both boys and girls.  I am sure their tour is going to be the highlight of their summer.  Sounds like you will have a lot of fun with them.

Diane Amberg

I / we do!  We try so hard to get the kids to be comfortable with us so if something bad happens we aren't all too scary to them and they won't hide.  Yes, they get Aetna fire hats and things. (Lollipops indeed!)
Tomorrow is emergency vehicle day at the camp. Several different police agency cars will be there, and their motorcycles too.  A State Police helicopter puts down, one of our 5 ambulances will go, which they won't see this afternoon, and perhaps our Zodiac boat as well as others and forestry vehicles and the police horses and dogs.   The kids will have some more time "out on the town,"  which is a little town laid out with painted streets and side walks, crosswalks, working traffic signals, railroad track, etc, and little local buildings four year old size.They have little pedal cars and vehicles and practice being drivers and pedestrians. A crossing guard and police officer work with them every day for two weeks.  The whole 2weeks is very educational and a lot of fun for all.

Judy Harder

That sounds like fun! Diane. for you as well as them..
Hope all goes well. seeing all that rescue equipment at the same time, must be a little awesome to all...............even adults would love playing with the town, too. LOL Enjoy and tell us some good story's after the kids go home! Got to be some funny HA HA's and some, OOPS?
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


My predictions for yesterday were right on.  I didn't get to go to the lab, I didn't get to go to get my bread, I did go to the dentist, but I didn't have to do the outlet store trip as my wife and her cousin took care of that.  Gd# 1 and I watched some TV and then both fell asleep for a late afternoon nap.  Around 5 PM, I took her temp and she was back to normal.  Praise the Lord.

To sum up the day:  didn'ts=3, dids=1, or maybe 2 because I got to spend some quality time with my "baby."

I don't know what is on the agenda today.  Both #1 and #2 are here for the day.  #1 had spent the night with us.  Life is good.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Finally cooled down enough to take "Sniffer" out for a short detecting hunt. Funny thing happened the last couple months when it has been too hot and dry to go. My stubby legs have grown at least three inches longer. I aint lying. Before, I could reach down and pick stuff off the ground but now after two months of inactivity I lack a good three inches being able to reach ground level. If I could just talk Frank W. into going with me I'm sure it would be good therapy for his back, plus Myrna would probably pay to get him out from under foot. The only thing I found of interest was a 1920 Longton city dog tag---my oldest to date. Did take a g-daughter and found over $3.00 in change but it was kinda cheating. Went to where last weekend at the fair they had thrown change out in a pile of hay for the kiddies to find. That's why I took Morgan, didn't want to look like a Scrooge.

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